Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
three slices of bacon,crisp, 2 fried eggs, grits, 3 stack of pancakes......coffee and OJ all done.....now for a few bowls to start the day...........yep its a good life


Well-Known Member
i'm on a heart healthy diet trying to loose 50 pounds. had a bowl of fucking cheerios with no fat milk that tasted like water and foam. i can smell the bacon and eggs from here.

three slices of bacon,crisp, 2 fried eggs, grits, 3 stack of pancakes......coffee and OJ all done.....now for a few bowls to start the day...........yep its a good life
Making hors-de-overs for my inlaws and their family christmas and a few bags of my Cheese from the vap waiting on my clone guy to arrive with 4 chem dog x Diesel and 3 Free Leonards, a Michigan strain.


Well-Known Member
there is one other thing better than wake and bake................its wake and your girlfriend is giveing you head. nice wake up.


Well-Known Member
didn't even get out of bed this morning to wake and bake, had half a joint in the ashtray on my nightstand. what a way to start a monday!!!