What went wrong on YOUR first grow?


Well-Known Member
On my first grow (about 8-9 mo ago):

Used MG, never again

Had a male I did not recognize until way too late. It was a Caramelicious male that pollenated WW. Both were from seed from AMS, the WW was feminized. This part turned out well however. The resulting seeds, of which I must have a couple hundred, are awesome. I have grown about 6 so far.

I did not know about the fan leaves yellowing and dying off as the plant dumps chemicals etc in bud phase. I nearly wrecked my plants trying to correct that, before I found out what was going on.

I'm sure there were other newbie mistakes I made, but those are the highlights. I learn every day though, and that's a fact.

noober doober

Active Member
great thread! 2 weeks into flower on my first grow. I read ALOT, but nothing replaces experience, learning how to "read" your plants is priceless. My two biggest mistakes thus far (fingers crossed) were trying to grow indica and satica at once and causing much more work for myself trying to do what was right for each individual plants. Worse was waiting too long in veg (waiting for the sativa to catch up) and now i've got an overgrown garden : (
