
Unless these powers include having Superman on your side, I guess there is squat we can do about it unless we want to march out against their troops stationed there.
If the Ukrainians are really taking pot shots at the Russians there the Russians may be worried enough that they might let the UN monitor the place. Seems doubtful unless the Russians get something in exchange.
If the Ukrainians are really taking pot shots at the Russians there the Russians may be worried enough that they might let the UN monitor the place. Seems doubtful unless the Russians get something in exchange.

that's kinda what i'm hoping for, let the UN and IAEA take it over and make that area a no go zone for both parties
They will probably ask to have Trump reinstated
Sure thing. But a ball gag and face mask goes into the deal. Actually this looks appropriate.

If the Ukrainians are really taking pot shots at the Russians there the Russians may be worried enough that they might let the UN monitor the place. Seems doubtful unless the Russians get something in exchange.
i gotta tell you, i'd have snipers rotating in and out of that place daily, watching where those troops go at the ends of their shifts and wiping them the fuck out...if you are a russian and stick your head out a door, you wouldn't live to pull it back in...i would make it very attractive for the russians to just get the fuck out and stay out.
The Ukrainians have proven themselves to be adaptable, quick studies, and committed to throwing the russians out of their country.
this is one of the places they should be cutting off, isolating, and controlling...easier said than done, i know, but if the tide is indeed turning, this would be an excellent place for that tide to start it's turn
Now what was I saying about a Trumper Russian 5th column...

Fuck Vlad, the chunk of the Ukraine plus the Crimea ain't Russian territory and he's occupying that already. Maybe there will be a conventional war in the Ukraine between NATO and the Russians (who have an economy smaller than Italy's). Donald can run to Russia in the middle of it to escape prison and make propaganda broadcasts from Moscow as payment for asylum. The republicans would be holding the bag then I figure, but the base and people like you will remain loyal to Trump and hang on his every word as he broadcasts Russian propaganda on RT via YouTube.

But then again, there probably won't be a war cause Vlad and his buddies stashed cash in the west would be the first victim. Also, Donald could just go to prison, if he's gonna run, he'd better do it before he's indicted, after that a NY judge will own his ass until the verdict and sentencing. We will soon find out I guess, NY indictments should be coming by spring at the latest, probably well before. Also, the shit is gonna hit the fan with public testimony, as the 1/6 committee kicks into high gear, some republican congress people could be in trouble.
It appears someone forgot to tell you there is no Russian Trump collusion you cult member , it was all based in a lie to try and frame Trump through the Hillary campaign colluding with the FBI and others. The Steele dossier is a fraud you cool aid drinkers bought hook line and sinker. I am sure you went and got your fourth jibzez too just because someone told you to do it. Well now that there are thousands dropping dead from it and even more screwed up by it we get to tell you once again "we told you so" every GD thing going on right now we told you was going to happen.
It appears someone forgot to tell you there is no Russian Trump collusion you cult member , it was all based in a lie to try and frame Trump through the Hillary campaign colluding with the FBI and others. The Steele dossier is a fraud you cool aid drinkers bought hook line and sinker. I am sure you went and got your fourth jibzez too just because someone told you to do it. Well now that there are thousands dropping dead from it and even more screwed up by it we get to tell you once again "we told you so" every GD thing going on right now we told you was going to happen.
Lmao, what would you call Trump’s campaign manager handing over data on American citizens and campaign strategies to a Russian spy?
Was it a Russian spy? Was it a Russian spy at Trump tower? Or was it a FBI Democrat dressed up as a Russian spy? We all know what happened. If the FBI will fabricate fake evidence to get a warrant, use agents to set people up like the Whitmer debacle there is not much they won't do. They or you have no credibility left. You used it all up lying and fabricating evidence
It appears someone forgot to tell you there is no Russian Trump collusion you cult member , it was all based in a lie to try and frame Trump through the Hillary campaign colluding with the FBI and others. The Steele dossier is a fraud you cool aid drinkers bought hook line and sinker. I am sure you went and got your fourth jibzez too just because someone told you to do it. Well now that there are thousands dropping dead from it and even more screwed up by it we get to tell you once again "we told you so" every GD thing going on right now we told you was going to happen.
well, fuck you too... :lol: trump is a motherfucking criminal cocksucker, EVERY fucking republican who enabled him is a motherfucking traitor, and all the people who support him have shit for brains....anyone still supporting him is a fucking traitor with shit for brains.
if you're really this stupid, you need to make at least one smart friend, and task them with vetting your public statements and actions, so you can keep from looking like an ignorant horse's ass in the future.
the man stole National secrets, and refused to return them...how the fuck do you defend that? he didn't declassify them, there is a procedure that WAS NOT FOLLOWED...he was asked at least three times to return them, and he tried to slow walk the FBI...and they just weren't having it. trump fucked up AGAIN, BIGGLY this time...and you're still supporting him...sucker...pathetic, stupid sucker
Was it a Russian spy? Was it a Russian spy at Trump tower? Or was it a FBI Democrat dressed up as a Russian spy? We all know what happened. If the FBI will fabricate fake evidence to get a warrant, use agents to set people up like the Whitmer debacle there is not much they won't do. They or you have no credibility left. You used it all up lying and fabricating evidence
So the FBI is suppose to ignore a report from the Australians of a drunk guy telling their diplomat about ties Between Russia and the trump team? Speaking of the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians, you think they would go through the exercise and only talk about the poor orphans? Please show some proof, links to credible evidence. Otherwise your words mean nothing here.

Was it a Russian spy? Was it a Russian spy at Trump tower? Or was it a FBI Democrat dressed up as a Russian spy? We all know what happened. If the FBI will fabricate fake evidence to get a warrant, use agents to set people up like the Whitmer debacle there is not much they won't do. They or you have no credibility left. You used it all up lying and fabricating evidence
no, we all don't know what happened...what ever percentage you're a part of is just as wrong right now as you were the day you first decided to vote for this ignorant traitorous fucking piece of shit. you're MORE wrong...it's been proven multiple times that trump is a criminal motherfucker, and idiots like you insist on funding his crime spree with your donations...fucking fools
Please show some proof, links to credible evidence. Otherwise your words mean nothing here.
we both know all he can provide is Qanon horseshit idiocy...
i'm ashamed that someone like him grows weed....if he does grow weed. it gives the whole movement less legitimacy when fucking clowns represent it
Was it a Russian spy? Was it a Russian spy at Trump tower? Or was it a FBI Democrat dressed up as a Russian spy? We all know what happened. If the FBI will fabricate fake evidence to get a warrant, use agents to set people up like the Whitmer debacle there is not much they won't do. They or you have no credibility left. You used it all up lying and fabricating evidence
So the FBI is suppose to ignore a report from the Australians of a drunk guy telling their diplomat about ties Between Russia and the trump team? Speaking of the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians, you think they would go through the exercise and only talk about the poor orphans? Please show some proof, links to credible evidence. Otherwise your words mean nothing here.

The drunk guy was Cia setting up the narrative. You heard of the Steele dossier? It's the fake dossier paid for by clinton from a foreign Intel service then passed through Bruce and Nelli Orr as fact then used as a reason to get a fisa warrant ,this is called sedition. Look it up.
we both know all he can provide is Qanon horseshit idiocy...
i'm ashamed that someone like him grows weed....if he does grow weed. it gives the whole movement less legitimacy when fucking clowns represent it
I think about everyone I know of who grows weed is a Trump supporter.


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