What method yields the most? (SCROG, SOG,etc) +rep!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
cheers mate +rep i need to start looking for a mother just incase the hdf don't come through for me i thought it would be easy to pick a strain but now after looking i feel more puzzled than ever lol i'm in the uk so clones aren't an option gotta be from seed and suitable for sog, do you have a journal mate i'd love to follow your grow


Well-Known Member
cheers mate +rep i need to start looking for a mother just incase the hdf don't come through for me i thought it would be easy to pick a strain but now after looking i feel more puzzled than ever lol i'm in the uk so clones aren't an option gotta be from seed and suitable for sog, do you have a journal mate i'd love to follow your grow
I don't have a journal as my setup is too large to really track the growth of a set of plants. I could, however, update you with pics every few weeks. My heavy strain is about 3 weeks in so the interesting photos are still 4-8 weeks away.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
I don't have a journal as my setup is too large to really track the growth of a set of plants. I could, however, update you with pics every few weeks. My heavy strain is about 3 weeks in so the interesting photos are still 4-8 weeks away.
i understand mate it's all go lol yeah if i could see some pics that would be cool mate i love seeing what others can do and hope to copy them i'm still a newbie but have the basics down i just need to start fine tuning with a strain now so still got a lot of work ahead of me, hydro is still in the future for me yet as i'm just getting comfortable in soil and i have to wait to fully convert my room before i can get adventurous with soiless but just like christmas it's coming lol


Well-Known Member
you can't do a SoG from seed.

About the closest you can get to a sog grow with using only seeds is maybe a harvest every 3 weeks. It is extremely hard to do with seeds. I grow from seeds and i just try to get a harvest every month. I know that i would love to be able to do the mother/clone thing and get it down to harvesting every week or 2 but i dont have the room for a mother/veg room.


Well-Known Member
SoG is like a full time job, personally I like to have two rooms and just rotate every 8-10 weeks with clones to replenish the veg room.


Well-Known Member
SoG is like a full time job, personally I like to have two rooms and just rotate every 8-10 weeks with clones to replenish the veg room.
yeah that's true man... lol. right now i'm taking care of over 100 plants. It's a daily grind, at least an hour out of my day on average. with other days like cloning days etc taking 2-3 hours or even longer. 10 grams is a good yield from a no veg 2" clone. if they were in soil and not coco you'd get less.

That's why you grow more plants. 60 plants at 10 grams each makes for a gram per watt, 600 grams. That's why SoG is the best. as the prof said you save time on the veg', and you can harvest a crop every 8-9 weeks or so, depending on strain. I usually run two SoG's next to each other, so harvest the same every 4-5 weeks. However my other 600w is taken up with seed plant growing at the moment and will probably be that way now till the end of the year as i have so many gifted beans to grow.


Active Member
yeah that's true man... lol. right now i'm taking care of over 100 plants. It's a daily grind, at least an hour out of my day on average. with other days like cloning days etc taking 2-3 hours or even longer. 10 grams is a good yield from a no veg 2" clone. if they were in soil and not coco you'd get less.

That's why you grow more plants. 60 plants at 10 grams each makes for a gram per watt, 600 grams. That's why SoG is the best. as the prof said you save time on the veg', and you can harvest a crop every 8-9 weeks or so, depending on strain. I usually run two SoG's next to each other, so harvest the same every 4-5 weeks. However my other 600w is taken up with seed plant growing at the moment and will probably be that way now till the end of the year as i have so many gifted beans to grow.
I think I'm pretty sold on trying a SoG. I have 15 plants vegged and ready to go in the tent in a couple weeks already so I can't do one right now. But, with this harvest may come a new tent and new light. If so, I think I might have to run a SoG.


Well-Known Member
SoG growing is up and down. You've got to have the plants ready to go in so have to make changes to your style to compensate when things go wrong. For example some clones will root faster than others, even plants from the same gene stock will do that and some may not be quite ready when you put them in. Those cuts will stall until they have rooted properly and then start growing. Just liek with normal growing though i place the smaller plants into the middle of the space and spread the larger plants around the outside edges.

You have to keep mothers too and they need to be big enough to provide all the cuts you need as you need them. got to watch those foreign clones too. i remember once i brought in a cheese clone from another grower. it wasn't quite rooted properly so i placed it into the prop'. the cut had a disease and it wiped out 40+ of my own cuts. I'm usually a 100% kind of guy, if i take 100 cuts i expect 100 to root, so losing 40 was a massive blow to my next crop. In situations like that i resort back to veg'.


Well-Known Member
That's why you grow more plants. 60 plants at 10 grams each makes for a gram per watt, 600 grams. That's why SoG is the best.
Or you can have 6 plants under a light at 100 grams each, also 600 grams with less plants overall. A lot of states in the US have a legal threshold for plants. With 60 plants under each light, you can't have more than a few lights before it's a federal offense and not just a state offense. The number of cuttings required is also very demanding on mother plants too at 60+ cuts per round per light. Product cost is also another issue. 60 four inch rockwool cubes or hydroton baskets or soil pots per light gets expensive and tedious to maintain, not to mention the waste it creates. This is why SOG is good for low wattage smaller grows and very inefficient on a larger scale.


Well-Known Member
Or you can have 6 plants under a light at 100 grams each, also 600 grams with less plants overall. A lot of states in the US have a legal threshold for plants. With 60 plants under each light, you can't have more than a few lights before it's a federal offense and not just a state offense. The number of cuttings required is also very demanding on mother plants too at 60+ cuts per round per light. Product cost is also another issue. 60 four inch rockwool cubes or hydroton baskets or soil pots per light gets expensive and tedious to maintain, not to mention the waste it creates. This is why SOG is good for low wattage smaller grows and very inefficient on a larger scale.
growing weed is not a criminal offence... just because some idiots decide that it is doesn't mean i have to believe it is. as far as i'm concerned growing cannabis is not a crime.

I fail to see where the expense comes in? what difference in filling 60 smaller pots with coco or filling 6 large pots with coco? A single bag of coco (50litres) will provide more than 100 plants with enough media to grow and finish, that's 2 whole grows... from 1 bag of coco. so, no waste there. maybe the pots? smaller pots are much cheaper than larger pots. My 4" square pots cost £3 for 10, multiply that by 6 is £18, maybe a little pricey but not expensive. it also saves on time as no veg is required. so no waste there either. Plants are colas from top to bottom, so no waste there either.

I agree that SoG suits people with a low amount of room which is why i do it. I'd love the height space to grow some beasts... and i have had that space in the past. right now i'm reduced to growing in my attic. everything i do is on a micro scale. I don't think 600w per 4x4 space though is low wattage.


Well-Known Member
growing weed is not a criminal offence... just because some idiots decide that it is doesn't mean i have to believe it is. as far as i'm concerned growing cannabis is not a crime.

Ask all the people who are sitting in jail right now for growing if its a criminal offense. The law isn't an opinion. When the cops kick in your door, take all of you plants, money, cars etc they won't care what you think is a crime, they will only care what actually is a crime. In most places in the world growing is still unfourtunetly illegal. I'm not trying to say don't grow, just be carefull And don't think your above the law.

I like you sog method by the way, I havent heard of people doing it with so many plants, sounds like it works good though.


Well-Known Member
growing weed is not a criminal offence... just because some idiots decide that it is doesn't mean i have to believe it is. as far as i'm concerned growing cannabis is not a crime.
Tell that to the judge, because believe it or not, it's a crime and your views don't dictate law. :lol: So in everyone else's reality, the number of plants does matter.

I fail to see where the expense comes in? what difference in filling 60 smaller pots with coco or filling 6 large pots with coco? A single bag of coco (50litres) will provide more than 100 plants with enough media to grow and finish, that's 2 whole grows... from 1 bag of coco. so, no waste there. maybe the pots? smaller pots are much cheaper than larger pots. My 4" square pots cost £3 for 10, multiply that by 6 is £18, maybe a little pricey but not expensive. it also saves on time as no veg is required. so no waste there either. Plants are colas from top to bottom, so no waste there either.

I agree that SoG suits people with a low amount of room which is why i do it. I'd love the height space to grow some beasts... and i have had that space in the past. right now i'm reduced to growing in my attic. everything i do is on a micro scale. I don't think 600w per 4x4 space though is low wattage.
As far as cost goes, it may be a wash if you're using coco but not if you're using hydroton or rockwool. For the OP's space, SOG is an option of course, but the number of plants legally allowed is a valid point.


Well-Known Member
Ask all the people who are sitting in jail right now for growing if its a criminal offense. The law isn't an opinion. When the cops kick in your door, take all of you plants, money, cars etc they won't care what you think is a crime, they will only care what actually is a crime. In most places in the world growing is still unfourtunetly illegal. I'm not trying to say don't grow, just be carefull And don't think your above the law.

I like you sog method by the way, I havent heard of people doing it with so many plants, sounds like it works good though.
Look man.. i understand the world a little differently. the law is exactly just somebody's opinion. that's all it it is... and not even (in regards to weed) the opinion of the majority of people. A crime to me has a victim, if there is no victim there can be no crime. No matter what anybody says to me i will never be a criminal for growing cannabis

I have experience with the law... i know what they can do, trust me in that i'm as careful as I can be. Ethically though i'll never believe growing cannabis is a crime... and i would say that to the judge, and also deny that i'd committed any crime.


Active Member
Im also new in this theme, but I was wondering the same thing. The fact is, sometimes its relative to many factors, such as treatment, light, space, humidity, reflection, strains, and so on... I think there's no 100% guarantee and or definition that will make the things be so "Clearly". Theres people geting (for example) 2oz with 2 plants, and other people with the same strain getting the same quantity (with one plant) as the other with 2 plants. However, in resume I still thinking that the SOG its probably the skill I want to have in near future. Like
nailz92002 said it would probably a winner... But who am I? I still an amateur on this with a lot to learn, and opinions are opinions, sometimes discutible and sometimes not.



Active Member
Tell that to the judge, because believe it or not, it's a crime and your views don't dictate law. :lol: So in everyone else's reality, the number of plants does matter.
Not in Cali. A law passed in January that states that no limit may be imposed by the state to regulate an individuals ability to provide his/her own medicine. If you can prove you need it (there's the catch), your prescription covers it.

Will it cover 40 plants in a SoG, yes. Will it cover 40 plants outdoors. Not a chance.


Well-Known Member
We should be working on getting all prisoners w/simple possestion charges freed NATION WIDE. I think there is a great injustice going on. We as a country will reap what we sow.

Sorry off of topic.