WHat are these little pod developing under the buds? Hermi?

no pics but the pod also opens like a flower blooms to release the pollen. itll have 4 petals. mmmm bubblelicioius from nirvana great tasting strain. never had the auto tho but the fem photo period was great! in about 4-5 weeks your be lovin it!


Well-Known Member
I figured that part out :) Funny, it doesnt smell nearly as bad in the basement & in the cabinet as it does outside in the morning with the dampness on the deck. To hide it, I;ve been watching for a dead skunk at the side of the road & I'm gonna toss it under the deck.

I only need to hide it for a 3-4 weeks. I've just started spreading bounce sheets over the fan exhausting the basement air. WOrks but I Have to change them daily.

I wil have to be carefull drying & curing. I hope to have it harvested & drying at Christmas.

Merry Christmas to me :)
my wife lunches about me to but then loves smoking it i dont understand woman. the greater the risk the higher the pay ;-) hehe you got to move somewhere where the neighbors are a good distance away then no worries bout smell. You can also use a ozone generator in the exhaust but keep that away from your family pets n plants cuz its not good 4 u but that with a charcoal filter will probably eliminate your problem
dead skunk lmfao thats great I thought about that before if like i had fields but then you gotta smell that and when it decays eww even worse smell


Well-Known Member
I made one & Im using it. It's helping but not enough. When I rebuild the cabinet I will redo the venting & filtrations. I upgraded my lights this grow & the difference between 8-t-12 tubes & 2-150 watt HPS is unbelievable. But I have had to deal with the heat. Did that now I learned the smell gets worse. So that's my next issue to deal with. I had hoped to wait until the next grow & just get by but I think the smells really becoming an issue. It's fine if there is any breeze at all but when its really still in the morning it smells quite strong outside.


Well-Known Member
I figured that part out :) Funny, it doesnt smell nearly as bad in the basement & in the cabinet as it does outside in the morning with the dampness on the deck. To hide it, I;ve been watching for a dead skunk at the side of the road & I'm gonna toss it under the deck.

I only need to hide it for a 3-4 weeks. I've just started spreading bounce sheets over the fan exhausting the basement air. WOrks but I Have to change them daily.

I wil have to be carefull drying & curing. I hope to have it harvested & drying at Christmas.

Merry Christmas to me :)
Blowing your exhaust air through a box of mothballs will scrub the smell. Being you vent to the outdoors that is.


Well-Known Member
thats some ghetto shit right there, plus it won't do shit for airflow. ona gel at the exhaust.
You dont have to stuff the pipe full, or have a huge box. It does restrict airflow a bit, but so does a carbon filter. And ghetto yes but cheap and effective.


Well-Known Member
Im all about the ghetto man.

To be honest. I can buy pretty much any growing equipment i want. I don't grow because I cant afford to buy or have sources. I grow as a hobby & so I can have the best stuff. I like to see what I can get for free or next to nothing on the equipment side.

Its amazing what I've learned off this site. ITs like its run & cruised by a bunch of McGyvers! Ladies nylon & a bottle of charcoal = air filter security lights off sign on sub-division after completion= 2 new grow lights in my cabinet :) & so on & so on..

It's all fun & games.


Well-Known Member
This seems to be a big problem, ghetto engineering without REALLY knowing the facts/implications but thats all cool, use your pesticide in a ventilation system, good luck and happy growing.


Active Member
is this what you were talking about? Its just a swollen calyx if you want my opinion, don't worry about it. DSCF9023.jpg
just looks like swollen calyx's to me. They get nice and round toward harvest. If its a herm sack open it up OUTSIDE THE ROOM and inspect it for what will look like lil tiny bananas with tiny balls inside aka pollen. They might even burst the pollen when you start messing with them. Be careful not to get that into your room. If its a calyx it will have white hairs and sometimes the calyx is still closed and the hairs are still inside. Looks like a swollen calyx to me ill check again tho after i post. Good job great yield for 2 plants you should be a proud father!
+5, swollen calyx's are a nice thing to have, a very natural tendency from growing seedless pot. They look fantastic btw.