watercuring...then what?

stoned wolf

Active Member
ive been reading about watercuring, so if you watercure your buds for a week then what? how is the drying process done. i always find about the 7 day method but what comes after it?


Well-Known Member
Its where you keep Your buds submerged after being freshly cut, for 7 days they say then you take them out and can dry them with a fan or air dry them.i have not yet used this method but i have also heard all kinds of mixed opinions on it.Best way to cure bud is cut it dry it till the stem snaps but is still a little bendable,you dont want it to brittle then just cure in a jar by keeping it closed over night then open for a day then close then they will be cured the right way. but thats me:blsmoke: water cure reminds me of smoking bud thats been used to make ice hash and was dried to smoke.:)


Active Member
If you want to figure out how to water cure properly you should check out the grow faq. There is section about water curing specifically and it is described in detail. Its interesting, because you get a better THC to bud ratio when you water cure because it decreases the yield but not the THC content. So if you have 15% THC you end up with like 20%. It's also much smoother of a smoke and it is a basically odorless way of curing, which is a definent plus for people who are being extra discreet. Have fun and good luck!