What to do with males?


Active Member
Pics for enjoyment but what to do with it now?

I have a 4 ft male that I tried to bud and it came out male :wall: now I have this fully matured huge make plant what do I do with it?I havent flushed it yet with pure water. I know most ppl will say toss it but this is my first grow and i put alot of money into it and time id hate to just throw it away. There has to be some use for it can I make hemp fiber or anything just not throw it away! any input would be greatly apriceated

how do I make tea with it and do I have to dry it first?


Active Member
I have no other plants for it to pollenate so im not worried about that. I know it dosent have much THC in it but id like to get what I can off it. But thanks for your opnion.


Active Member
Yes but not for a good while next time will be outdoor when the time is right I def dont want to sustain this thing till then also its just bagseed so its not a stable strain id want to breed.


Well-Known Member
You could always get some pollen and store it in a vile or small container for later?


Well-Known Member
I still would not risk it. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Anyway, is there a chance that someone could get it on their clothes and take it to someone elses grow room? This is "supposedly" what happened to a batch from my man last year. Many people were bitter.


Well-Known Member
With just one plant there really isn't much you can do. I've seen growers take all their males and turn the leaves into hash, but due to a male's low THC it takes a lot of male plants to even get something worth mentioning. With just one plant, and it being male, really nothing you can do.


Active Member
I just ripped its roots from the net pot I feel like a murder! Well its hanging in a tree in my back yard upside down..... Im going to dry it and try to make brownies lol