Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
I got poured on yesterday, 15 minutes later it was sunny, but humid as anything. I don't like all this. There's thunder in the distance and my phone keeps going off for emergency alerts.

I'm glad you have those fences around your plants.


Well-Known Member
Hey fam got a question kenns gdp smells in veg is this normal can't wait to flower.note to self u get what u pay on the list cail pre98 bubba


Well-Known Member
Yeah some strains really smell in veg. I bet it will be stinky as hell by the time she's done. Glad it's working for you.


Well-Known Member
Going good. Me and the wife just spent a really nice 20 minutes or so in the back building just chilling together while grandma in law watched hannah. It was nice. We had a hard time finding anything to talk about besides the baby lol, but it was cool. And I actually feel rested. I slept a lot last night and got a 3 hour nap this afternoon. Wife starts work on Tuesday so I'm glad I feel rested cuz it's about to be a much heavier load soon. I'm looking forward to when she sleeps longer stints.

My parents are coming up tomorrow for the weekend. It will be a grandparent storm haha. Me and the wife feel like we are going to get a lot of time off. "Alright, we'll see you all later, enjoy the grandbaby, here are the diapers and milk. We are OUT!!!" Should be nice to see them with her, not in the hospital.

Nothing much else to report as my life is all baby all the time these days. I wish I had anything else to say. Oh, I like my windows phone. haha... that's about it.

How's your night my friend?


Well-Known Member
Glad you and the wife had some nice together time.

I can dig that tune man. My wife has got me listening to a group called fitz and the tantrums pretty cool.

My night has been good man. I spent most of it building that post on my thread. I needed to go work in my room, but I guess thats gonna be tomorrow. I decided to try the GH solubles today when I was at the shop, the maxi grow and bloom. I liked the numbers on the bags, and the price was right. I've read good stuff about them so we'll see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
I really liked that post of yours. I got a ton of trim I know what to do with now. I'm quite excited actually... now finding time to do it is another thing entirely. :)


Well-Known Member
I got poured on yesterday, 15 minutes later it was sunny, but humid as anything. I don't like all this. There's thunder in the distance and my phone keeps going off for emergency alerts.

I'm glad you have those fences around your plants.
Not a drop of rain here but humidity is off the charts. It was windy here but the cage supported and done its job. Have a good weekend Jig, hopefully this weather clears up and gets cool!


Well-Known Member
I really love the killers. They remind me of an old friend. :( Takes me right back.

Baby update, we have turned a corner. NOt sure what exactly we figured out, but things were really great yesterday/ last night. Little baby is super happy, and so are we.

And breast milk tastes a lot like rice milk to me. It's sweet. (that's what hannah told me ;) )


Well-Known Member
I really love the killers. They remind me of an old friend. :( Takes me right back.

Baby update, we have turned a corner. NOt sure what exactly we figured out, but things were really great yesterday/ last night. Little baby is super happy, and so are we.

And breast milk tastes a lot like rice milk to me. It's sweet. (that's what hannah told me ;) )
I have bad allergies and the doctor told me that is because my mom didnt breast feed me when I was a baby.


Well-Known Member
I've "heard" the same thing about breast milk. Glad it was a good corner that got turned, and you've got a nice happy baby today :). Its funny when they are going through stages you can really tell sometimes from the behavioral changes.


Well-Known Member
Yup. Colostrum does a whe bunch of good stuff for our immune systems. :-). Mothers milk is by far the best preventive medicine. It is truly amazing making a new person. I think im gonna just be in awe once i finally get to meet this person my wife has been lugging around for 9mo. ;).


Well-Known Member
Hahaha... I'm just getting in awe of the little thing. The shock of what is entailed in the care taking takes a couple weeks to wear off, at least it did in my case. For the first week I was just floored with my wife and what she had done. THen I started falling in love with the little one. Now I fall in love more moment by moment with both of them. I can't tell you the feeling walking around the corner and coming into the room where my baby is laying on my wifes chest. It's just the best feeling I've ever had... and I did a lot of drugs lol.

Can't wait for you and yours. Whens the due date again? Sept 27 or something?

DST is Oct 31. My cousin is something like Oct 15. How exciting.

And fam... I'll talk to the wife, maybe you can have some breast milk now to clear up them allergies. ;)


Well-Known Member
31 weeks and two days today. We were told at our class that some countries are now predicting birth using 41 weeks as standard, France being one of these countries.


Well-Known Member
Congrats DST and SomeGuy....damn it must be mating season. Wish you both a Healthy Baby and a Healthy Mom. Lets be real guys, after seeing my kids born, I have a ton of respect for woman and what they go through carrying and delivering a child.

Jig you are a pisser man, if I drank a whole gallon of breast milk and it will rid my cat allergies, hook me up! lol That way I can make a trip and chill in your Cat Cave!



Well-Known Member
Heres a secret you may not know yet jig... Babies wake up alot cuz they want to eat, moms success with breast feeding might be helping that. BUT you get to a point where its not enough. Thats when I would take the baby bottles and cut the nipple hole bigger and start mixing cereal into the milk. The bigger hole allows the cereal to pull through. The little fuckers sleep twice as long after that LOL! I just dont remember what age we started doing it.


Well-Known Member
And sad as it may sound, yes at this point your only goal is to figure out how to keep the child asleep the longest. Makes for everyone being happier! Baby included!

One of my kids slept 22 hours a day... I thought he was a monk. Ok Im kidding.