What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

It's both. There are fanatical Muslims bent on eliminating infidels and there are those that have been touched by the conflicts who simply want their homes back and a safe place to live. Our actions today are breeding MORE terrorists. Every innocent person we accidentally kill gives the real terrorists justification for their actions. I didn't say it justifies it, I said it makes them feel justified. I would argue the majority of "terrorists" are of this category, and a very small percentage are of the fanatical Muslim type. And it's a snowball effect, the more we kill the more there are. Terrorism cannot be defeated.
I've been following this thread for awhile and decided to give my 2 cents worth.
From what we have been told,America invaded Iraq because of the weapons of mass destruction that Suddam and Iraq were alleged to have.(It had nothing to do with 9-11 as some of you seem to have been confused with). The WMD were never found and Suddam has been dead for awhile now. Why is the USA still in Iraq?....because it is unstable? Who made it that way? It was kind of stable before the USA got there.Was war ever declared?...so I guess the USA are just "occupying" the country then...kinda like house guests who never leave.
That video was disturbing. How do the pilots know they were terrorists? Even if they had AK's, does it mean they are the bad guys? couldn't it just be Iraqi citizens carrying guns to protect themselves? Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't people carry weapons in the USA while walking down the street?...How come no police shoot them as terrorists?
What it boils down to is those pilots fucked up big time.Sure they were given
Isn't that what really happened?
At the end of the day, we are all shit. We, The USA and UK have millions and millions of pounds of taxpayers weapons, tanks, planes, bombs being used in this "oil fight and terrorism war" and we can't "win" against a load of "guerilla fighters" with AK47s and RPGs.

The rich make war, the rich get richer off this "war" and hundreds die while we argue on a stoner forum.

Humans are too dumb to realise how inhumane the elite it are.

Sorry about all the quotations, but every word is interpreted different by someone else so I don't feel like I'm talking sense any more.

I'm not saying any more, I'm out of this argument.
If they're shooting at you, what the hell does the size of the weapon matter... NOTTA...

I mean, if someone is trying to bash my skull in with a bat, and I have a bazooka, am I gonna throw down my bazooka to make the fight fair? Fuck no!

Those guys on the ground weren't shooting at anybody.

Someone asked how if I was an Iraqi insurgent, how would I take on the Allied forces... simple, I wouldn't, because I'd know the Allied forces would (and are) whip my ass!

But they don't care, brainwash another young guy or girl to strap another bomb to their chests, walk to a crowded square full of people and hit the detonator.

So you really wouldn't fight?


If the French, Dutch, Belgians and all the other people who resisted against the Nazis, thought like you, we'd have lost World War 2, you fucking fool.

America invaded Iraq. The Iraqi people are going to fight back. That's a logical fact. Stop twisting the truth.

Just because it suits you to call them "terrorists" so you can justify what YOUR country is doing, it doesn't your version REALITY.

Fuck'em all... especially since they're doing this in the name of their god Allah... even worse.

Who said they're doing it in the name of Allah? Fox News?

They're fighting to have their country back - are you too stupid to comprehend that??? Fuck me, you're really narrow minded aren't you.

Richie thinks the Iraqis preferred staying under saddam.... :lol; :mrgreen:

Class dismissed...... Richie....I'm sorry son....we have to send you to remedial class. You aren't making the grade here.

No, I don't think so. I know so for a fact. I don't need to go watch some videos on YouTube of women crying their damn guts out over dead relatives, to know that. I have met more Iraqis than you can count, buddy, and you can bet your ass they ain't happy about our presence there.

MILLIONS of Iraqis would trade this bullshit occupation back for Saddam.

No one is saying Saddam is Mary Poppins, but he sure as hell didn't fuck Iraq up like we did.

Well IDK about being an insurgent commander I guess I would use the same tactics they do,, basically enslave your own people so if they speak out against you you will kill them. If you get shot at you use them as human shields you set up your warzone in the middle of civilian cities and use their homes and the American's standards against them. That's why they are terrorsits.

Why do you keep talking about "using civilians as human shields"? That is something Israel accuses Hezbollah of doing and vice versa - it has nothing to do with the Iraq war.

Stop confusing your Fox News bs.

And who the hell is "setting up a war zone in the middle of civilian cities"?

What, now Iraq invaded Washington DC?


The USA and coalition forces BOMBED BAGHDAD, A CIVILIAN CITY IN MARCH 2003,


Great thread, and great video.
Anyone against this video is a fucking idiot.

USA and Iraq are at war... the people they were shooting at were armed insurgents... who would have killed YOU in the blink of an eye... Why care about them? They do not give a flying fuck about you, your mom, your wife, your daughter, anything.

You obviously didn't watch the video. Those people were journalists. If they were with insurgents, that is a different matter. Don't tell me you've never seen journalists interviewing insurgents.

The people that rolled up with the kids trying to pick up the bodies deserved to die too. What do you expect.... when you go into a warzone and try and steal weapons from already dead terrorists? It just looks like you are a terrorist and in need of a weapon as well.

Really, they deserved to die? For what, trying to help dying people?

You're a fucking savage.

Trying to act better because you were born with white skin in an American home?

Turn the tables, see how fucking long you keep that frame of mind.

You have no moral values - you are no longer a human being but a meer animal. Go back to the jungle; society has no place for degenerates like you.

My mother is in Afghanistan right now fighting with the Canadian & USA troops, and she comes home (already been once, this is second time) and tells me about all the poor bastards she watched suffer right in front of her own eyes. They deserve it.

Let me reiterate... honestly... these people that were killed by the USA chopper would have killed you in a heartbeat

Oh really, so your mother did 2 tours in Afghanistan, and now that makes you a political advisor on who deserves to suffer and what war is "justified".

You fucking peasant - you don't know sugar from shit.

They can't beat us with regular war tactics they know they would get owned.

You are clearly mistaken about the effectiveness of insurgency.

It works very well against formal armies - need I remind you of Vietnam?

Also, look at your close ally Israel - everytime it attacks Hezbollah it gets its ass kicked; the war in August 2006 being a perfect example.

That's why the use guerilla warfare attacks and PUT INNOCENT PEOPLE AT RISK or outright attack innocent defenseless unsuspecting people. That's why they are terrorists those tactics are shameless and we in America and I think most rational people in the world see that it's cowardly on wrong.

Who is putting innocent lives at risk here - the people in bombers and Apache helicopters, or hairy Mustafa with the AK47? Think long and hard about what you are saying.

man you guys still bitchin about this?

i feel like this guy:bigjoint:

Those guys on the ground weren't shooting at anybody.

So you really wouldn't fight?


If the French, Dutch, Belgians and all the other people who resisted against the Nazis, thought like you, we'd have lost World War 2, you fucking fool.

America invaded Iraq. The Iraqi people are going to fight back. That's a logical fact. Stop twisting the truth.

Just because it suits you to call them "terrorists" so you can justify what YOUR country is doing, it doesn't your version REALITY.

Who said they're doing it in the name of Allah? Fox News?

They're fighting to have their country back - are you too stupid to comprehend that??? Fuck me, you're really narrow minded aren't you.

No, I don't think so. I know so for a fact. I don't need to go watch some videos on YouTube of women crying their damn guts out over dead relatives, to know that. I have met more Iraqis than you can count, buddy, and you can bet your ass they ain't happy about our presence there.

MILLIONS of Iraqis would trade this bullshit occupation back for Saddam.

No one is saying Saddam is Mary Poppins, but he sure as hell didn't fuck Iraq up like we did.

Why do you keep talking about "using civilians as human shields"? That is something Israel accuses Hezbollah of doing and vice versa - it has nothing to do with the Iraq war.

Stop confusing your Fox News bs.

And who the hell is "setting up a war zone in the middle of civilian cities"?

What, now Iraq invaded Washington DC?


The USA and coalition forces BOMBED BAGHDAD, A CIVILIAN CITY IN MARCH 2003,


You obviously didn't watch the video. Those people were journalists. If they were with insurgents, that is a different matter. Don't tell me you've never seen journalists interviewing insurgents.

Really, they deserved to die? For what, trying to help dying people?

You're a fucking savage.

Trying to act better because you were born with white skin in an American home?

Turn the tables, see how fucking long you keep that frame of mind.

You have no moral values - you are no longer a human being but a meer animal. Go back to the jungle; society has no place for degenerates like you.

Oh really, so your mother did 2 tours in Afghanistan, and now that makes you a political advisor on who deserves to suffer and what war is "justified".

You fucking peasant - you don't know sugar from shit.

You are clearly mistaken about the effectiveness of insurgency.

It works very well against formal armies - need I remind you of Vietnam?

Also, look at your close ally Israel - everytime it attacks Hezbollah it gets its ass kicked; the war in August 2006 being a perfect example.

Who is putting innocent lives at risk here - the people in bombers and Apache helicopters, or hairy Mustafa with the AK47? Think long and hard about what you are saying.

Your perception on what were doing over there is not only wrong, but stupid.
We arnt trying to take over their country like the nazis did. Were trying to HELP the Iraqis live a better life. While many may not agree with this, what happens when we leave and another dictator takes over and they want our help AGAIN? THATS why we are staying, to ensure nothing like that will happen.

Get your head out of your ass.
Your perception on what were doing over there is not only wrong, but stupid.
We arnt trying to take over their country like the nazis did. Were trying to HELP the Iraqis live a better life. While many may not agree with this, what happens when we leave and another dictator takes over and they want our help AGAIN? THATS why we are staying, to ensure nothing like that will happen.

Get your head out of your ass.

I said I wouldn't, but do you watch CNN? Or ABC?
And RichiRich, the initial bombing was a big sales pitch LOL

Funny how all the news crews were getting such good footage.

Good timing eh???
ive read 9 or 10 pages of this thred and its fair to say americans dont no shit about the u.k i have 2 air guns 1 of them could take down a deer not that we need guns some how you think owning a gun makes you safer?

lol just beacuse you have a gun douesnt mean your rambo it means your more likely to get killed in a gun fight. 99% of the time if burglers think some one is awake in the house they will run.

and this whole the E.U needs the U.S thing is a joak with out nukes the E.U would wipe out the U.S some how americans think you supply all of the E.Us wepons wich is bull and if they did and stopped selling us wepons you think we would just say "shit were fuked now lets just surrender" lol we would just make our own thus putting a big whole in the american econamy.

and btw russia is not hostile to britan or any other non ex sovet eu nation even if they were we beat them in our last war easily without any help SIZE DONT MATTER if you think it douse just take a look at our empire (page 2 or 3)
I've been following this thread for awhile and decided to give my 2 cents worth.
From what we have been told,America invaded Iraq because of the weapons of mass destruction that Suddam and Iraq were alleged to have.(It had nothing to do with 9-11 as some of you seem to have been confused with). The WMD were never found and Suddam has been dead for awhile now. Why is the USA still in Iraq?....because it is unstable? Who made it that way? It was kind of stable before the USA got there.Was war ever declared?...so I guess the USA are just "occupying" the country then...kinda like house guests who never leave.
That video was disturbing. How do the pilots know they were terrorists? Even if they had AK's, does it mean they are the bad guys? couldn't it just be Iraqi citizens carrying guns to protect themselves? Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't people carry weapons in the USA while walking down the street?...How come no police shoot them as terrorists?
What it boils down to is those pilots fucked up big time.Sure they were given
Isn't that what really happened?
but what I'm saying is the ground troops called in the airstrike. They did say they might be moving weapons from what i remember and they did have weapons. My whole point was that they weren't random people on the street they were firing upon the ground troops that's why they were targeted. These guys were not innocents it was the children that THEY had in their van and the journalists who were trying to get footage of the events who were innocent but they weren't the targets.

Why do you keep talking about "using civilians as human shields"? That is something Israel accuses Hezbollah of doing and vice versa - it has nothing to do with the Iraq war.

Stop confusing your Fox News bs.

And who the hell is "setting up a war zone in the middle of civilian cities"?

What, now Iraq invaded Washington DC?


The USA and coalition forces BOMBED BAGHDAD, A CIVILIAN CITY IN MARCH 2003,
I am talking about the terrorists no matter who trhey are, it could be the people responsible for train bombings in london or 9/11 in new york it could be racists in the south who bomb a synagogue, I'm saying anywhere in the world, we are fightin the cowards who target innocent people or people based on their religous beliefs. People who strike without warning or use children to fight their war or put their lives in danger. They are no different than common gangsters in America who terrorize their community and extort the people for $ with threats of violence or have the kids selling their drugs so they don't get busted. There are all sorts of extremist groups who are heavily motivated by religious beliefs and are trying to kill people in jerusalem or something. They are our allies and we cannot stand and just let them attack them that way. I am not a very smart guy and I don't know crap about politics because the information is hard to determine what's believeable whatbut I know that if your being invaded YOU CHOOSE the battlefield. If you didn't want to fight in the city than leave the city but they waznt to use the civilians as a "shield" even if not literally to make it harder for the invading army who won't necessarily target civilians. That video I posted shows how they strategically set placed bombs in civilian houses and buildings and hospitals so that when they fight the maximum amount of collateral damage was met, and than we look like the bad guys because they died which makes more people sympathetic to their cause if they are naiive to these facts.

I know America bombed bagdad but I am pretty sure that it wasn't just an unprovoked act. I do not agree in war the way it is waged and especially bombing of cities like that but people need to understand, American's don't support these kind of things our government and Armies don't carry out things based on what we vote. Everybody hates us but seriously we don't want war anymore than the next guy, it's just how the gov't works. This is how they are planning to start a one world government by making us think the bloodshed will stop but I am still against these groups who think that there religion is the better religion and that war is going to prove it. I do think my religion is superior though.....it's called atheism and anyone can practice it but as long as your religion isn't promoting violence in the name of God than I'm all for it. Good luck finding one of those though.:peace:
well it seems the rule of engagment is different to that of the UK military, however as harsh as this seems, those individuals could of been responsible for future bombings of innocent people. The military was obviously working on good intel hence the aggression.
Your perception on what were doing over there is not only wrong, but stupid.
We arnt trying to take over their country like the nazis did. Were trying to HELP the Iraqis live a better life. While many may not agree with this, what happens when we leave and another dictator takes over and they want our help AGAIN? THATS why we are staying, to ensure nothing like that will happen.

Get your head out of your ass.

You are the one that needs to get your head out your ass, clever dick.

You took over Iraq exactly like the Nazis invaded Europe. Can't you see that? Are you retarded?

You came in with guns blazing in a Blitzkrieg fashion. The only difference is that the Nazis didn't make up bullshit stories about their presence - the Americans did, and still do.

Were trying to HELP the Iraqis live a better life.

That is what YOU think - IRAQIS DO NOT.

The vast majority of the Iraqi population do not give a flying fuck about your "better life" and "democracy".

You know why?

Because you MURDERED their wives, husbands, children, grand children, parents and their neighbours.

Their busdrivers, taxidrivers, bank clerks, waiters, cooks, garbagemen - EVERYONE,
was devestated by our "liberation of Iraq" - It was an ILLEGAL and UNJUSTIFIED INVASION of a sovereign nation - get that straight, because kidding yourself with bullshit is not the way to finding the truth.

While many may not agree with this, what happens when we leave and another dictator takes over and they want our help AGAIN? THATS why we are staying, to ensure nothing like that will happen.

"While many may not agree" - Yea, you're damn fucking right many do not agree. Like how about the United Nations Security Council for starters, not to mention the tens of millions of people who protested against the war all over the planet.

But let us address the main issue here:

Who the fuck are the United States of America, to be deciding who is in power in Iraq?


No one. No one at fucking all.

Iraq was a sovereign nation and we shat all over it, and now you're acting like we "helped the people".

No. We massacred them and sold them a lie - it's as simple as that.

That's not an answer either.

What's wrong guys, you can't answer a simple question?...

You're sitting there saying "they should fight like men" "they should wear soldiers uniforms", and attempting to pass that off as justification for these American terrorists actions of "shoot now, ask questions later" (a policy ILLEGAL by United States standards) by saying "you hide behind civilians and civilians die". What they did was wrong and you can't admit it because they're American.

If the insurgents were to put on soldiers uniforms they'd be annihilated within weeks, they know this, they are FORCED - look up the definition of that word if you don't believe me - to wage war in this fashion, if they didn't, they would lose. It's as simple as that. Therefore the civilian casualties inflicted by American soldiers are on the hands of us, Americans. It's our fault, not theirs. And that's why you can't answer this question truthfully. Because if you did, you would be clearly contradicting yourself.

You asked me as a military commander.... and if my military commander came to me and said.... let's take on the USA ... I would have him/her removed from their post.

Endorsing terrorism because you cannot stand in the field as a soldier.... is despicable, and cowardly.

Out of uniform is...out of courage.


Hanson...sorry if you took offense... but the post stands in it's accuracy. Britain has been getting weaker with each decade since WW2.... and it shows. Nothing personal...just the facts...sad but true. Winding down from a top tier global entity is not easy..... we are now following you.

Hope the next superpower does better by you than we have.... think so?
You asked me as a military commander.... and if my military commander came to me and said.... let's take on the USA ... I would have him/her removed from their post.

Endorsing terrorism because you cannot stand in the field as a soldier.... is despicable, and cowardly.

Out of uniform is...out of courage.

"Despicable, and cowardly"?

Tell it to the men who founded your country, or have you forgotten that?


Successful execution of such "despicable and cowardly" acts are the reason you breathe free air, pal.

Yet when we're waging King George's war in the 21st century under the American empire and the guise of spreading freedom and democracy things are somehow different...

You are blinded by American bias. Can your homeland do no wrong at all Cracker? I bet you think the incidents at Abu Ghraib were perfectly OK too, huh?

No standing army on Earth can win conventional warfare against the United States military. It's absurd for someone to suggest fighting this way if they want to be successful. The fact you do it shows that you'd rather be DEAD WRONG about something than admit your mistake. I wouldn't do it, you wouldn't do it, and you know it.

Furthermore, "courage"? LMFAO!

Should I go grab some quotes from you guys defending the American terrorism in this clip from THIS THREAD explaining how it's the kids fault for being in the area, and it's the camera guys fault for carrying a camera? You speaking about "courage" is like a fundie Christian speaking about compassion.

Courageous acts don't happen in war when innocent people get killed.
ive read 9 or 10 pages of this thred and its fair to say americans dont no shit about the u.k i have 2 air guns 1 of them could take down a deer not that we need guns some how you think owning a gun makes you safer?

lol just beacuse you have a gun douesnt mean your rambo it means your more likely to get killed in a gun fight. 99% of the time if burglers think some one is awake in the house they will run.

and this whole the E.U needs the U.S thing is a joak with out nukes the E.U would wipe out the U.S some how americans think you supply all of the E.Us wepons wich is bull and if they did and stopped selling us wepons you think we would just say "shit were fuked now lets just surrender" lol we would just make our own thus putting a big whole in the american econamy.

and btw russia is not hostile to britan or any other non ex sovet eu nation even if they were we beat them in our last war easily without any help SIZE DONT MATTER if you think it douse just take a look at our empire (page 2 or 3)

Too right lad, they sort of remarks I read about the UK, I was expecting questions like
"Do you know John? he's from London" or "Do you know the beatles?"

"Despicable, and cowardly"?

Tell it to the men who founded your country, or have you forgotten that?


Successful execution of such "despicable and cowardly" acts are the reason you breathe free air, pal.

Yet when we're waging King George's war in the 21st century under the American empire and the guise of spreading freedom and democracy things are somehow different...

You are blinded by American bias. Can your homeland do no wrong at all Cracker? I bet you think the incidents at Abu Ghraib were perfectly OK too, huh?

No standing army on Earth can win conventional warfare against the United States military. It's absurd for someone to suggest fighting this way if they want to be successful. The fact you do it shows that you'd rather be DEAD WRONG about something than admit your mistake. I wouldn't do it, you wouldn't do it, and you know it.

Furthermore, "courage"? LMFAO!

Should I go grab some quotes from you guys defending the American terrorism in this clip from THIS THREAD explaining how it's the kids fault for being in the area, and it's the camera guys fault for carrying a camera? You speaking about "courage" is like a fundie Christian speaking about compassion.

Courageous acts don't happen in war when innocent people get killed.

Equating our revolution with Al Queda terrorism makes you a SIMPLETON.....
Before I joined RIU, I never knew there were so many hateful and angry potsmokers. I don't understand how anyone could see this video and want to defend the asshole pilots at all costs....

And the dumbest among us don't even realize that for every incident like this, the vast majority of which are NOT available to the public, someone's brother, cousin, son or whatever will be angry enough to take revenge. THIS is the reason we have a hard time "winning hearts and minds".
Equating our revolution with Al Queda terrorism makes you a SIMPLETON.....

Too easy, CJ, especially when you've proven yourself time and time again to be the simple one.

Al quaeda was only a minority (albeit a very violent one...) in what was going in iraq between 2003 and 2007. The vast majority of people fighting us over there were people who were pissed off that we're occupying them....

But the revolutionaries were 'terrorists' at the time as well, just like the ANC and anti-nazi partisans in world war 2.
Too easy.... so you are the one that measures? Please.....

My post is accurate. Equating the American revolution to Al Queda makes you ..... an idiot.

Some of my posts are simple..... the truth often is. If I posted to my full potential, as I do on REAL political blogs elsewhere..... no one would read them. Most ppl complain if there are more than three paragraphs in a post here.

This is my Political LITE forum..... and I still am amazed at how incredible simple MINDED some folks here are.

I'm posting as LITE as I can....and yet still....