What?? 2 plants 1 seed? ak48..


Active Member
i ordered 1 nirvana ak48 fem seed with my order from attitude and i germinated it , it cracked with 2 tap roots , i planted it , and now there are 2 stems with 2 little false leafs on them..(little leaves that fall off later...that plant starts with.) Sticking up outta my party cup...wtf?

has this happened to anyone else before lol?

oh and should i do anything? let it go? , im thinking i should just let it be :P


Well-Known Member
You got twins! - never heard of that before, but can't be too bad. I'd let it/them grow too ;O)

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
you should separate them if you can with out hurting them asasp. get them into their own growing containers. usually they are genetic twins so you should have two males or females which ever you get.


Active Member
you should separate them if you can with out hurting them asasp. get them into their own growing containers. usually they are genetic twins so you should have two males or females which ever you get.
Done. Awesome ...2 plants for the cost of one :) Lets hope the "feminized" factor makes them females :X

This just made my day :) Thanks medicalgrade i would have fer surely let it alone and lost out on this chance :)


Well-Known Member
I'd be VERY careful about trying to separate the two small plants. The roots are going to be growing right next to one another, and especially if they are already in soil, it would be very easy to damage them trying to separate them.

If you've literally just planted them it *might* be possible to separate them by rinsing off the soil CAREFULLY with room temperature water.

You're probably better off just leaving the two side-by-side and treating the two as if they are one topped plant with two stems.

brewing up

Well-Known Member
keep them together, they might be identical twins or 1 will hav the muscle n 1 will hav the brains or siamese maybe, it ''might'' even grow legs n walk off

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
just leave them together for now... you can take clones later..

But that is cool, never seen that from seed. Post pics?