Vegan Organic Green Crack = Vegan Crack


Well-Known Member
And everything looks great man, I'm confused though, I remember reading that ppm in organics is pointless because the meters don't measure organic matter.
I read an article written by a GH rep on the GH website that ppm does not matter with there line of organic nutes and that you should also never have to ph your water while using there line. I use the whole line and never bother to measure either and my plants are looking really nice. you can check them out thru the link in my sig, both journals are current..


Active Member
im using the General Organics line and running into no problems using heavy nutes and not phing the solution i just set it out for a day+. one thing i might reccomend though is using soil and not soilless and if you do use soilless possibly dropping the ph to 6.5 before doing your adds. I did a side by side with sunshine 8 and of and the of is by far better possibly from lack of nutes in the soil or possibly from ph, all i know is soil is the way to grow for me using this line.

At matt, can you explain the bending method, is tht just bending the fan leaves out of the way to get more light to the branches and inner buds? also how many nodes should i trim off the bottom i did 2 but think i should possibly do more and whats a good number of branches to have before inducing flowering??

Matt Rize

im using the General Organics line and running into no problems using heavy nutes and not phing the solution i just set it out for a day+. one thing i might reccomend though is using soil and not soilless and if you do use soilless possibly dropping the ph to 6.5 before doing your adds. I did a side by side with sunshine 8 and of and the of is by far better possibly from lack of nutes in the soil or possibly from ph, all i know is soil is the way to grow for me using this line.

At matt, can you explain the bending method, is tht just bending the fan leaves out of the way to get more light to the branches and inner buds? also how many nodes should i trim off the bottom i did 2 but think i should possibly do more and whats a good number of branches to have before inducing flowering??
I'm bending any of the tops that try to stretch out so that the canopy is even.

I remove all nodes (not the fan leaves, just the node) except the top three to five per branch. That way I only get one or two buds per branch and they are all dense and mature.


Well-Known Member
What is the slight curling up on the edges of the leaf caused from? I have a plant doing that and thought it might be reaching the peak of the nutrient dosage so I backed off the last couple waterings and still have some leaves doing it.

Matt Rize

What is the slight curling up on the edges of the leaf caused from? I have a plant doing that and thought it might be reaching the peak of the nutrient dosage so I backed off the last couple waterings and still have some leaves doing it.
heat. too much of it.

Matt Rize

funny story, I just taught a class at organicann. To begin the class, and break the ice, I made fresh cannabis juice for everyone from this crop. I used the lower nodes that I culled about two and a half weeks into flower. Everyone wanted to try it, and almost everyone liked it :)


Active Member
Matt, First I just want to thank you for all the great info you've been putting out there. I've been following you and Kushman for awhile now, you guys rock! Just wondering if it is ok to bend while in flower and if so for how long into flower would it be ok?

Matt Rize

Matt, First I just want to thank you for all the great info you've been putting out there. I've been following you and Kushman for awhile now, you guys rock! Just wondering if it is ok to bend while in flower and if so for how long into flower would it be ok?
Hey, sincere thank you. I never joined a board (other than OG) until a half year ago. It just kinda snowballed. I've dedicated the past 14 years of my life to this study. That includes a crazy amount of sacrifice, mostly with keeping girlfriends, lol, d'oh. But also they suspended me from college. Ridiculous considering that it was an organic farm school for hippies, and I was open about my studies before enrolling. I'm not the best anything, but I have a crap ton of experience and I know how to find good answers. :)

yes, bending is okay into flower. I always bend after the "stretch" that occurs between 12/12 initiation and two weeks into flower. with that said, I bend slowly by hand and you have to be careful with stress after flower initiation. Some varieties don't like to bend, the stiffer shorter afgani types, like this green crack. I was very careful. I'll only rebend the bends that didn't take at this point. I have pics to put up!

I have officially cut my ties with kushman :) altho we are still working on a book. My "falling out" (their term not mine, we are friends) with him is going to be on discovery channel. i'll let you all know when that happens... so embarrassing because I went OFF on dude. for real, Discovery Channel filmed in my kitchen and I freaked out on camera. The cameraman was all "what is this even about?" lol stoner rage. America meet Matt Rize, he's crazy lol and love to smoke hash. :)

"yeah, crazy like a fox" homer simpson

Matt Rize

Can you believe I'm only three weeks into flower?

Next up: :) Plushberry, Vortex, Chernobyl, Deep Purple, and Qleaner from TGA Subcool. Get BIG FAST!!!


Active Member
Matt, Thanks for your response to my question. Sorry to hear about your "Falling Out" with Kushman. Sounds pretty entertaining though. I'm super stoked about your TGA grow as I've just popped some Vortex seeds myself.


Well-Known Member
On Discovery Channel????? what the hell were they filming for???? Just doing an organic show or something??

Matt Rize

On Discovery Channel????? what the hell were they filming for???? Just doing an organic show or something??
Oh some reality TV medical marijuana show or something. I'm not really sure. They where all over the bay, and spent some time up at Kushman's. You know, so I went up for a night, brought a huge chunk of hash, and we smoked a grip of it for the camera, lol, no joke. :) Then he brought the camera into my house, I started blazing chalice hard, and my tiger blood started to boil up. I effing hate the camera... I don't know what I was thinking other than "the forum guys will get such a kick out of this".