What a Hermed plant should look like


Well-Known Member
No it's not an auto, the trichomes are definitely there that is a filtered pic in the right light they sparkle. They are only like 4 1/2 weeks in flower they will be amazing when finished they are 4 types of OG hence the growth structure, they are absolutely overpowering in the smell department even running high cfm exhaust through a filter they stink. Not long now 3000 watts of hps I'll have more trichomes than I can handle.
Where are the trichomes?
Is that an auto?

I want mine to look like that^


Well-Known Member
I can hardly compete with a finished plant in great lighting I used a filter I balance the hps orange give me 4 weeks and I'll be back with some pics. ;) with a many girls at as many watts as I have I will have plenty of pics. He'll this is after getting set back a week with no lights but t8 and t5 after my equipment was yanked
Where are the trichomes?
Is that an auto?

I want mine to look like that^
can hardly compete with a finished plant in great lighting I'll


Well-Known Member
Hehe i was just messin,
Im sure your buds will be great. Ive had plants that look a little lack luster in the beginning but end up looking real nice.

What do they smell like?


Well-Known Member
I have a few that smell lemony a few like fruit loops and a few that smell like a skunk died in the room, I have 12 Huboldt blue dream going in next, I'm gonna add 1000 watts tho, I'll get pics of the tall girls and the lemon girls tonight when the lights come on
Hehe i was just messin,
Im sure your buds will be great. Ive had plants that look a little lack luster in the beginning but end up looking real nice.

What do they smell like?
a few
Shhhhhh, be vewy vewy quiet I'm in tha fawest I'm hunting twichomes ehehehehehehe.View attachment 3450331 View attachment 3450329
Man i have a question.
The big leaves surrounding those colas, i see some shadowing/black spots beneath them, wouldn't they affect lower buds? I mean the growth throughout the stalk, those Popcorn buds, will they still grow or produce trichomes like the top colas who has more direct light? Would they have the same potency?


Well-Known Member
I get 1 g per watt like I should It all has trichomes. 1000 watt bulbs penetrate that shit like nothing, I never trim my upper leaves, also the strain has a lot to do with how your plant is going to grow. Bud leaves need light the buds do not really benefit directly, these are OGs and I'm not into lollipopping. Right now they get fatter and more crystal by the day. Why do you ask?


Well-Known Member
With 3000 watts of light in a 10 by 10 room I'm not worried about leaves blocking light. I'm worried about healthy tight dense nugs that sparkle. I like the quality of a plant with nice solar panels ;)