

Well-Known Member
lots of views not a comment. no pointers? Well I did start making one. it will not be too big. it will be 4'x8' and 5' deep. ill get some pics up when I can.


Well-Known Member
day1walipini1.jpgwalipini2.jpgwalipini3.jpg ok here we grow. I got tired and needed to water it down a little more. so right nowt im about 1' down. 4' more to go.saving that topsoil to put back in the bottom once its done.


Global Moderator
Staff member
5 feet deep ?
That's a lotta soil to move, but from the shovels laying around it looks like you have some quality help. :cool:


Well-Known Member
it sure is lot of soil to move. for some reason those little shovels seem to only get dirt back into the hole.lol


Well-Known Member

A file I found about the construction of a walipini

I would love to build one they sound like such a great idea to grow with the natural heat of the earth and sun
- One day
The Walipini (underground or pit greenhouse) in this bulletin is designed specifically for the area of La Paz, Bolivia. However, the principles explained in the bulletin make it possible to build the Walipini in a wide variety of other geographic and climatic conditions. The word ‟Walipini” comes from the Aymara Indian language of this area of the world and means ‟place of warmth”. The Walipini utilizes nature’s resources to provide a warm, stable, well-lit environment for year-round vegetable production. Locating the growing area 6’- 8’ underground and capturing and storing daytime solar radiation are the most important principles in building a successful Walipini.
Read more at http://www.survivalistboards.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=1268#VaeO1xi2wPGprLVv.99


Well-Known Member
shouldn't be a prob here. SInce Jan 1st 2013 we have less than 3" of rain. we just got our first .1" in the last 130 or so days. we avg less than 6" yearly. but there are things in the design to help with flooding. there will be a dry well and nothing is level. but yeah somewhere with tons of rain may have issues.


Well-Known Member
possibly. I hope it gets built good enough so I don't have that problem.walipiniiiii.jpg with weather, work, and fixing the car. I only got another good digging day so far. but its getting there. I need to dig about one more foot deep and then straighten up the walls a little. Its about 9'x7' and will be 5 1/2' deep.(in the top right is the edge to my raised vegi bed that got covered because of the cold nights coming my way).


Well-Known Member
no digging today But caught Heavy T's Grow SHOW! check em out on wed afternoon/evenings.


Well-Known Member
walipini1.jpgwalipini2.jpggoing to put some support across, then put on the sheeting and it may be ready for a 3-4 day test run, check the lows,high,humidity. work out any kinks.


Well-Known Member
walipini11111.jpgthis was the last pic I took before the camera broke. It is a little farther along than this. Day/night1:Outside H=60 L=33F,Inside H=63F L=35F Humidity H=97% L=40%. Day2(after some adjustments, and time for warmth to build): Outside H=65F L =35F, Inside H=75F L=45 Humidity H=78% L=40%.


Well-Known Member
bluelarryod.jpgbluelarryod1.jpgcouple pics of a test plant. i took the pic in the night. but seems to be doing good. have peppers,onions, and lettuce all doing good.


Well-Known Member
photo 17.jpgphoto 18.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 1.jpg this is my test crop.Its Blue dream X Larry Og. Doing fine, not going to be weight but not bad for what it was.Frosty and sticky. I put out a SFV OG X Willie nelson , and a xj13 about a week ago. Humidity hasnt been that high, temps are great where Im at for this time of year, you would swear its april besides where the suns sits in the sky during the day.