What strains were popular in the 60s and 70s?

Lilroach, I remember the gaslamp district in San Diego, they re-vitalized that area in the late 90's and they call it Horton Plaza. Took out all the tatoo parlours, bars, weekly hotels and moved all the hookers up to Point Loma and National City.
I grew up near Mission Bay, (while they were still dredging and building it) so I scored most my weed in P.B from the surfers and older brothers of friends. I remember buying lids. The amount of weed it took to fill a plastic coffee can lid for $15 dollars. I think it was prob. around a 1/4 oz. The Thai sticks would go for $10-$15.

Sorry Lilroach, I mispoke. I remember the Newport Hotel and it wasn't in the gaslamp district. I was thinking of the San Diego Hotel on Broadway. Used to go downtown on the bus sometimes and see all the dealers pearched in front.
The Newport Hotel was on the way to Ocean Beach.....I think it's now a old-folks home (maybe some of the dealers from back in the 70's).
the great smoke from Cambodia we smoked in Nam!! talk about giggle weed!

Hue City, '68, just before "The Big Show" I was trading canned fruit cocktail and Pall Malls from C-rats for cartons of packaged pre-rolled opium dip weed weed from some place, I was told, called "The Golden Triangle"...Packed the cartons "4 square" and shipped back to my former college roommate in "The World" who was going to med school at the time...He is now my neighborhood homie and grow buddy...Some things just never change but we do leave the opium out...FWIW
When I was stationed in Hawaii in the Mid 70''s they had something called 'Elephant'. It was on a stick like thai stick, but was fatter and much fresher and green. More powerful too. I believe it was Hawaii grown. $20 a stick. I have no idea how many grams/ounces it was. The thai stick of the day was a bit fatter than a wooden pencil, and was very heavy, tarry smoke. The elephant was usually about twice as fat, much better tasting, nowhere near the amount of tarryness. Very crappy mexican that came in overdried pressed bricks was the 'peasant' smoke at $15-20/oz and about 50% weight was seeds. The columbian was also common and so very much better than the mexican and ran $25-40/oz, also full of seeds. Aculpulco Gold and Panama Red were a pretty rare find, but worth paying a bit extra. In Hawaii they had the Maui Wowie, Puna Bud, Kona Gold, and Elephant, all most excellent. None of the Hawaiian stuff or Thai Stick had any seeds in it. All the rest was usually full of them.
I'm a bit over 50 years old and I grew up in San Diego Ca.
Most of what we smoked was mexican schwag. Flat compressed brick weed.
Being a child in the 60's and a teenager in the 70's, I didn't really smoke in the 60's, but the 70's were fun.
Once we got to know some hippies,(usually a friends older sibling) we started hooking up with this outdoor weed from the mountains around 80 miles Northeast of San Diego. It was called Fallbrook Sensimilla and it was my first real look at a green bud that wasn't compressed and brown.
We got Thai sticks though. Those were brown also and extremely compressed and tied on the sticks, but would send you to the moon.
In the past 15 years or so, with the addition of the internet and information sharing, weed quality and strain development really have improved. I grew for many years in my 20's and stopped when I got married. I just started growing again 2 years ago and the seed banks, internet, MMJ shops, grow shops sure make it a lot easier than it used to be.
Before, you were stuck with whatever clones you could get or create yourself or bag seed. It is a hell of a lot easier to grow good quality weed when you have unlimited resources to attain any and every strain you could desire! Oh the marvels of modern technology!

We are about the same age and some of the best grass I smoked in the late 1970's was Fallbrook Redhair and Deloras,named after a wife of a farmer somewhere in Fallbrook. Truly great sensimilla. I was at UCSD and everyone went nuts when we scored Fallbrook or Deloras. Hawaiian,Thai weed,lumbo gold and red,and acapulco gold were always around and sometimes panama red too.The weed seemed trippier back then.
On the theme of bad weed, when I was in HS, the two guys who were the photographers on the school paper (we used to smoke in the darkroom -- great ventilation, and the red light keeps people out) used to take a brick of Mexican and shove it in a blender until the whole thing was green/brown powder. They'd then sell this to classmates that didn't know any better, a little film canister full for $20.

Mmmmm. Powder.
That powder sounds just awful.I grew up in Madison Wisconsin and started smokin in about 1975. I remember the Thai stick..very brown wrapped on sticks and very good. Some "California Sensimilla" was the first really good green bud I ever had. Preferred smoke was brown buddy stuff that was called columbian. Smoked lots of horrible dry brick weed with annoying little half seeds. Talked about the chemical paraquat being sprayed in Mexico.
Back in the 70's in the Midwest you never knew what you would get next. My favs. Redbud (dark dark red, hallucinogenic) Columbian or Acapulco Gold (major expando) Michoiacan (very distinctive taste, mind numbing) I don't remember the taste or smell, just remember loving it, all uniquely different. Mostly it was Mexican, some was outstanding, other swag. :peace:

Oh yeah, can't forget Thai stick probably the highest I've ever been. Only had it once, but will never forget.:eyesmoke:

Feel sorry for Ace720 that thinks we're making these up, those were some good times. Can you image growing up with only swag, I'd be an alcoholic for sure, probably dead.

I used to go to Chicago every summer in the 70's & 80's plenty of good shit...... sorry for your loss Ace720 you really missed out. Nothing like good connections.
Hell, you could drive to the forest preserves & pick up just about anything.
Started smoking in '66, lived in Tampa then. Everything had seeds. Matchboxes of crap Mexican were $5 at a beatnik/biker bar. Super sticky trippy Jamaican showed up every now and again. In '68 the Colombian started flowing up out of Miami and FL was flooded with good pot for a few years...lids/ounces went from $15 to $20, boy was there some bitching. Some of the gold Colombian was as incapacitating as any pot I've ever smoked. 2 or 3 good hits and nobody could function on that stuff. You were lucky to be able to walk or croak out sounds. The growers around Gainesville were well organized and turned out fields of Micanopy Purple, my first sweet sensimilla. Not having regular access to top shelf stuff back then seemed to make it more of a special treat when the ass kickin' pot came around.
Not having regular access to top shelf stuff back then seemed to make it more of a special treat when the ass kickin' pot came around.

I just felt like quoting this part of your statement for absolute truth. Once in a blue moon some real gold or redbud would find its way to Ohio (70's for me) and it was special! Or a friend from a money family would vacation in Hawaii for a couple of weeks and bring back some waui. Dem were the days when you really appreciated the killer weed. The kids today! Don't know how good they have it! LMAO
I just felt like quoting this part of your statement for absolute truth. Once in a blue moon some real gold or redbud would find its way to Ohio (70's for me) and it was special! Or a friend from a money family would vacation in Hawaii for a couple of weeks and bring back some waui. Dem were the days when you really appreciated the killer weed. The kids today! Don't know how good they have it! LMAO

Yep and this is also where the buzz discrepancies come into play as well...

If you have been smoking shit all year long and then you get something that isn't shit (like columbian gold) you get 10x higher than you expect and all of a sudden you think it is the greatest thing ever grown. When in fact, it is just much better than absolute shit, but still nowhere near as good as today's bud.
Late 70's for me. Most all in southern Indiana was brown mexican brick swag. If you got any green bud it was medicore homegrown, sometimes though you could get some good Kentucky sensi. Oh and those big yellow ez-wides papers
we had a lot of gold in the northeast, lids for $15 ( 3/4 of a zip). there was a lot of brick but you could find good bud most times, you just had to pay for it. the bud was just as good as todays if it was grown, harvested n cured properly, imo.
We are about the same age and some of the best grass I smoked in the late 1970's was Fallbrook Redhair and Deloras,named after a wife of a farmer somewhere in Fallbrook. Truly great sensimilla. I was at UCSD and everyone went nuts when we scored Fallbrook or Deloras. Hawaiian,Thai weed,lumbo gold and red,and acapulco gold were always around and sometimes panama red too.The weed seemed trippier back then.

Fallbrook is a town in the San Bernadino Mtns. about 85 miles NE of san diego. There were some people I knew that had family involved in some outdoor cultivation up there. I heard there was alot of it going on in those hills. I guess back then it was So. Ca. answer to Humbolt and Mendicino