What kind of accent do you have?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Im sorry i cant hear ANYONE over my fucking fargo accent. and in case anyuone doesnt know what it sounds like please listen
and than realize my accent is worse than anyones on here [video]
the best way to get a load of a local accent is to listen to witnesses on the news. this is my "boston accent" the way it really sounds, not that "departed" crap. this chick cracks me up. she's talking about a stabbing like it's a lunch date or something. i had to take out your video because it wouldn't let me post mine.



Well-Known Member
the best way to get a load of a local accent is to listen to witnesses on the news. this is my "boston accent" the way it really sounds, not that "departed" crap. this chick cracks me up. she's talking about a stabbing like it's a lunch date or something. i had to take out your video because it wouldn't let me post mine.

that is so american


Staff member
the best way to get a load of a local accent is to listen to witnesses on the news. this is my "boston accent" the way it really sounds, not that "departed" crap. this chick cracks me up. she's talking about a stabbing like it's a lunch date or something. i had to take out your video because it wouldn't let me post mine.


yuuuuuuup thats worse, dear god, ill shaddup bout mine now LOL


Well-Known Member
Im sorry i cant hear ANYONE over my fucking fargo accent. and in case anyuone doesnt know what it sounds like please listen
and than realize my accent is worse than anyones on here [video=youtube;x-XEHwUBubk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-XEHwUBubk[/video]
I don't know why....but I wish EVERYONE talked like that, holy shit. I love it. And my grandparents in reading actually talk a lot like that now that I think about it. :D

I could listen to that old guy talk for hours, we would talk about the most random bullshit and it would be a great time :lol:


Well-Known Member
"North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

hahahahahahha ima pee myself with laughter ,

eh margie did ya have breakfast yet?
I hail from the Minnesota... no joke, I'm about to go to Aaarby's.
I've stomped out most of my midwest accent, almost 10 yrs separated from that region. When I get drunk though it just rolls out.
The absolute worst and obvious time is when I have had a few drinks and say the word "garden".
Fucking great movie...


Well-Known Member
Southern drawls are almost impossible to get rid of. Born and raised in Arkansas, and even though I've lived in Wisconsin for over a decade, I still have mine.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
my favorite american accent is the appalachian accent. it's the only one where i sometimes have to ask people to repeat themselves. i used to work in a call center where we got a lot of mountain calls and i had no trouble. it's been a couple years now and it sounds foreign again.

i've worked in call centers for so long i can usually tell within 15 seconds where someone grew up unless they did a lot of moving around. i know southern alabama from tennessee from outer banks. they can sometimes tell where i'm from even if i try to put on a regular "standard" accent because of how i pronounce certain things, which is what i suppose the quiz picked up on. it's a lot harder to mimic than to listen.


Well-Known Member
an educated one.
Oh wow, does this ever scream ignorance. Trust me, just because I sound like a redneck doesn't mean I'm uneducated, it just means I grew up in the South and learned to speak as everyone else. You're just showing your prejudice.


Pickle Queen
I don't have an accent, everyone else does lol

Oh shit sunni i'm still in tears, Fargo is 5 hours away from me lol

Blizzard tomorrow :( it's -34 this evening and we have 5 feet of snow.. my front door wont really open, just no more places to pile the snow, the banks are about 10 ft high , i'm still in awe !!


Active Member
Im sorry i cant hear ANYONE over my fucking fargo accent. and in case anyuone doesnt know what it sounds like please listen
and than realize my accent is worse than anyones on here [video=youtube;x-XEHwUBubk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-XEHwUBubk[/video]
You should be able to understand me..

"North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

this is what it told me..


Staff member
you should be able to understand me..

"north central" is what professional linguists call the minnesota accent. If you saw "fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a canadian a lot.

This is what it told me..
did you get fargo too?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
You should be able to understand me..

"North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

this is what it told me..
if i ever heard anyone say "yer dern tootin" in real life i would buy them a beer. sometimes people from northern maine have bits of that sound in their accent but it's far milder than the minnesota accent and sometimes mixed up with the new england accent. if i met someone who talked like they talk in fargo i would want to get wasted with them and have them say stuff to me. i feel horrible for saying so because when outsiders make a fuss about my accent it's annoying as hell, but that fargo shit is hilarious to me.


Active Member
if i ever heard anyone say "yer dern tootin" in real life i would buy them a beer. sometimes people from northern maine have bits of that sound in their accent but it's far milder than the minnesota accent and sometimes mixed up with the new england accent. if i met someone who talked like they talk in fargo i would want to get wasted with them and have them say stuff to me. i feel horrible for saying so because when outsiders make a fuss about my accent it's annoying as hell, but that fargo shit is hilarious to me.
I've said "yer darn tootin" quite a few times actually lmao. Part of my vocabulary =P

I sound perfectly normal, to me..