What has Trump done to this country?

And the hits keep on coming .... Trump about Putin “ I don’t know him “ .... super duper memory.
Super Stupid Cheeto more like it. Imagine more and more dirt will appear as the elections get closer and all from the baboons own mouth.

Okay. I'll admit to being a white guy with a fairly privileged upbringing. I have the advantage of having been exposed to a lot of things many people never have the opportunity to be exposed to. As far as that goes, I'm willing to share what I've learned with anyone willing to learn.

Honestly, I was stoned through much of junior and senior high school but a couple of things I came away with...

You can say what you want but unless you can back it up with facts, data, substance, it's just talking...

Facts are verifiable and ALWAYS true. For everyone. I can say, "Today is Thursday, October 2." However, that is not a fact. For someone in another part of the world right now, It's already Friday, October 3. For my tomorrow, this statement is no longer true. This was a difficult concept for me but once I accepted it and tested it, it became clear.

Primary and seconday sources:
Primary sources are the people who have first hand knowledge of a subject or event. People who were there when it happened.
Secondary (and tertiary and quarternary...) sources are people who were told about an event or who came later.
"Real News" typically requires more than one primary source.

Data and experimental results:
Data is an observation of some phenomena. It should be quantifiable (measurable).
Experimental results are bullshit unless they are replicable - someone else should be able to apply the same conditions and arrive at the same result within an acceptable margin of error.

Anecdotal evidence:
This is where stuff gets fuzzy... there may be a lot of people experiencing a particular result from, let's say, DTW in coco coir. That in itself doesn't make it fact. That's just the beginning. This gives us the basis for making and then testing a hypothesis (an educated guess).

We don't have to know why something works to know it works:

What you think, what you've been told and what you know to be true are often very different things.

Let's face it, most of what you read or see or hear on the internet is just bullshit. I hope everyone can thoughtfully apply these simple concepts.
Okay. I'll admit to being a white guy with a fairly privileged upbringing. I have the advantage of having been exposed to a lot of things many people never have the opportunity to be exposed to. As far as that goes, I'm willing to share what I've learned with anyone willing to learn.

Honestly, I was stoned through much of junior and senior high school but a couple of things I came away with...

You can say what you want but unless you can back it up with facts, data, substance, it's just talking...

Facts are verifiable and ALWAYS true. For everyone. I can say, "Today is Thursday, October 2." However, that is not a fact. For someone in another part of the world right now, It's already Friday, October 3. For my tomorrow, this statement is no longer true. This was a difficult concept for me but once I accepted it and tested it, it became clear.

Primary and seconday sources:
Primary sources are the people who have first hand knowledge of a subject or event. People who were there when it happened.
Secondary (and tertiary and quarternary...) sources are people who were told about an event or who came later.
"Real News" typically requires more than one primary source.

Data and experimental results:
Data is an observation of some phenomena. It should be quantifiable (measurable).
Experimental results are bullshit unless they are replicable - someone else should be able to apply the same conditions and arrive at the same result within an acceptable margin of error.

Anecdotal evidence:
This is where stuff gets fuzzy... there may be a lot of people experiencing a particular result from, let's say, DTW in coco coir. That in itself doesn't make it fact. That's just the beginning. This gives us the basis for making and then testing a hypothesis (an educated guess).

We don't have to know why something works to know it works:

What you think, what you've been told and what you know to be true are often very different things.

Let's face it, most of what you read or see or hear on the internet is just bullshit. I hope everyone can thoughtfully apply these simple concepts.
Thanks for the link, DIY.

I have work to do on number 5. I sometimes put the blinders on. In part, that's becasue i rely too much on experience and sometimes don't consider "what makes this situation unique". In part, it's just the "streamlining" our brains do for us every day e.g. i don't have to think about what my hands are doing to make a left turn in the car.

I ain't no Carl Sagan but there's some pretty simple stuff we can all do cut through the bullshit.
Here is another gem .... Roger “The Goon “ Stone flashing hand signs with Proud Boy members.

Hopefully they all drop dead from covid.

Hahaha. C'mon already. Hatin' on these fucknuts and callin' these buttnuggets names is only hatin' and name callin'.

We can do better than that....
Go vote for joe Biden and prove how smart you are
I'm in Canada and the border is closed, the great leader has ya locked in, prisoners of a moron who is supported by idiots. Normally I would nip across and head south to vote, I'm white as snow and you should hear my southern accent, they don't even ask for id.
Trump now crying about rule changes to debate structure calling commission officials “ swamp monsters “ and in league with biden. No you Orange greaseball , your bombastic bullying caused the change with possible less “ open discussions “ between candidates and opening and closing statements added instead. Plus the SHOCK MIC for good measure .... to your putin penis mouth warmer on mute.


Hopefully we hear some dry cough from hope hicks kiss she gave you too.

Also .... Texas governor just “ decided “ to only allow one ballot dropbox per county. Hmmmm

Texas Ballot story ( link )
Trump now crying about rule changes to debate structure calling commission officials “ swamp monsters “ and in league with biden. No you Orange greaseball , your bombastic bullying caused the change with possible less “ open discussions “ between candidates and opening and closing statements added instead. Plus the SHOCK MIC for good measure .... to your putin penis mouth warmer on mute.

View attachment 4701334

Hopefully we hear some dry cough from hope hicks kiss she gave you too.

Also .... Texas governor just “ decided “ to only allow one ballot dropbox per county. Hmmmm

Texas Ballot story ( link )
There are shocking numbers of new voters registering in Texas 1.5 million as of last week, probably 2 million by now, well over 10% of the total voters for sure. Remember 40% of voters don't normally vote, Abbot is panicking and that means most new registrations are younger voters, most likely and we know what that might mean to not just Trump, but the republican senate seat up for grabs there as well. Texas would put Biden over 400 ECVs, a humiliation and prison sentence for Trump. Big turn outs historically favor the democrats bigly, republicans know this too, which is why they try to suppress the vote.
Texas Sets Voter Registration Record: 1.5 Million Have Signed Up Since 2016
In the political atmosphere we’re in right now, newly registered voters – maybe for both Democrats and Republicans – are more fired up than ever.”
