Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Wait! I ain't late for the wake n bake at 8!

Corny inda mornin or some jaz like that......,oh yeah I'm definatly high, I'm smoking some blue moon mixed with white sattin (taste like ...oh shit how da hell you spell coacoa nut, coconut, wait no, don't think I actually SAY it incorectly you judgmental (shexay) bastards! lol), I have to admit it; it's a lot better than fruity pebbles in the morning! Although I think I just might have some of that now that I'm thinking of things that I find most pleasurable......and I might download Blue Moon now too, that was a good song, golden oldie.

Dam it's 9 now the clever rhyme 'bake at 8' is no longer applicable, fuck you force of Time! You have forsaken me once more :(

Alienate RIU complete, (fragmented wheezy laugh like Jimmy Fallon)


Well-Known Member
Saturday morning. Nice joint of some OG Kush. One big awesome breakfast. Some retro cartoons. Doesn't get any better than that


Well-Known Member
i've been waking and baking this morning with some P PRO goo. this is how you biuld up your tolerance!

listening to shpongle too!

good morning all