What to do with waste material?????????????


Active Member
Put a hand full off roots and stuff into your pockets each day you leave the house. Get rid of it bit by bit.
Just like in those Prison break movies. The prisoner put the dirt from the tunnels in their pockets and dumped it..... LOL

Truthfully...just break it up into smaller bags...a little @ a time.

Take it to the woods
LMAO that is some Shawshank Redemption shit right there
Or maybe... Use a little of all these methods. This way drains aren't plugged, Car isn't always being filled with bags, and your pockets don't turn green. Win, win, win. ;D

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I put trimmings/stems/roots in the freezer.Overnight is long enough to when thawed will mush out quicker from cellular damage.Stems snap into smaller pieces and mix in some throw away leftovers.If really worried (wich is a great thing) let thaw and refreeze for more stealthy mushyness.


Well-Known Member
The problem is its all mixed in with scraps of poly black and white plastic, coco wrappers and wrappers from the nutes stuff that indicates what I am up to.

no carrier

Well-Known Member
You're just being paranoid.

In my complex one day i went to throw out some trash what do I see? Two bottles of fox farm followed by full pots of soil with the nub of the main stalk sticking out of it.

No one gave two shits, by the end of the day it was covered with other trash. So either someone else is using this place as a dump spot or theres another grower here.

It's just trash. There are no nutrients that say "for marijuana growing" on the bottle.

No worries man :)


Well-Known Member
I have been growing for a year, and live in an apartment. I have a giant garbage bag full of roots and stalks and I dont want to leave it out for the garbage man they go through everything here. Ideas guys? Please help. Just carrying this giant bag to my car and driving off with it will raise a few eyebrows.
Plastic bags = fingerprints. Depending on your local and state laws cultivation is usually a felony. Carry it up on the roof and scatter it to the winds, hopefully over the alley, minus the bag! No prints on stems and such.


Well-Known Member
When i used to work a midnight shift and i was paranoid about throwing growing related items away i'd just put it all in the back of my truck before work. Go down some back roads on the way, Open the tailgate and floor it, Worked every time :weed:


Active Member
put it in a paper towel, wet it down, and shove it up your ass...stick it right up your ass...that works. I read it somewhere.


Well-Known Member
You're just being paranoid.In my complex one day i went to throw out some trash what do I see? Two bottles of fox farm followed by full pots of soil with the nub of the main stalk sticking out of it.No one gave two shits, by the end of the day it was covered with other trash. So either someone else is using this place as a dump spot or theres another grower here.It's just trash. There are no nutrients that say "for marijuana growing" on the bottle. No worries man :)
It could aid in getting a warrant, helps the probable cause thing out.


Well-Known Member
put it in a coffee can or something remove as much stems as you can since this only works of soft tissue the fastest, add some water takes scossiors and chop it up in the can as much as you can add some EWC and chop some more the fungi and bactieria will eat it over a week or 2 then chop it up again and it should pretty much be mush by now, and flush it down the toilet.


Active Member
wow some major stoner ideas goin on in here. just put the big ass bag in a cooler and dress up like your going camping or something. go to a wooded area and dump the damn roots lol


Well-Known Member
i too live in an apartment, and this is what i do:

leaves, stems, roots, and small branches, cut them up, let them dry out, grind them up or chop them up, and use them in the soil the next grow. (i mix it with soil, and place it in the bottom of the pots, its like slow release nutes). fan leaves also make great mulch during the summer, to keep the dirt cool. just pile it on top, a 1 inch layer over the dirt.

Sticks, branches, stalks: i do 1 of 2 things. if they are long, ill save them, and use them to support branches in later grows. shit is pretty strong. otherwise, ill cut them into 10inch pieces and give them to my dog, she loves chewing on them

i throw nothing organic out. fuck that. thats free nutes. kitchen shears, your best friend.

when it comes to actual trash, plastics, whatever, then yea, get them, put them in a bag, with nothing else (like bills for example) and drive to a shopping center, and toss it there. either way, its not illegal to have nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Get a good blender, grind it up and flush it brother. I burn mine but I am in a house on one acre giant fire pit. But just grind it up and flush it.