What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

Richie thinks the Iraqis preferred staying under saddam.... :lol; :mrgreen:

Class dismissed...... Richie....I'm sorry son....we have to send you to remedial class. You aren't making the grade here.
I can understand it coming from the British. their country has gotten weaker with each decade since WW2. Helpless at home...helpless abroad .... no wonder 12% of the population prefers to live elsewhere.

I understand.... that part I get.

Americans who feel terrorism is a valid tactic? That's just pure idiocy.

That's right, another dig at us Brits, seems to be a trend when you get corrected.

You're being petty now.

And if you researched correctly, the biggest reason they leave is the weather, which is shit, I can vouch for that so...... oh and work and retirement. People don't just want to leave for the sake of it. Trust me mate we're not helpless, thousands of years of defending this small island made us tough. Don't forget your roots, 300 years ago your country never even existed (according to the white man). Oh wait what language are you typing.
as i smoke my second bong of the day of my fine afghan soft black (delicious) iraq doesnt really hold much relivence, but britain and america should just let taliban in afghanistan do there sweet thang!

(PS ano the talibans wrong jus really enjoyin ma black tis wonderfully nice!)
If they're shooting at you, what the hell does the size of the weapon matter... NOTTA...

At what point in the video were the men on the ground shooting at the helicopter?

Kill'em all and let God sort'em out.
There is no God, if there is, it sure as hell wouldn't let someone in his kingdom of heaven with sentiments like this.

I'll have my day of judgment, until then, I will do whatever I can to climb and maintain my position on top of any foe.

I commend you for admitting your selfish nature. There's just some instances where it's OK to be selfish regarding ones own prosperity, and other instances where it's not. Understanding the distinction is extremely important.

Someone asked how if I was an Iraqi insurgent, how would I take on the Allied forces... simple, I wouldn't, because I'd know the Allied forces would (and are) whip my ass!

This isn't an answer, because not fighting is not an option. You have to be able to put yourself in their position, if you're unable to do that you miss an entire side to the issue. They're not just crazy brainwashed Muslims set on Jihad. Some of them have valid reasons for resisting US occupation, reasons which you and I would both side with if the situation was reversed and it was Iraqi occupation inside the US. To them, we're thugs, bent on stealing resources and profiting from the consequences of waging international warfare while presenting our self as peace bringers, as liberators...

Here we get a glimpse of the battlefield, which consequently leads to an extremely misinformed American public (BigP and Cracker are perfect examples of this), and wouldn't ya know it, Cracker himself just argued for MORE CENSORSHIP of the battlefield, which would lead to even more misinformation and propaganda being fed to the masses. Maybe that's what people like him want, I don't really know, I can only speculate, but it would seem if that were to happen, there would be more people with opinions such as his siding with his view of the way he see's things... so who really knows. I'd really like to think human life would be a little more important to people than whose right or wrong on a marijuana growing forum...

But they don't care, brainwash another young guy or girl to strap another bomb to their chests, walk to a crowded square full of people and hit the detonator.

Christianity brainwashes American youth, as clearly shown by military statistics. It sends the message that it's noble and honorable to die in the service for your country. Without religion, 90% of the wars on the planet would cease to exist, because people would no longer have a justification for committing such acts against their fellow human beings. It brainwashes them into picking up a rifle, and going off thousands of miles away to kill foreign people in foreign lands, or it brainwashes them into getting behind the controls of an Apache gunship and killing 12 innocent people (with families). :spew:

Fuck'em all... especially since they're doing this in the name of their god Allah... even worse.

Is this what Jesus would do?

Richie thinks the Iraqis preferred staying under saddam.... :lol; :mrgreen:

Class dismissed...... Richie....I'm sorry son....we have to send you to remedial class. You aren't making the grade here.

How would you wage war against the full brute of the American and coalition forces if you were an insurgent commander?

You've deflected twice, you can't answer that, and you and I both know why.
So anyone care to take a stab at my previous question... anyone? Cracker?

How would you wage war against the full brute of the American military and coalition forces if you were an insurgent commander?
Well IDK about being an insurgent commander I guess I would use the same tactics they do,, basically enslave your own people so if they speak out against you you will kill them. If you get shot at you use them as human shields you set up your warzone in the middle of civilian cities and use their homes and the American's standards against them. That's why they are terrorsits.

The way I see it is like this. The people have to sleep in these cities your right they were born there and that's not their fault. They are most likely forced into fighting no matter what their beliefs because they are controlled by terrorists in this fashion. It's like the holocaust if you spoke out against the war you would be killed. If you hid anne frank and in your attic and were caught you would be killed. That's why there was gustapo-jewish people who helped the nazis because they wanted to live. Just like when they collected slaves in Africa(Americans I'm not shifting blame) they used Africans to capture slaves. I'm sure they can't speak out against the groups who occupy their house or neighborhood or w/e.

I always thought of these places as 3rd world countries and everything but when they had that show on MTV way back in the day with Lisa Ling I was surprised to see that many people's standard of living was not unlinke ours. They have internet access they watch the same shows on TV as us and many of them have a lot of money. My point is they could all put up youtube videos or w/e if they didn't want America there they need to speak directly to the voters who haved no idea what it's like over there. But they're pretty much damned either way, if they all spoke out and said we don't want democracy we don't want America here we support the terrorist organizations than it basically just confirms everything that we are already fighting for. If they say we want you here they are going to be killed by the terrorists so the only thing we can do is inferr that they want democracy and honestly who wouldn't want things like free speech, the right to vote and equal rights for men and women and things like that? Seriously who wouldn't? Guess there's only one way to find out...let's take a vote.....
I know the chinese wanted democracy before their communist government used their own armies to massacre them. They were gaining support people were finally willing to speak out against the oppression and than just like that they flexed their muscles and shut up the people. That guy what's his name, the chinese dictator??? Well he's murdered more people than hitler and he's still alive.
Great thread, and great video.
Anyone against this video is a fucking idiot.

USA and Iraq are at war... the people they were shooting at were armed insurgents... who would have killed YOU in the blink of an eye... Why care about them? They do not give a flying fuck about you, your mom, your wife, your daughter, anything.
The people that rolled up with the kids trying to pick up the bodies deserved to die too. What do you expect.... when you go into a warzone and try and steal weapons from already dead terrorists? It just looks like you are a terrorist and in need of a weapon as well.

Bringing the kids? Oh well.. That was their own fault.

My mother is in Afghanistan right now fighting with the Canadian & USA troops, and she comes home (already been once, this is second time) and tells me about all the poor bastards she watched suffer right in front of her own eyes. They deserve it.

Let me reiterate... honestly... these people that were killed by the USA chopper would have killed you in a heartbeat
What it comes down to is that the WMD was a lie....

And thousands of Americans are dead because of it.

Fuck the war. It's pointless. Just making the rich richer.. and having the poor die for it.
Great thread, and great video.
Anyone against this video is a fucking idiot.

USA and Iraq are at war... the people they were shooting at were armed insurgents... who would have killed YOU in the blink of an eye... Why care about them? They do not give a flying fuck about you, your mom, your wife, your daughter, anything.
The people that rolled up with the kids trying to pick up the bodies deserved to die too. What do you expect.... when you go into a warzone and try and steal weapons from already dead terrorists? It just looks like you are a terrorist and in need of a weapon as well.

Bringing the kids? Oh well.. That was their own fault.

My mother is in Afghanistan right now fighting with the Canadian & USA troops, and she comes home (already been once, this is second time) and tells me about all the poor bastards she watched suffer right in front of her own eyes. They deserve it.

Let me reiterate... honestly... these people that were killed by the USA chopper would have killed you in a heartbeat

only read your first three sentences... before i decided to post that your information is inaccurate

there were 2 journalists, and they are too far away to tell if whats over that one guys shoulder was an AK or a camera bag

your instantly justifying murder with no evidence at all,

wrap yourself in the american flag as you murder civies

it has come to my attention that you dont care about the lives of others, how very inhumane and ignorant to have a "kill them all" attitude


and one last thing, i would like you to demonstrate how i would have been killed with a camera

why was the pentagons video of this incident magically "missing"?

*cough cough* cover up *cough*
It's war man, people die.
Everyones too wrapped up in todays society..

We teach world war 1 and 2 to students in school, but just because you didn't see video of the killing and bloodshed makes it alright?
This war is way more tame than world war 2 was..... at least these people are using explosive rounds and things of that nature.

People in WW2 were getting shot point blank, beaten to death... endless bloodshed... and just because there isn't many videos of it makes it alright?

Your a joke
At what point in the video were the men on the ground shooting at the helicopter?

There is no God, if there is, it sure as hell wouldn't let someone in his kingdom of heaven with sentiments like this.

I commend you for admitting your selfish nature. There's just some instances where it's OK to be selfish regarding ones own prosperity, and other instances where it's not. Understanding the distinction is extremely important.

This isn't an answer, because not fighting is not an option. You have to be able to put yourself in their position, if you're unable to do that you miss an entire side to the issue. They're not just crazy brainwashed Muslims set on Jihad. Some of them have valid reasons for resisting US occupation, reasons which you and I would both side with if the situation was reversed and it was Iraqi occupation inside the US. To them, we're thugs, bent on stealing resources and profiting from the consequences of waging international warfare while presenting our self as peace bringers, as liberators...

Here we get a glimpse of the battlefield, which consequently leads to an extremely misinformed American public (BigP and Cracker are perfect examples of this), and wouldn't ya know it, Cracker himself just argued for MORE CENSORSHIP of the battlefield, which would lead to even more misinformation and propaganda being fed to the masses. Maybe that's what people like him want, I don't really know, I can only speculate, but it would seem if that were to happen, there would be more people with opinions such as his siding with his view of the way he see's things... so who really knows. I'd really like to think human life would be a little more important to people than whose right or wrong on a marijuana growing forum...

Christianity brainwashes American youth, as clearly shown by military statistics. It sends the message that it's noble and honorable to die in the service for your country. Without religion, 90% of the wars on the planet would cease to exist, because people would no longer have a justification for committing such acts against their fellow human beings. It brainwashes them into picking up a rifle, and going off thousands of miles away to kill foreign people in foreign lands, or it brainwashes them into getting behind the controls of an Apache gunship and killing 12 innocent people (with families). :spew:

Is this what Jesus would do?

How would you wage war against the full brute of the American and coalition forces if you were an insurgent commander?

You've deflected twice, you can't answer that, and you and I both know why.

Uhhh, as a military commander... I would tell my Chief.... this is NOT a good idea. Perhaps we shouldn't invade Kuwait. Perhaps we shouldn't blow innocent women and children up either. Gosh....
That's right, another dig at us Brits, seems to be a trend when you get corrected.

You're being petty now.

And if you researched correctly, the biggest reason they leave is the weather, which is shit, I can vouch for that so...... oh and work and retirement. People don't just want to leave for the sake of it. Trust me mate we're not helpless, thousands of years of defending this small island made us tough. Don't forget your roots, 300 years ago your country never even existed (according to the white man). Oh wait what language are you typing.
You really wana bring up the past? :roll:
Its kind of like the Iraqi insugens beating the United States..but it actually happend:hump: :mrgreen:
At what point in the video were the men on the ground shooting at the helicopter?

There is no God, if there is, it sure as hell wouldn't let someone in his kingdom of heaven with sentiments like this.

I commend you for admitting your selfish nature. There's just some instances where it's OK to be selfish regarding ones own prosperity, and other instances where it's not. Understanding the distinction is extremely important.

This isn't an answer, because not fighting is not an option. You have to be able to put yourself in their position, if you're unable to do that you miss an entire side to the issue. They're not just crazy brainwashed Muslims set on Jihad. Some of them have valid reasons for resisting US occupation, reasons which you and I would both side with if the situation was reversed and it was Iraqi occupation inside the US. To them, we're thugs, bent on stealing resources and profiting from the consequences of waging international warfare while presenting our self as peace bringers, as liberators...

Here we get a glimpse of the battlefield, which consequently leads to an extremely misinformed American public (BigP and Cracker are perfect examples of this), and wouldn't ya know it, Cracker himself just argued for MORE CENSORSHIP of the battlefield, which would lead to even more misinformation and propaganda being fed to the masses. Maybe that's what people like him want, I don't really know, I can only speculate, but it would seem if that were to happen, there would be more people with opinions such as his siding with his view of the way he see's things... so who really knows. I'd really like to think human life would be a little more important to people than whose right or wrong on a marijuana growing forum...

Christianity brainwashes American youth, as clearly shown by military statistics. It sends the message that it's noble and honorable to die in the service for your country. Without religion, 90% of the wars on the planet would cease to exist, because people would no longer have a justification for committing such acts against their fellow human beings. It brainwashes them into picking up a rifle, and going off thousands of miles away to kill foreign people in foreign lands, or it brainwashes them into getting behind the controls of an Apache gunship and killing 12 innocent people (with families). :spew:

Is this what Jesus would do?

How would you wage war against the full brute of the American and coalition forces if you were an insurgent commander?

You've deflected twice, you can't answer that, and you and I both know why.
Why is fighting not an option again?
Your post is ridiulous.
If i was an insurgent commander i would say, look, were goin against the US military. Lets lay our arms down and give it up. They knew what they were getting themselves into..
Uhhh, as a military commander... I would tell my Chief.... this is NOT a good idea. Perhaps we shouldn't invade Kuwait. Perhaps we shouldn't blow innocent women and children up either. Gosh....

That's not an answer either.

What's wrong guys, you can't answer a simple question?...

You're sitting there saying "they should fight like men" "they should wear soldiers uniforms", and attempting to pass that off as justification for these American terrorists actions of "shoot now, ask questions later" (a policy ILLEGAL by United States standards) by saying "you hide behind civilians and civilians die". What they did was wrong and you can't admit it because they're American.

If the insurgents were to put on soldiers uniforms they'd be annihilated within weeks, they know this, they are FORCED - look up the definition of that word if you don't believe me - to wage war in this fashion, if they didn't, they would lose. It's as simple as that. Therefore the civilian casualties inflicted by American soldiers are on the hands of us, Americans. It's our fault, not theirs. And that's why you can't answer this question truthfully. Because if you did, you would be clearly contradicting yourself.
Why is fighting not an option again?
Your post is ridiulous.
If i was an insurgent commander i would say, look, were goin against the US military. Lets lay our arms down and give it up. They knew what they were getting themselves into..

Well, I guess it is to people who don't value freedom. But those of us that do, not fighting would not be an option to aggressive occupation.

Look up the civilian casualty numbers.

If your neighbors, friends, FAMILY members were being killed on a monthly basis, you'd just sit down and accept it?
only read your first three sentences... before i decided to post that your information is inaccurate

there were 2 journalists, and they are too far away to tell if whats over that one guys shoulder was an AK or a camera bag

your instantly justifying murder with no evidence at all,

wrap yourself in the american flag as you murder civies

it has come to my attention that you dont care about the lives of others, how very inhumane and ignorant to have a "kill them all" attitude


and one last thing, i would like you to demonstrate how i would have been killed with a camera

why was the pentagons video of this incident magically "missing"?

*cough cough* cover up *cough*
The pentagon's video is missing but according to them they don't keep every video they make and there was no reason for them to investigate any wrong doing it's just another video to them.

According to the reports the airstrike was called in because ground troops in the area were being shot at. They were in possession of an RPG not just an AK-47. These are not random people being fired upon by inhumane people who just wanted to shoot them. The helicopters camera doesn't have the same view as the video and wouldn't be able to distinguish a camera from a gun. Did you see the kids in the van the first time you watched the video? Even if you could see them could you see it was a child? The pilots follwed orders to shoot. The pilot says they're moving the injured man and "possibly" weapons they are going to drive away unless I shoot what are your orders?

Now I don't know shit i wasn't there. So maybe all that was a lie but I have no way of knowing that the evidence is false, i can only assume that this is true.
It's war man, people die.
Everyones too wrapped up in todays society..

We teach world war 1 and 2 to students in school, but just because you didn't see video of the killing and bloodshed makes it alright?
This war is way more tame than world war 2 was..... at least these people are using explosive rounds and things of that nature.

People in WW2 were getting shot point blank, beaten to death... endless bloodshed... and just because there isn't many videos of it makes it alright?

Your a joke
uuuuhh I'm pretty sure there is plenty of video from WW2 my babysitter growing up would constantly watch WW2 footage because she lived through it.:)
That's not an answer either.

What's wrong guys, you can't answer a simple question?...

You're sitting there saying "they should fight like men" "they should wear soldiers uniforms", and attempting to pass that off as justification for these American terrorists actions of "shoot now, ask questions later" (a policy ILLEGAL by United States standards) by saying "you hide behind civilians and civilians die". What they did was wrong and you can't admit it because they're American.

If the insurgents were to put on soldiers uniforms they'd be annihilated within weeks, they know this, they are FORCED - look up the definition of that word if you don't believe me - to wage war in this fashion, if they didn't, they would lose. It's as simple as that. Therefore the civilian casualties inflicted by American soldiers are on the hands of us, Americans. It's our fault, not theirs. And that's why you can't answer this question truthfully. Because if you did, you would be clearly contradicting yourself.

Sorry for the multiple posts and all...

This quote kinda says what we are saying padawan...They can't beat us with regular war tactics they know they would get owned. That's why the use guerilla warfare attacks and PUT INNOCENT PEOPLE AT RISK or outright attack innocent defenseless unsuspecting people. That's why they are terrorists those tactics are shameless and we in America and I think most rational people in the world see that it's cowardly on wrong. Isn't this all because the terrorists hate the jews and kill anybody with no discrimination? Cuz if it isn't what is it than? Seriously, enlighten me cuz it sounds like your just saying they are protecting their home that AMERICA just decided to invade because we want to expand our dynasty or something.