What container can I use to make an aeroponic system (cant find rubbermaid in U.K.)


Well-Known Member
Im considering making an aeroponic system for my closet (70 x 70 cm) for the first time but I need a big container which is strong,light tight & will not affect the plant or water what can I use? Before you say Rubbermaid understand that here in the U.K. it is not as popular as it is in the USA so finding them can be a challenge so if you have any suggestions please share also if you have any tutorials on building an aeroponic system thin please post pics, links etc here.
if you are set on a one box aero system, like filthyfletch or any of the diy 30 min aero systems out there, then almost everything will leak (im in NA so i can only offer general res advice). I use a rubbermaid, but it's not one of the roughnecks that inherently don't leak. My res has two layers of plastic sheeting (like painting dripcloth, or thin vapor barrier) over the top, then a layer of reflectix (attic insulation). The rectangles of plastic sheeting and reflectix have holes for the net pots, and the plstic sheets are cut a foot wider the the res lid on all sides. Once the lid is on, the plastic sheeting gets tucked inside the res on all 4 sides, thus making it entirely leak proof with practicaly no work. I found my res temperature went up when i sealed my res, so i now have a computer fan exchanging the air insde the res.
U could also use industrial garbage bags to line the res and then tape the sides up onto the lid of the res. this way you never need to scrub the inside down either, just empty and pop in a new bag. Helps with light tightness too, although i haven't seen that as a problem with my own grow.
If your s;pace is a specific size and you require a specific sized res, it will probably be advantageous to not need one that is also entirely leak proof. You can leak proof any container easily, but i hope someone can suggest a UK alternative to the roughneck for you all the same.
gl :)
Hahaha! We don't get Rubbermaid over here either man! I know your pain!

Any large tub that is light proof will work (the more light proof the better!) - Check out my aero grow (link in my signature) ... It's not a rubbermaid container, but basically same thing, just marketed under different names. Got it from local DIY / General Building Store.

P.S - Never had any problems with leaks at all. Use good piping, a good fitting lid. Make proper use of silicone etc. You're golden!
Im considering making an aeroponic system for my closet (70 x 70 cm) for the first time but I need a big container which is strong,light tight & will not affect the plant or water what can I use? Before you say Rubbermaid understand that here in the U.K. it is not as popular as it is in the USA so finding them can be a challenge so if you have any suggestions please share also if you have any tutorials on building an aeroponic system thin please post pics, links etc here.
B & Q / homebase sell them fucking expensive. i was looking at under bed storage trays in asda last night may be worth a look @£8? they are about 9" tall i was thinking of using them to get cutting started befor i put them on NFT tables.
9inch whats up? the underbed 1s are great. the only thing that sucks is they are normally clear. but you can cover it. and ya the depth doesn't waste space. seeya
9inch whats up? the underbed 1s are great. the only thing that sucks is they are normally clear. but you can cover it. and ya the depth doesn't waste space. seeya
hi 82

yes they are clear you would need to cover them for sure few coats of black paint and some duck tape are needed.
Thanks for the recommendation fellas, Im gonna shop around at "Asda" "B & Q" & maybe even "Wickes" not been there in ages but thats where Heath Robinson buys most of his stuff from. Thanks again everyone.