what is the problem(newbie)


Some of my plants leaf turns yellow. First I started with CFL light(2x100w and 23w), they turned yellow and growth was slow. I changed to 600w HPS dual spectrum philips greenpower. they are still yellow maybe increased little bit

1. what reason could be these leafs turns yellow? (One of them almost completely turned yellow, and one of them seems completely healthy.
2. Growth rate is kind of slow. We were working on adjusting the good humidity and temperature. So we keep the door open and it is rH %60 Temperature 26 degree.We are giving contiously humid by machine.watering them every 3 days
3. Should I start from begining ?This was 2nd generation
Here is some photos
Turning to yellow color is because your plant is not being supplied with appropriate amount of water. Growth rate depends upon the climatic conditions. And no don't start all over again..give the plant a chance to grow.


Well-Known Member
first thing

if a problem for your plant odds are the PH is off and this is the simplest fix ....................test PH of soil 6.5 is your goal
how much water do u give it ............amount and how offen
what soil are u using
what feed are u using

oh humity alls it does on the plant is effect the fan leave size and thickness...........plus the mold chance in flowering when over 65%
lower humity the leaves are longer and thiner
high humity the leave are thicker and bigger


Thank you for comments. Here is some more information

- i am using potting soil. no feeding at all.
- I was watering them every 3-4 days before now I started to water with little amouth of water (100-80)ml everyday. Just trying to find out what is best for them.
- I m posting an new photos also the values of soil.



Well-Known Member
ok we know the trouble

first get more soil
FFOF........fox farm ocean forest (great shit for our buddies) ............1 gallon of soil equals one month of growth (so a 5 gallon pot is 5 months)

second thing ...........order yourself the go box from amazon and 1ml or 3 ml pipettes

once u have those things u need to move the plants into the final pot(the one for it whole life) fill the pot with soil u are making them go shallow and not going to like the end product yeild...............use atleast a 3 gallon pot/ soil smart bag

increase the water amount and time
week 1 .....1 cup of water every 48 to 72
week 2.......2 cups of feed water every 48 72 hours
week 3.......2 cups of feed water every 32 to 48 hours
week 4........24 fuild oz of feed water every 32 to 48 hours
week 5 .......24 to 32 oz of feed water every 24 to 38 hours
week 6 tho done repeat week 5 ammount and time (if the container is light in 24 hours they are drinking it up so increase the ammount 1 cup is 8 fluid oz )

the go box has a feed info on it tell u how to mix it in gallons (u can reduce this with math and 1 ml pipettes) .......u can not save the feed water u use it all or u dump the extra out (there is a way but it cost money to make a tea keeper) ...............as u get better u will move to other feed lines this is a simple one has all u need in the box for several plants and it is organic

they sell water bottles in the gardening section with a fluild oz marked off on the side i use that and mix up for the plants in there when it is under a gallon ...............distilled water from the store is about 89 cents use that the jug is good to hold /mix up water

milk jugs do not work the water will turn foul


Well-Known Member
i run 5 gallon pots of half ocean forest half happy frog and theres no way you get 5 months of nutes out of it maybe 5 weeks. and just use water jugs eveyrone usually has distilled water jugs laying around well i know i do ;P


I m not living in usa I just check the price to shipping of FFOF it cost me 37 dollars fur 1.5 cu. ft. What do u think about biobizz light mix or all mix and using bio blood and bio grow as a fertilizer or anything u can suggest as a fertilizier
Staying OP I highly recommend a soil NPK test kit. This takes the gues work out of what macro mutes she needs especially for beginners and new strains. Also less is more with seedlings. IMO it looks like over watering. Soil should be moist n not damp n dry before next watering a couple inches down. Seedlings are most vulnerable at this stage n dislike any sudden changes in their enviroment

I prefer root organics 707 formula soil but all above mixes are good. I've found they run hot (at least FfHf n 707) so I mix 50/50 w promix to cut.

If u use RO water these living mixes thrive and need very little organic nutrients (I happen to use the GH organic/vganic line) during the veg phase. It's not until flower that she'll even want feed n then it's selective. Example: I'm at 30 days flower now n have only fed 2x n at half strength at that.

Lord Indica

I m not living in usa I just check the price to shipping of FFOF it cost me 37 dollars fur 1.5 cu. ft. What do u think about biobizz light mix or all mix and using bio blood and bio grow as a fertilizer or anything u can suggest as a fertilizier

  • Get some bat guano for flower and some worm castings/tea for veg. use cal mag if you can't get any dolomite lime or crushed coral. save egg shells and pulverize them to a powder. That is basically all that is needed for bud, in quality soil. Heck you could use those ingredients with coir. Your nothing without a proper PH though mrblu, you can get away without the NPK tester but for petes sake get yourself a quality method of controlling PH. I use white vinegar to lower it (more acid) and baking soda to make it more alkaline (raise it). If you have hard water like I do then 1/2 teaspoon per gallon should suffice. My water reeds 7.9 out of the tap. Ridiculous I know but I am on Kitsap Peninsula and it's to be expected. Be sure to put 1/2 teaspoon of black strap molasses per gallon of water every other watering. You will thank me for that when your buds are the best you have ever tasted. Your plants look like the PH needs to be lowered not raised but check it anyway and shoot for 6.5 or 6.8. Oh BTW never grow anything in a clear plastic container without covering the container with something to b lock out the light. Roots need to be kept in the dark. Peace and congrats on your grow​
