vegging with 1000w hps


this topic has been discussed numerous times and read alot of other threads about it, i was just starting a discussion


i know that the conscience of most ppl say to use a MH but why not use a HPS? it seems to work or so ppl lay claim
its what i am currently using


Well-Known Member
The MH has a more ideal spectrum for vegging thick plants with short internodes. I know a few growers who grow with 1000watt HPS but they dim it to about 700 watt.


Well-Known Member
I used to use hps the whole way through but I would find at the end of harvest number 2 my bulbs output was greatly deminished.

I now use MH for veg but I used to use my 400w hps for popping seeds and vegging. My 400w was kept around 3ft above the pots to germ seeds.

A 1k if using to germ or on young seedlings I would say at least 5ft above the pots.

People go on and on about internode length with hps but I never used to have any issues as long as light height and temps were in check.



Well-Known Member
I used to use hps the whole way through but I would find at the end of harvest number 2 my bulbs output was greatly diminished.
Good point, using an MH (or T5 fixture) pays for itself that way.

People go on and on about internode length with hps but I never used to have any issues as long as light height and temps were in check.
Perhaps that is merely something from the past when HPS (streetlight) bulbs spectrum was of less quality than nowadays. It differs per HPS bulb too, I use the 400w philips son t 'agro' for vegging for example:

"Agro lamps are suitable for flowering as a standard HPS lamp, but are better for growth. These lamps have 30% more blue light in the spectrum and are developed by Philips especially for horticulture."


i know that the conscience of most ppl say to use a MH but why not use a HPS? it seems to work or so ppl lay claim
its what i am currently using
HPS Does work for veg, most types of light will. The reason they use MH it is in a different spectrum of light, it is in the blue spectrum. You will notice late summer/fall the sun puts out more of a red spectrum of light. Which is why HPS is most commonly used for flowering. It is to simulate what nature does. sun puts off more blue spectrum spring early summer, red spec in the fall.You will veg a more vibrant plant with nodes closer togather than you would using the same wattage of MH verses the same watt hps at the same distance. Use HPS is just fine for veg, but its more in the red spectrum. They do sell converter bulbs, you can get a MH bulb to go into your HPS ballast. Make sure to check which brand ballast you are using and google the appropriate mh conversion bulb. Why spend the money on the watts and not use the very best bulb?


all very good points i am running a test this time with hps the whole way to see what difference it will make over running t5's the whole way (last grow) which turned out really good as well


Well-Known Member
depends how you grow, if you do scrogs or lst it doesnt matter, if you grow more naturally or just top a couple times and then let them grow a bit before flip you will notice a difference, the HPS veg plants will need to be staked sooner in flower and have longer buds that arent as fat, MH veg will have shorter fatter buds in flower, If you have a strain that is prone to mould then the HPS would be better for veg because of the longer thinner buds. If you train a lot then id veg with HPS, if not then MH. Thats my experience


Well-Known Member
Good point, using an MH (or T5 fixture) pays for itself that way.

Perhaps that is merely something from the past when HPS (streetlight) bulbs spectrum was of less quality than nowadays. It differs per HPS bulb too, I use the 400w philips son t 'agro' for vegging for example:

"Agro lamps are suitable for flowering as a standard HPS lamp, but are better for growth. These lamps have 30% more blue light in the spectrum and are developed by Philips especially for horticulture."
dude we need you in on this thread