well water ?


Well-Known Member
ok so my ppm out of the sink is 750 and my ph is like 7.5 are higher should i buy some kind of filter are water from the store i just dont trust this water , normally i would just deduct the ppm but my ph isvery high and i have a hard time getting it to drop thanks for your help guys


Well-Known Member
come on hydro gods help me ha ha , il proabley just use some ozarka water from the store out one of those machines
I have well water but purchesed a seperate filtration system to get the salts out. General hydroponics sells FLORA MICRO® HARDWATER for water over 200ppm. As for the high Ph, get some Ph Down and adjust accordingly.


Active Member
Get an RO system as with water that hard you're gonna need one. I doubt a filter system alone would be adequate.


Ursus marijanus
The hardwater GH is not designed to work with such high ppm out of the tap. That water might be ok for a soil grow, but hydro? Fuhgeddaboudit. cn


Well-Known Member
I have a well and my ppm is very high. Lotsa calcium, magnesium,manganese, calcite, and other minerals.. I have a ro system. I grow in soil and hempy. I use straight tap water when feeding, and ro when just watering. I have yet to have any defeciencies or toxicity, with the exception of 1 plant getting too much N late in flower. Oops... Used wrong food! It seems to work well for me.


Well-Known Member
I have a well and my ppm is very high. Lotsa calcium, magnesium,manganese, calcite, and other minerals.. I have a ro system. I grow in soil and hempy. I use straight tap water when feeding, and ro when just watering. I have yet to have any defeciencies or toxicity, with the exception of 1 plant getting too much N late in flower. Oops... Used wrong food! It seems to work well for me.
Well water is one of those tricky sons of bitches. Well water can be so easily contaminated depending on where you live. Pollutants that people dump in the earth can make well water pretty bad for any living thing for instance if you live near an air port chances are the well water is going to be horrible.