What kind of politics or political system will there be when hell comes to earth


Did you live in Townsville highlo? :-P


I am not offended by your double standards or attempted insults , just pointing these things out when i see them
it is not me that you need to justify yourself to, i am not Australian


yea ok that's interesting that you see it that way, but w/e. What you are pointing out isn't actually double standards.
It is me retaliating to and goading a couple of retards using their nationality as the medium of insult. Just because I say racist things to them, does not mean I feel racist towards Ordinary australians.

A better way to describe me as a person is to say that I do not like idiots, and pay attention here because this part is important: It does not matter what country an idiot lives in, I will dislike them all the same.

Previously I was merely saying that Australia (the big desert in the southern hemisphere) has an abundance of idiots. I'm sure that many of those idiots will even come from different parts of the world. But what they all have in common is that they've been infected by each others stupidity and are too weak minded (unfortunately) to be able to resist being stupid.
Trust me, I my self have done many questionable things in my life, however, I at least try to treat others with decency and respect, and I generally do not discriminate against people.

And before you point out my few criticisms of their country in an attempt to counter my statement where I say i treat people with respect, Ill like to point out that people who have done retarded things sometimes deserve the criticism they get.

don't think he said average dude. Its actually 10c degrees night and 18-20c odd during the days here at the moment too

20ºc during the days? And its winter over there right? haha... that's all I was talking about, ffs man. Its hot over there.
And according to the net the average HIGH temperature is around 30.

anyway, I don't give a fuck about the weather there personally, I don't live there, so all is good!.... And I am not the one who blew up my comments on Aussi weather, either! (ten points if you can guess who it was, you get two guesses).
I only mentioned the weather as a joke. I added it to my comments jokingly complaining about ONE MORE THING that is wrong with the place, but those two geniuses took it upon them selves to cry some crocodile tears over that as well.

as for being racist.. Im sure this whole convo would have gone down a different path had I said from the start that I was an Australian. (though I am not saying I am an aussi.)
10ºc Average where you live? Why do you say I am full of shit when first of all, I am not, and second of all, you are. ???

Nope, wrong. It’s like 10ºc where I am atm...(at the moment)

yea yea ok, If you guys have a problem with drugs, by all means I agree it is much better to provide bins for the wandering drug addicts who drop needles like birds drop droppings. The point which clearly went over your head (like 95% of things apparently, this joke included, I bet) is that Australia has a pretty substanial drug problem.. Oh but don't worry, I bet there are other countries who have worse problem and therefore you can actually make a positive comment about your country on the issues when comparing Aus to the other worse countries. Good for you, right? That is all you're worried about after all isn't it, your pride?

Hard drug addicts anywhere aren't the most considerate of people, the least they can do is throw a used syringe in a designated receptacle... I'd say our country's drug problem is on par with those of other western countries. But hey, don't let proof of this program saving lives and money influence your thinking.

not common you say? well ok, the point is that violence is common in Australia, even by the police who're actually supposed to stop violence. Ironic. Australia, just as bad as America. Iv said that once now, and now iv said it twice, and I bet that really pisses you off because everyone knows the kind of reputation they have, and I'm sure you're shivering in your trousers over the thought of your country suffering a similar fate. Its bound to happen sooner or later, that is unless you guys clean your act up! (needle bins, that's a start!)

The police here are awesome compared to America. (no offence to the Yanks). You only think police are violent here because you refused to stop when directed and then refused to give them your name... What did you think was gonna happen? Toughen up sunshine... We can't go the way of America we have restrictive firearms legislation

The police don't have the luxury of using their brains? Oh okay! thank you for that news flash! :mrgreen:

I never even implied that, while some police are insufferably stupid (not just police, case in point), Policing again bases numbers on a per x amount of the population. Statistically, Australia is even in the top 30 for per capita numbers as that's the only reasonable measure.

Ig'nant you say? Well do you even understand why I made that comment? ... I don't of course expect you to answer because I know you're too afraid.
Australians have a similar accent to Americans, imo, because they copy them, simple as that.

Our accents sound nothing like an Americans, where is this new brain freeze coming from? But thanks, you're good for a laugh!
Or perhaps its an intelligence thing? hmm, that's a new theory! (kidding!)

Na I don't think that made the news.. I turned the tv on to see if anyone had reported the incident, but there was nothing.
I mean, he didn't actually harm anyone, he just took his fkn chainsaw out in the middle of the city and held it up and walked towards these kids, and shouted at them (I don't think he intended to cut any tree's :mrgreen: )seriously though, he wanted to scare them, though that was a pretty fucked up thing to do considering anyone could have called the police on him, and the police could have easily just drove by!!

I'd be surprised if he wasn't picked up by the cops... A man brandishing a chainsaw in the middle of a city threatening people is probably not as worried about cops as you are... If you'd been on your bike without a helmet just think of the good they could've done! :lol:

I don't need to back this up. I have no hate towards any person unless its well deserved, therefore I do not discriminate towards people simply because of their position on the earth, or because of the idiots that they live with, and therefore I do not make this shit up just like that. also, I'm being honest and at least I can say that I am being honest. And ftr you guys have taken seriously a couple things that were merely jests.Now, I would advise you to think carefully before you continue to tell people that I am full of shit (as you have done on numerous occasions already!) Because technically you do not know that what I have said is false, therefore to say that it is false is a fallacy of your character. (fallacy is probably the wrong word to use there, oh well)

Most of what you've said is false or exaggerated to the point of absurdity.

After all the "claims" you've made based on your "experience", you don't seem to know much about this country nor are you willing to indulge us with where you lived while here... Thats just priceless...
How dare you say Ironic. Australia, just as bad as America.

Take that back this instant. We are much, much more fucked, up by far, than Oz. That the entire point of the world to me. :)

The accent itself is a world heritage sound along with Nigerian British.

Hey, I know what you can do. There is a working space launch service to take my DNA sample to the L5 point for only $75. (proof of delivery not required, retrieval all but impossible.)

Maybe they can take all of you......today. :)
Well I think that most of us have now all seen the large amount of uncalled for and un-witty insults and false remarks which the two Australians (cockatoo & Echelon1k1) have directed at me.

I think its pretty safe to say that the people in this video are very similar in character to cockatoo and echelon1k1. That character being "stupid".

Maybe he was right.. Maybe Australia does need more cops. (good cops, not bad cops)


According to this video in the link BELOW, only 10% of Australians are racist.
45% of people studied in NSW said that they would be worried if one of their close relatives married someone with a Islamic background.
But the the study that they conducted is by no means necessarily an accurate figure of the total amount of racists in AUSTRALIA

Well I think that most of us have now all seen the large amount of uncalled for and un-witty insults and false remarks which the two Australians (cockatoo & Echelon1k1) have directed at me.

I think its pretty safe to say that the people in this video are very similar in character to cockatoo and echelon1k1. That character being "stupid".

Maybe he was right.. Maybe Australia does need more cops. (good cops, not bad cops)

According to this video in the link BELOW, only 10% of Australians are racist.
45% of people studied in NSW said that they would be worried if one of their close relatives married someone with a Islamic background.
But the the study that they conducted is by no means necessarily an accurate figure of the total amount of racists in AUSTRALIA


Islam is a religion, not a race. The fact that you cannot separate the two is concerning. That would be exactly like calling someone who didn't want his daughter to marry a christian "racist".
@ doer... I was just thinking about something before and now iv reminded my self about it again. You were saying that politics is about rhetoric (that was you right?) well I can remember the earliest form of rhetoric that I encountered as a child, and that I remember right now.

Basically when you are doing something questionable and another kid comes along and says "I'm going to tell on you". Then you say "no please don't". That's when the other kid has the power!
Now, either they are a 100% law abiding citizen, or they are something else, AND in a position of power. lol Some kids just want to earn your respect though, by letting you know that they could tell on you, but they won't and all they want is for you to respect them for being cool about whatever questionable activity it is you're doing.

Islam is a religion, not a race. The fact that you cannot separate the two is concerning. That would be exactly like calling someone who didn't want his daughter to marry a christian "racist".

Well first of all, I am no guru on religions and cultures.
Second of all, I did not make any connection between Islam and race; Such as saying that Islam is a race.
Do you see those "full stops" at the end of the lines? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_stop

anyway, even if there were no full stops, it wouldn't change anything! quit being a bitch. Aren't you better than that?
Surely we can colonize on another planet within a MILLION years, as technology improves exponentially. If not, no one will survive the sun's explosion. There's a Twilight Zone episode where everyone is sweating their pants off while the sun gets ready to swallow up the earth.It's a fun question so I don't know what your nemesis' problem is.You didn't ask what politics are or even mention religion, Muslims, or Australians, so I don't know where all that bs came from. Way to get off topic.
@ smokin... I don't have a problem. The reason why I posted that stuff is because a couple of the village idiots kept HOUNDING me about it, after I made mention in another thread that Australia has many racists.
They couldn't accept what I said and so they literally started spamming every thread I visited and talking bull crap, this one included.

I figured I'd give them what they asked for so many times; Proof!
I have no problem with respectable people!

And I'm glad that at least SOMEONE finally posted something ON-TOPIC! thanks.

I had imagined that when the time comes, people will be able to expend as much of earth's resources as possible in order to save them selves. Maybe they could create vessels that are solar powered?
I had this image in my head of a giant shield like space craft that would sail on the energy released by the sun at the end of its life cycle, though I don't really think that would be possible. It might be, but if the sun was to explode violently then it probably wouldn't be.

Maybe people could create giant space crafts with solar shields that collect power, and send them close to the sun in order to charge them up full off energy, then the space crafts could maybe detach from the shields, or just fold the shields away or something... or convert them into something that would be used while travelling through space?
using their nationality as the medium of insult. Just because I say racist things to them, does not mean I feel racist towards Ordinary australians.

using someones nationality as a medium of insult ,
i think we established with the help of other members of this thread this is xenophobia

Just because I say racist things to them
it's ok for you to say racist things to the people you do not like, but would be wrong to be racist to strangers ?

what is an ordinary Australian ?
Oh eche, that's right, you don't know what Average means. Why the fuck are you even talking about the temperature? wtf kind of super important significance does it have?

Id say you don't actually know. Oh and how about you compare your country with the whole world, and not just the "western" world?

The police there better than America? that's like telling a chef that the dish he served you is better than a pile of shit. :mrgreen:
And here I thought that you had issue with your pride being damaged. (or maybe you do, and you're just dumb. Yea.... that sounds right)
As I said before, when living in Australia I actually watched the news, unlike you, and there were many stories on the news about police mishaps the whole time that I was there. Of course you're probably used to them aren't ya, and for you, 10 stories about bad policing per month isn't much.. Its just the usual isn't it?

I didn't say your accents are like the yanks accents, I said that you say "grass" and similar words (like glass, ass) with the same accent. Am I wrong? how about you prove my point for me and answer the question.

false you say? but how on earth do you know, matey? its the same with the "god" argument, You can't prove me wrong. Though Id I really wanted to, I could easily go and find that nice list of things which the cock compiled for me, and 1 by 1 find supporting articles on google. Though, if YOU really wanted to, you could do the exact same fucking thing, but you don't want to and if you did you would prove your self wrong, fool.

You are just but hurt. You're a victim of brainwashing by the government for which is the reason why you love your country so much, to a point that you cannot accept any criticism of your country because it hurts your pride. You cannot accept it and you refute it without proof. I understand that if something doesn't exist, you cannot necessarily prove so, but considering that the things Iv mentioned most likely DO exist, YOU eche are faced with a slight problem, aren't ya?


If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit... Case in point with this stupid pom...
Was Australia not a penal colony in the beginning? If that be the case, I can understand a claim that those there are dumb. Folks usually resort to crime due to a lack of money. That usually comes from a lack of intelligence. So all those dumb people sent to Australia, screwing other dumb people to create a dumb population. Sounds reasonable to me.
Was Australia not a penal colony in the beginning? If that be the case, I can understand a claim that those there are dumb. Folks usually resort to crime due to a lack of money. That usually comes from a lack of intelligence. So all those dumb people sent to Australia, screwing other dumb people to create a dumb population. Sounds reasonable to me.

Did you know that that US was used for the same purpose by the british? They only came to, what is now Australia after the revolutionary war. Quite a few british covicts working those plantations back in the day...
Did you know that that US was used for the same purpose by the british? They only came to, what is now Australia after the revolutionary war. Quite a few british covicts working those plantations back in the day...

Maximum security prisons didn't exactly exist back then. So it does seem like the next best option would be to put them on another continent.