What happens if you don't add nutes to soil?

Heavy Smoker

Active Member
I just started 12/12 after about 4 weeks of veg.

Plants seem to be thriving in mix of topsoil, perlite and peat moss.

Haven't added any nutes yet... what can I expect if I don't ever add any?


Well-Known Member
smaller yield and they will probably start to yellow sooner if you had guanos and such in the soil it would be better


Well-Known Member
Well usually you dont need to add any nutes, until about week 3-4. After that your plant may start to show signs of nutrient Defficencies.

More then likely your plants leafs will start to show discoloring, and your plant growth will be stunted.

If you dont have access to a hyrdo store, then I reccomend goign to walmart and picking up some bloom nutes for flowering. Walmart sells Miracle grow bloom, and it works alright, but it will burn your plants really bad if you arent careful. Start out at about 1/3 of the strength it tells you to. Use it once a week, and slowly increase the strength.

Goodluck to ya mate<3


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if u want to give any kind of nut. other then for flowering u would want to use some bat guno. mix it like a tea. u wiil like the results.