What did you accomplish today?

Crane flies are really something. They look like the Nuclear Navy of mosquitoes. cn

<add> I found this remarkable image on a search. It's the back end of a crane fly larva. It looks like something from LOTR. cn


<add> another.
rubbed one out
went to work
drove around a bunch
went home for lunch
trolled riu... aw crap, work days over... oh well
Looks like a bug's butt.
Not a tooth-gnashing demon creature? Oh where's the romance??

In any case, I'd been on an extensive image search for a certain sort of crane fly. This tear I didn't have a one, but last year I chased over a dozen of the poor frantic bumbling things with a glass and an index card (for catch and release outdoors). I noticed two varieties ... on ethe usual sort that could get as big as the palm of my hand with a nearly three-inch wingspan ...and another, slightly smaller variety with dark wings with a bit of a hook at the end. That variety would land and extend its wings straight out without even a slight sweep, making a very distinctive shape. i couldn't resist the offered image and they are now T-birds. I could not find a pic! This moth, tho' not a crane fly, effectively shows what they looked like, if you mentally add six very long legs. cn

renamed files, looked for youtube space to post acoustic cover songs, songs made me feel like shit, erased em...planted an acorn.
I finished putting in the poles for the new fence and made a spool holder with a brake so I can grab the line and walk it down without it unraveling.
I worked from 8-5 then came home and installed mini-blinds in the nursery. Then went out to dinner with wifey and my parents. Bout to puff down and watch some more Sons of Anarchy with the wifey. Pretty productive day.
I paid all my bills early today. Let all my weed jars air out. Cleaned the inside of my truck all nice. Shot a red squirrel with my 22 that has been eating my house. Watered my plants. Now I'm going to a friends to have a few beers and shoot some pool.
Went to class, and did homework for about five hours. Now I'm having some Evan Williams and Coke, and I'm trying to decide if I want to masturbate or play video games.... hmm, decisions decisions.
I woke up and masturbated...
Took a shower and masturbated..
One of my lady friends came over
We went for a walk at the marina ..
Got something to eat ..
Got some taco sauce on my t-shirt ...
Went back to her place ..
......... ;)
Helped her hang some pictures ..
Got dropped off at home
Checked on my plants
Got on rollitup

I enjoyed my day off lol

Damn I forgot my shirt in her car now she has a reason to just pop up anytime ..I'm slippin
well i was hired on a drilling rig last week...monthly take-home pay was $10,000

however they weren't too keen on going over tasks/safety hazards and such in advance. So i quit after 3 days

hard as hell to walk away from that money :( Today I followed up with all the other companies I'd applied with...and learned that they have "lists" and each time you call HR, your name goes to the top of that list and is sent out, usually weekly, to the rig guys (tool pushers, drillers, rig managers)

so for the next week I'll continuing calling the companies that've put me on the list and told me I can call back to check up... and I'm not stopping until I'm hired on one of these big rigs again. Shouldn't be too difficult with experience & references
I paid all my bills early today. Let all my weed jars air out. Cleaned the inside of my truck all nice. Shot a red squirrel with my 22 that has been eating my house. Watered my plants. Now I'm going to a friends to have a few beers and shoot some pool.

I feel like I should be sad about the squirrel, but I don't.. Weird.
hey heph you still considering the oil field?

yea man my first job paid ~100k/year...and my second job will pay ~120k + bonuses

I wish I could make this kinda money back home living a normal life/normal work schedule...but nothing good comes easy of course