watering plants


Active Member
i have 2 plants 3 weeks old under 70watt hps i have not watered this is day 4 with no water i have them on a 20/4 hour light time the soil is shrenking so i know they need water do i water them and go right back to the light or wait until 3 am and water on lights out/sleep time


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
water them your ok. just do'nt over water thats the # 1 mistake growers make. when the soil is dry water.


Active Member
i watered them hope they liked it sure they loved it they will get more in 3/4 days if i make them wait like 5 or 6 day will it hurt them. i also cant get anywhere to get an exaulst until the weekend i am starting to build up some heat in the top of the box it is 2x2x3 feet on all the girls i hope thats what i am calling them are on the bottom and the light is dropped down 8/10 inches to the tops is there anything i can do until then for the heat i put 2 ice cube in the box before i left for work this morning will that help anything or did i just waste ice?


Well-Known Member
Water them It really doesnt matter when I think just if you feed rite before bed it may be a little cold I would water in the mornin.