Welcome New Members!

Hi OB1, i'm a new member here i recently posted and said hi. I've got a bit of a problem, i've got 5 plants in a grow tent, they all get watered from the same source with the same ammount of nutes but 2 of them have gdeveloped two toned leaves. Any ideas?

OB 1

Active Member
Hi OB1, i'm a new member here i recently posted and said hi. I've got a bit of a problem, i've got 5 plants in a grow tent, they all get watered from the same source with the same ammount of nutes but 2 of them have gdeveloped two toned leaves. Any ideas?
Who me? Can you post some pictures?


Hi everyone, I'm JDoogg I'm a ganja lova and I'm new to growing :leaf:. I'm currently growing a auto-flowering sweet dwarf in a PC grow box made with a buddy of mine. He told me about this forum and convinced me in joining it. I don't know if it already exists here one but I started a thread about dwarfs so any tips you could give me about them would be nice. :-P

Happy smoking! :bigjoint:
Hello internet people, first post ever, figure I'd say hi, although I started with "hello," but there's a "hi" in there somewhere too. Anyways, I'm reletively new to growing, had a seedling get some good progress, until it's container fell down and broke it's main stem and it got infected. Tragic death really, slow and inevitable from what I could tell, one before it had a similar death, my fingernail accidentally cut part of the stem, it turned brown from that spot and died. That was months ago though, no more tears (exept late at night) and I've decided to try again. Unfortunatly, it's winter, so it may be tougher. I'm germinating a few seeds now, paper towels, some are already in soil cause I saw a little root, it's going pretty slow though. Still waiting for something to sprout, the tension is killing me, but I have high hopes. also I forget how many days it's been, I have a horrible sleep schedule, days get blended. anywho, nice to have a place to rant about such things when ranting is appropriate, and also a place to ask important or annoying questions about this kind of stuff. anyway, talk to you strangers soon, whenever I think of a question, that is. Legalize it!


I absolutely love and hate this site. Love it for the info. Hate it cause I now Know how bad I started my first grow. Oh well what's a new-b gonna do. I haven't smoked in ten years but recently decided to start again. And since I was toke'n once more why not give a grow a try. So I am now the proud and very much concerned parent of 10 Platinum OG's one Midnight Kush and a TrainWreck. All of the kozy under a 1kw Hps and 8 3ft HO T5's. They lived under the T5 for 3wks untill I potted them last week. At wich timeI discovered a spider mite infestation. That would also be about the time I over did the bug be gone and tried todrown the roots (flush) after over nute'n em prior to transplant. Now all are in recovery mode and most likely gonna be just fine, as long as I read before I act. Though I have my doubts as to weather or not the Train is gonna make it. We'll see.


Hi! New to growing and the site. About 2 months ago I recieved a couple of plants from a friend and transferred them into 50/50 soil and pearlite. In the past weeks they have not been growing well so I decided to transfer them into a different media. I decieded to come up and build an entire new system with hydroponics. I am using hydroton with a drip system. The area of the space the plants are taking up is about 9 sq ft. As of right now I have the lights 12/12 on and off. My setup is basic but it works for me. I have been putting nutrients in the water and have been using home and garden base A and B. Since I have transplanted they have grown much in the past couple of days. The only thing I am worried about is the lighting. I do not think there are getting enough as they should. I bought basic plant lights from Ace Hardware (65 watt) I know I do not have the correct lights, but am trying to save the money. Which lights would work best for me? How many times should they be watered a day? And if anybody has other suggestions....thanks!

OB 1

Active Member
Hi! New to growing and the site. About 2 months ago I recieved a couple of plants from a friend and transferred them into 50/50 soil and pearlite. In the past weeks they have not been growing well so I decided to transfer them into a different media. I decieded to come up and build an entire new system with hydroponics. I am using hydroton with a drip system. The area of the space the plants are taking up is about 9 sq ft. As of right now I have the lights 12/12 on and off. My setup is basic but it works for me. I have been putting nutrients in the water and have been using home and garden base A and B. Since I have transplanted they have grown much in the past couple of days. The only thing I am worried about is the lighting. I do not think there are getting enough as they should. I bought basic plant lights from Ace Hardware (65 watt) I know I do not have the correct lights, but am trying to save the money. Which lights would work best for me? How many times should they be watered a day? And if anybody has other suggestions....thanks!
High Kaylyn - Look at the light kits from HTG supply if you want to get a decent light cheap. I'd go with a 400 HPS setup for around $130. If you want to stick with hardware store stuff, get a bunch of CFLs, some 2800 K (yellow light for flowering) and some 5500 K or above ( bluish light for vegetative growth).

I only water when my container feels light - It shoulld be large enough that you can go several days between waterings.


hi im new to this forum stuff, have been wanting to join one for a long time, and then i can get help wiv my grow, because a lot of you are probably keen gardeners too! well to its 3 weeks into veg, and the leaves are going yellowy in the middle but new leaves are ok for a while and it only seems to attack the layer beneath it(of leaves) it is really green elsewhere and looks good but with thin leaves ph is 7, but ive been told it could be to molist at the root zone not sure so i ordererd some epsom salts for a magnesium deficiency and some clay pebbles to help with the drainage, also i changed some soil , as not to disturbe the rest of the palnt but it was quite damp. I have made my growroom out of a cardboard box with mylar allround the heat is mostly stable around 77c but having troubles with the humidity, seems dry 35% any tips? if i can ill put a picture on for you to see, thanxz


Hello RIU forum! this is my first post, I found your site while looking for info for growing and found lots of good write ups and had to sign up. I'll be starting my second grow this Dec, i had previously been caught by my parents when I was younger and never perused that again, but that was 8 years ago. I'm now a medical patient/sushi chef/student accumulating grow equipment for my first serious grow. I'll be growing 12 plants in a 8x4 tent, 1000w cool tube, 6" inline fan and carbon filter. I have been thinking about doing a coco soil setup but I'm not sure what proportions to use of each i.e. coco and potting mix? or just a blend of coco coarseness?.... There is a lot of info out there, so much that it can be a bit overwhelming at times, but I hope for the best! Time to go back to the grow forum and do my homework. :D

once i start my grow i'll post pics and possible video



looking to grow commercialy and wanting to know the system to grow in the veg state and the best system in flower state, trying to do like a pound every other week.heard ebb and flo is easy and i want something for a beginner.
Hey all, I'm a new guy in Jersey. I've been kinda growing and am making the jump from autoflower back to photoperiod and I want to do it up right. I started a threat to(hopefully) get some help. I'm open to advice and new ways of thinking, but I don't have a lot of money and can't do construction projects in my apartment.

what up i'm keefe, i'm just about to try my hand in growing and lately have just been reading all about hydroponics and what that includes, i think i've settled on building an aeroponics system because from what i've read that results in the best yield, but i'm a little worried about the maintenance that the sprayers might need i have thought up some plans for a system and if anyone what to critique them or just see my plans just hit me up and ill draw them into the computer

bud monsta

safe people this is bud monsta,been readin this forum for a while now and thought id join to learn and give advice to other growers.i have done 3 grows so far and i am currently growing speacil kush, big bang and sweet tai.will be posting some pics when i get a camera lol.peace.

rollin in grass

Well-Known Member
wassup its rollin in grass and i like to roll in ridiculous copius amounts of dank grass, basically came here cuz everything i looked up on google sent me here. im part of the official TGA Crew so i hope to have a good stay here and learn alot