VEG:18 20 24 hour? someone convince me!


New Member
i didnt say iw as right eddie.. i was just proposing a thoery.. never once did i say it was the right way... you really need to go back and read the posts... i propose my theory to others so they can take it and do what they would like with it... there is no right answer, despite what you think


Well-Known Member
i didnt say iw as right eddie.. i was just proposing a thoery.. never once did i say it was the right way... you really need to go back and read the posts... i propose my theory to others so they can take it and do what they would like with it... there is no right answer, despite what you think
would giving the plants enough dark time (not exacly 12/12) but less then 18/6 make the plants yeild more once there ready to harvest?


New Member
no it didn't make sense, what has believing in genetics got to do with anything,

as for the first part about 18/6 and this is what the plants are wanting,

18/6 or whatever count is a human measurement, time is our measurement, not the plants, they don't have a linear life they have live by a cycle, they don't know what they want because they don't have a brain, they just adapt and make do with whatever the situation allows for.

The other thing is that most sativa strains come from regions closer to the tropics, where the light cycle is 12 hours of light every day all year, these plants never get 18/6 and get 12/12 from seed, so does this mean they only want 12/12 from seed because if so then anyone who grows a tropical sativa is growing it wrong according to you
maybe this is why people have so much trouble with sativa.. have you ever tried growing a sativa the way nature intended it? i doubt it,,, we use the long light to short light to FORCEFULLY put a plant into flowering... remember something eddie.. people have only been growing pot indoors for 30 years and there is still a lot to learn and a lot of new techniques to be tested.. so dont be so sure of yourself and try to be a little more open minded


New Member
i post what i post form experience and knowledge, i don't just put up a proposal or a thought and let people deal with it,

too many newbs come on a site like this they read advice like given by others here, that have advised with no fact, then what happens is that these newbies will treat it as fact and then slowly and surely this piece of information that has no basis of truth becomes like a fact and is passed around as such, and before we know it we got all sorts of people saying its a good idea to put a hole through your stem to stress it into producing more trichomes or to add birth control pills to increase yield or that 16/8 is the best light period or whatever.

The facts are however, that 18/6 and 24/0 can both be used for a vegative period,

18/6 if you want slower growth and 24/0 if you want rapid growth


New Member
maybe this is why people have so much trouble with sativa.. have you ever tried growing a sativa the way nature intended it? i doubt it,,, we use the long light to short light to FORCEFULLY put a plant into flowering... remember something eddie.. people have only been growing pot indoors for 30 years and there is still a lot to learn and a lot of new techniques to be tested.. so dont be so sure of yourself and try to be a little more open minded
i can be sure of myself, and i am, and i will continue to be, and no jumped up little penile implant like yourself is going to change that


New Member
i'm here to learn... because no matter how smart i get i will never know everything.. noone will,, and that includes you.
you see humans have this thing.. its called reasoning... if you have half a brain you dont ever take anyone serious until you have scientific or trial proof that what they are saying is right.. you can sit there and say that you are right all you want but that doesnt make me want to believe you anymore... everyone should take other people opinions and knowledge and use it to make an assessment of what they believe to be right and true... show me your PHD in horticulture or biology and than maybe i will take what you say to be fact


New Member
and because its a public forum and you have no more right to be here than i do

you can try your hardest to run me off, but its not gonna happen, i've run with much bigger people than you son


Active Member
Hey guys? Why are you arguing so? Its kinda funny how an innocent post can bring out the worst in people. Example: I made a simple post on CFL prices, I found 42 Watt 2700K CFLs for 5.99 and some guy goes on a rant about heat, hoods etc etc.. I couldn't figure out why. Maybe too much coffee maybe not enough booty. Whatever the reason we are all here to share knowledge and have a good time, so lets try to calm down, breathe and turn that frown upside down.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys? Why are you arguing so? Its kinda funny how an innocent post can bring out the worst in people. Example: I made a simple post on CFL prices, I found 42 Watt 2700K CFLs for 5.99 and some guy goes on a rant about heat, hoods etc etc.. I couldn't figure out why. Maybe too much coffee maybe not enough booty. Whatever the reason we are all here to share knowledge and have a good time, so lets try to calm down, breathe and turn that frown upside down.
wome times the stronger bulbs doesn't meen they will have a higher Lumes per watt out put


2,700 lumes / 42 watts = 64.28 lumes per watt
900 lumes / 13 watts = 69.23 lumes per watt


New Member
i'm here to learn... because no matter how smart i get i will never know everything.. noone will,, and that includes you.
you see humans have this thing.. its called reasoning... if you have half a brain you dont ever take anyone serious until you have scientific or trial proof that what they are saying is right.. you can sit there and say that you are right all you want but that doesnt make me want to believe you anymore... everyone should take other people opinions and knowledge and use it to make an assessment of what they believe to be right and true... show me your PHD in horticulture or biology and than maybe i will take what you say to be fact
see the point your missing here is, i couldn't give a flying fuck if you believe me or not, your completely irrelevant to me, as relevant as a spec of shit on my shoe after a walk in the forest.


New Member
i'm calm, completely, i'm sitting back in my chair swinging round occasionally, i got one of them leather office chairs, you can rock back n forth and swing round.

i'm just trading a bit of friendly banter with an illiterate


New Member
no, nothing of the sort, because what your saying has absolutely no effect on you,

i'm done with you now though, i've had enough fun laughing at your inability with the english language, in fact all of us here have,

good evening to you.

oh heres a link for you, you really should follow it, and maybe take one of the courses there,

its an online english course, i think you could really benefit from it

Language learning online | Rosetta Stone


New Member
haha ouch,, im too lazy to use proper grammar and punctuation on a weed forum... sorry eddie,, i didnt realize it was going to be on the test

as if you had to revert to my "poor grammar".. like thats the topic at hand or something :S
i know you were running out of things to say but seriously.. grammar? holy fuck dude you are on the wrrroonng forum