What Democrats have sponsored or cosponsored a bill to enact universal healthcare?

It was the law of the land. A contract between the government, health care providers and the people of the US. The GOP Kongress reniged on the part of the government to fund high risk pool of people who otherwise could not afford health care.

The federal government owes insurers roughly $8.3 billion from the ACA's risk-corridor program to offset losses on the exchanges from 2014 and 2015. Insurers are owed more than $5.8 billion in net risk-corridor payments for 2015 alone, according to the latest CMS data.

The 2015 total comes on top of the $2.5 billion shortfall to cover insurers' 2014 losses. All told, the federal government is barely making a dent in the mounting requests for payments

So, insurers are passing the unpaid bill on to American taxpayers in the form of higher premiums. We can thank the GOP Kongress for the higher premiums. The high risk "corridor" is mainly disabled and sick people who are without work. They were covered in the ACA through government commitments to pay for their coverage. It was a contract with insurance providers that was not honored. A lawsuit is still working it's way through courts. The GOP Kongress has most certainly failed to live up to obligations.


It's subsidized in the first place! Great argument....
Goddamn you are so partisan it's impossible to even have a conversation with you. I didn't even bring up a party name and you go straight to Republican bashing.....classic...that's why the Politics section is a joke. No one uses logic around here and as soon as you bring up a good point it's immediate partisan hit job attempts.

I'm done
It never was a conversation. You shouted, I replied back with words of wisdom. You shatted, I held my nose and made a funny out of it. Now you are a mess and need to get cleaned up. So you blame me. This makes no sense.

It's subsidized in the first place! Great argument....
Exactly how do people who are disabled and can't work going to come up with $5,000 to pay for health care coverage? Oh, and the only reason the bill is as low as $5,000 for a disabled person is because the ACA mandated insurance companies cover everybody and not exclude people with pre-existing conditions.

It's OK if you are honest and say that you want those disabled to die. I'd be satisfied with your admission that you are a shithead.
Exactly how do people who are disabled and can't work going to come up with $5,000 to pay for health care coverage? Oh, and the only reason the bill is as low as $5,000 for a disabled person is because the ACA mandated insurance companies cover everybody and not exclude people with pre-existing conditions.

It's OK if you are honest and say that you want those disabled to die. I'd be satisfied with your admission that you are a shithead.
No matter what kind of health care there is, it is not going to save you.
you get diabetes? You have diabetes. Doc will just give you insulin.
You get cancer? You probably gonna die, and suffer while dying.

Relying on doctors to save you is dumb. Relying on govt to save you is even dumber.
No matter what kind of health care there is, it is not going to save you.
you get diabetes? You have diabetes. Doc will just give you insulin.
You get cancer? You probably gonna die, and suffer while dying.

Relying on doctors to save you is dumb. Relying on govt to save you is even dumber.

"nice try, libtard doctor, but i will be performing my own surgery today"
"nice try, libtard doctor, but i will be performing my own surgery today"
Again, you assume a surgery is going to be the end all fix. I've had 6 hip surgeries with multiple surgeons over the last year and a half and I still have trouble walking. I could very easily say fuck it and file for disability and bitch about it from your perspective, but I don't. At some point you have to come to the realization that relying on doctors is dumb and relying on the government is even dumber.
How is that bill to socialize health care in California doing?
Just like the bullet train to no where with no plan to pay for it, the state legislature is going after it hard. $400b annual tab. No plan to pay for it. But, its ok, because The Nurses association released a fiscal analysis this week that proposed raising the state sales and business receipts taxes by 2.3% to raise $106 billion of the annual cost, with the rest proposed to come from state and federal funding already going to Medicare and Medicaid services.

Fuckin joke. Just need to make it another 10 years or so in this state and Im out before it reaches Illinois stage of debacle
No matter what kind of health care there is, it is not going to save you.
you get diabetes? You have diabetes. Doc will just give you insulin.
You get cancer? You probably gonna die, and suffer while dying.

Relying on doctors to save you is dumb. Relying on govt to save you is even dumber.
Oh, so its the healthcare system that causes people to get diabetes or cancer or have bad backs, which almost all redneck republicans on disability have. It's the healthcare system that causes women with low income to have low birth weight babies. It's the healthcare system that causes car accidents and the injuries that go along with it.

Your grand idea is "don't get sick".

You really are a fucking retard.

Do the math Einstein. Median personal income is $35,000. Median cost of coverage for a family is $15,000. How can a person making $35k with two kids and a spouse and all the expenses associated with housing and feeding them also pay $15,000 for health care coverage?

Remember that half of all the workers in the US make less than the median income. So the person making $35k is doing better than half of all workers.

Is your answer that people who can't afford health care coverage should just go to the emergency medical center for treatment where they can't be turned away when they need medical attention? Or is the answer subsidized healthcare and appropriate preventive medical services?
just a reminder why its the "law of the land"

I have no idea what you just tried to say. Pelosi was talking about the Republican healthcare bill that most Republican Senators haven't seen, much less Democratic ones. When we do see it, there will be no question why Republican leaders skulked around in dark rooms hiding in shame before bringing it out for a wham bam thank you mam vote that we will all regret one way or another.

I can't keep you rednecks straight. Don't you receive free medical care from the government? Maybe you are one of the rare few right wingers who don't suck on the government tit for medical subsidies. But I doubt it.
Just like the bullet train to no where with no plan to pay for it, the state legislature is going after it hard. $400b annual tab. No plan to pay for it. But, its ok, because The Nurses association released a fiscal analysis this week that proposed raising the state sales and business receipts taxes by 2.3% to raise $106 billion of the annual cost, with the rest proposed to come from state and federal funding already going to Medicare and Medicaid services.

Fuckin joke. Just need to make it another 10 years or so in this state and Im out before it reaches Illinois stage of debacle

When the federal government can't lead, the states will. California is only the first state to consider universal health care coverage.

The US pays twice what other developed nations pay for healthcare and has worse outcomes. Everybody else has single payer, government health care available to all. Why do you like paying twice as much? (this assumes you aren't on the government tit for subsidized healthcare). California is going to lead and they will show how much cheaper and better universal health care coverage can be.
Again, you assume a surgery is going to be the end all fix. I've had 6 hip surgeries with multiple surgeons over the last year and a half and I still have trouble walking. I could very easily say fuck it and file for disability and bitch about it from your perspective, but I don't. At some point you have to come to the realization that relying on doctors is dumb and relying on the government is even dumber.

Well, well, well. Here we have a classic example of somebody who didn't take care of themselves and now has become a drain on the healthcare system to the point where they raise my insurance to cover their medical costs. Then you complain about a system that can't deny you coverage for pre-existing conditions because the ACA stopped that barbaric practice by insurance companies.

Will you give me an address where I can mail a bullet to you so that you can use it end your miserable life?
It's Georgia. It was fucked before and still fucked.
Is that why Democrats poured $25 million into his campaign, because they thought it was fucked before it began?

I thought you said Democrats have to be blue dog like Manchin and McCaskill to win in red districts? What happened? Ossoff went as centrist as they come, losing the district to Handel by a wider margin that Clinton lost it to Trump. That is incredible!

Celebrating the victory
Quote where I'm "celebrating the victory"

I'm pointing out how politically clueless people who push Republican light in deep red districts are, like you. 46% showed up to vote compared to Corbyn's 70%+ because he supported an actual progressive message. Progressives in Georgia stayed home because Ossoff is a moderate Democrat supported by the establishment.

That proves your political strategy is a failure

Sure he is. Elections matter and they won. It's hardly worth noting the change in points of support. We don't really know if closing the gap in heavily republican districts will translate to wins in districts that have been close. I think it will. OTOH there are a lot of voter suppression bills in state legislature committees that just might turn close elections into easy wins for Republicans.
Translation: "if we don't win, it's because of voter suppression, not because our policies are bad and nobody is excited enough to actually vote for them"
Anybody who is gladdened by the recent election win by Republicans can be held responsible for millions of people who will the new health care bill will literally kill by denying access to health care coverage.
So denying people the access to healthcare coverage kills people? What about the 27 million Americans not covered under the ACA? You support the ACA, are you responsible for any of their deaths for not demanding universal coverage?

What a twat
Is that why Democrats poured $25 million into his campaign, because they thought it was fucked before it began?

I thought you said Democrats have to be blue dog like Manchin and McCaskill to win in red districts? What happened? Ossoff went as centrist as they come, losing the district to Handel by a wider margin that Clinton lost it to Trump. That is incredible!

Quote where I'm "celebrating the victory"

I'm pointing out how politically clueless people who push Republican light in deep red districts are, like you. 46% showed up to vote compared to Corbyn's 70%+ because he supported an actual progressive message. Progressives in Georgia stayed home because Ossoff is a moderate Democrat supported by the establishment.

That proves your political strategy is a failure

Translation: "if we don't win, it's because of voter suppression, not because our policies are bad and nobody is excited enough to actually vote for them"

So denying people the access to healthcare coverage kills people? What about the 27 million Americans not covered under the ACA? You support the ACA, are you responsible for any of their deaths for not demanding universal coverage?

What a twat

Why didnt all these so called progressives vote for Bernie during the primaries in Georgia then, twat?
Again, you assume a surgery is going to be the end all fix. I've had 6 hip surgeries with multiple surgeons over the last year and a half and I still have trouble walking. I could very easily say fuck it and file for disability and bitch about it from your perspective, but I don't. At some point you have to come to the realization that relying on doctors is dumb and relying on the government is even dumber.

Good gawd, you are so fucking stupid, it's astounding. How did you hurt your hip? Wander out into traffic?