weird blotches on bottom leaves :S

Theres weird black blotches on the bottom of my cheese plant its only 2 weeks old and the one looks like its dieng

any ideas? cheers


Well-Known Member
looks like somthin was chewin on the stock to right above the soil the stock gets skinny then fat again
how long ago did you trans plant it? looks like over watering or you leafs were to moist during cloning but it should be fine just dry the soil out completely before watering again
water it every 2-3 days when the soil its dryer also feed it once or twice a week with miracle grow,, i dont know if the ph is write im using tap water which has been left to stand so the clorine evapourates.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
i still say bugs considering the sten is chewed on but i may be wrong
You're definitely wrong, you havent even named your pest, what kind of pest does
what you claim to see to the stem.

Judging by your sig, you don't even know the effects of pH on nutrient absorbtion,
You need a digital pH monitor in order to accurately tell what the pH is, and you
don't use electronics because you're in soil. Soil doesn't mean you don't need
electronics, your sig is for quakers


New Member
You're definitely wrong, you havent even named your pest, what kind of pest does
what you claim to see to the stem.

Judging by your sig, you don't even know the effects of pH on nutrient absorbtion,
You need a digital pH monitor in order to accurately tell what the pH is, and you
don't use electronics because you're in soil. Soil doesn't mean you don't need
electronics, your sig is for quakers
You think just because you come in here and say "Its not bugs, clearly no bugs cause nutrient deficiencies..
it is pretty obvious pH problems..." that we are to take your word as if you were God??? No...this is a public forum open to discussion...Im sure youve had some good grows but to demean what some1 says is showing that you are more than likely not as smart as you want us to think...What works for you...may not work for some1 else...


Well-Known Member
You think just because you come in here and say "Its not bugs, clearly no bugs cause nutrient deficiencies..
it is pretty obvious pH problems..." that we are to take your word as if you were God??? No...this is a public forum open to discussion...Im sure youve had some good grows but to demean what some1 says is showing that you are more than likely not as smart as you want us to think...What works for you...may not work for some1 else...

thanks radiojock420 i felt the same way:weed:


New Member
thanks radiojock420 i felt the same way:weed:

If your water is reasonably soft and you grow with organics...AND you don't pour nutes to it like they were water...there is usually never a need 4 an electronic Ph meter....I should know...I grow in soil and have 2 of Hanna's nicest Combo meters and guess what.....Useless....Period.:weed:

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
bahah, the burn on the stem is probably from clonex or some other strong
root stimulator. "what works for some doesn't work for other" has nothing
to do with whether a bug infestation is causing the problems we see here,
you are focusing on a part of the plant which has nothing to do with these

You still havent told me the bug that does this, I have looked through a couple
of my Horticulture textbooks and don't see any that resemble this.

The problem with the plant here is the mobile nutrient deficiency,
obviously it is a mobile nutrient because it is the older leaves showing
deficiencies, if it were a secondary or micro nutrient it would be on
younger leaves.

Secondly the plant is clearly over watered (notice the droop)
which would also fluctuate the pH, WHY WOULD BUGS

I am demeaning you because you act like you know exactly
what you're talking about. And you are only on your second
grow. PERIOD

I don't care how "Smart" I am, I went to school for Horticulture,
meaning I have experience which you do not, Smarts means
nothing in this game kid, only experience.


Well-Known Member
well i grow in fox farm light warrior, and i add nutes and shit and i test with my 5 dolloor liquid tester and have never had any probs, i can also check to ph of soil with the drops

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Your 5 dollar pH tester shows you some color which is supposed to be
between 6.0-6.5 or 6.5-7.0 etc. There is quite a difference between
the absorption rate in a pH of 6.0 and a pH of 6.5,I want to know whether
i am at a pH of 6.3, 5.8, etc, there are specific
pH's which maximize the uptake of certain nutrients.

If you don't maximize in areas where it is easy to, you are minimizing
it areas which can easily hinder your yield, I'm glad you plants are
growing well with your amateur methods, in my line of work it requires
me to much more specific, I grow to live, not to try and get some bud