What am i doing wrong


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to germanate, using bag seed, but none are popping! I used the "put it in the soil" method, "papertowel" method, "Glass of water" method. Any other methods? Any "DO NOT DO's" of germanating I could be missing?? Help plz.

:leaf:You know the worlds messed up when growing a simple plant that does no harm is illegal and brutaly inforced, but "small" stuff like jaywalking whick can kill people are over looked as no big deal. I promise more peopl die being stupid and crossing streets then rolling a joint or growing marijuana. :leaf:


Active Member
With the glass of water method, are you placing it in a cool dark area. It usually takes from 1-7 days to pop, depending on seeds for me.


Well-Known Member
Put a plate or bowl over it. Put it dark area with know light. Wait 24 hrs. check. wait 24 hrs. check. and so on.


Well-Known Member
try putting a few drops of peroxide in your water. usually over night they pop and by the next day there are little tails.