If anyone does not understand prose, here is my life in the details and emotions in the song and the translation, of course ..
The brain works correctly
I want to flog these people with birches that rule the world
This is not a problem for them, if poverty is in poor neighborhoods !!
But, as long as I do not drive into a corner -
Hide your teeth, disappear !. My doctor screamed to me that I'm sick and my place is clinically.
What I realized suddenly seemed to everyone GROSS
As a result, I'm in a fucking rabbit hole,
Scrunchy beds are always here,
The rest drink vodka !!
Mmm ... But we all believe in miracles
My will - I would create them myself and give them away for free
No, it's not possible! On scales the goods (narcotic), beside a pack of banonite
Do you know what I mean !!
Shame and disgrace, noise and din
The author is a gangster!
He shot friends and quietly became great!
As long as there are forces to this great, you need to SAVE !!
it was not necessary to give an occasion !!
The psyche is not in order (in the Author), in the city,
n which it is more safe to remain silent.