what wood would i need for buildin a grow room?


Active Member
hello peeps im think about building a new grow room and doin away with the tents its guna be about 4 1/2ft x 71/2ft x 7ft h) and need to know what wood to use iv mdf chip board, ply ect what size fans for venterlation would a fan that is 650m3/h be anuf for outtake and the same on intake thanks:?


Well-Known Member
can use any wood XD Whatever fits your budget, plywood of about 15mm would be good but expensive.. my grow room is built from chipboard and MDF, chipboard is quite hard to work with cause.. it chips a lot :p on the corners and when your drilling holes but it's aight if your careful...

Fans.. i have no Idea, I went to homebase and brought 4 bathroom extractors... just do the maths work out cubic footage and find a fan that has that amount of ccfm or whatever :)


Active Member
can use any wood XD Whatever fits your budget, plywood of about 15mm would be good but expensive.. my grow room is built from chipboard and MDF, chipboard is quite hard to work with cause.. it chips a lot :p on the corners and when your drilling holes but it's aight if your careful...

Fans.. i have no Idea, I went to homebase and brought 4 bathroom extractors... just do the maths work out cubic footage and find a fan that has that amount of ccfm or whatever :)
ok mate so it dont realy mata no? n how do i work that out bro lol

trichlone fiend

New Member
I use little carboard squares with staples through them (via staple gun)
...watch this video, 2:53 into it, he explains it for ya ....good luck.


...and part 2


...and part 3



Well-Known Member
what do you use to conect it to the wood bro?
I would assume some sort of pins/nails/screws XD

and I haven't bothered making mine waterproof i aint clumsy enough to be spillin a couple gallons of water up the walls, it's just coated with about 4 coats of matt white paint.

ummm working out the volume:

height of the room x width x depth i suppose in metres so it'll be

2.1m x 2.25m x 1.25m (roughly) = 5.9m3

so that fan should be fine it would replace all air in the room about 106 times an hour.


Active Member
I would assume some sort of pins/nails/screws XD

and I haven't bothered making mine waterproof i aint clumsy enough yo be spillin a couple gallons of water up the walls, it's just coated with about 4 coats of matt white paint.

ummm working out the volume:

height of the room x width x depth i suppose in metres so it'll be

2.1cm x 2.25 x 1.25cm (roughly) = 5.9m3

so that fan should be fine it would replace all air in the room about 106 times an hour.
thanks bro nice one will get startin asap thanks again


Well-Known Member
Build something from pvc pipe and use panda sheeting for walls...cheap and convenient.


Well-Known Member
thanks bro nice one will get startin asap thanks again
o_O and for a structure that big your probably going to need some 2x4 like trichlone fiend said cos it needs some support, just build the frame out of 2x4 and nail your wood of choice to it XD

what you got growin or plannin on growin?


Active Member
Pine plywood 8' x 4' $10 a sheet, Thompsons water sealant 2x coats should do liquid nails panel caulking to seal ur edges best between ur frame and plywood and to seal the corners like in a bathtub to deter extra entrances for pest


Active Member
I would assume some sort of pins/nails/screws XD

and I haven't bothered making mine waterproof i aint clumsy enough to be spillin a couple gallons of water up the walls, it's just coated with about 4 coats of matt white paint.
If u use wood.... WATERPROOF!!! humidity = moisture which leads to mold all it takes is a lil saturation for a lil bit of mold which then spreads through out so u seal it so water doesn't seap in this includes the floor and ceiling too. Its easy to spill on the floor since the walls are so difficult to get wet when ur throwing 5 gal homer buckets of tap water at them (sarcasm) or spray feeding trust me 1qt or water sealant is cheaper and more protective than paint unless said paint is water proof better safe than sorry dude wall floor even the ceiling. mold happens on plants in tents dude, so if it grows on ur plant in a nylon environment think of a wood one where it grows on your walls and plant not only is ur plant fucked but so is ur grow room. be safe dude its not expensive and its one less thing to worry about later. I've been building shit since i was 8 waterproof is a great idea in any condition when dealing with wood.


Well-Known Member
Pine plywood 8' x 4' $10 a sheet, Thompsons water sealant 2x coats should do liquid nails panel caulking to seal ur edges best between ur frame and plywood and to seal the corners like in a bathtub to deter extra entrances for pest
best places in the uk :p lol its not that cheap over here more like £20+ for a sheet that size

my floor is waterproofed kinda its weather treated wood :), so far no problems, its too hot for mold like 90F lol and I use a hose pipe and siphon water from my res so its relatively un-messy. consider it one day when I get a bigger room.

umm try Wickes they do wood sheets, or selco builders warehouse other places are homebase and b&q but they are really expensive even for 2 ply.


Active Member
im not sure what to use now panda poly sounds good easyer and cheaper but i cant find it any where in the uk any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I like sheets of 3/4" melamine to make grow cabinets out of. It is a sheet of chipboard with a white plastic coating on both sides. It comes in 4' by 8' sheets. It is easy to work with with carpentry tools, very reflective, easy to clean and widely available. I'm in the US so I don't know what it will cost over there, but I know you can get it. It's what the inside of kitchen cabinets are made out of. At home depot it costs about $30 a sheet, but if you go to a lumber yard it costs less, around $20 a sheet, but some of those places don't want to sell to you if your not a contractor, call them first.


Active Member
tarcapacific SKU#: 492-930 $9.88 its water resistant and weather treated.but thompsons water seal is $10 and if ur paying 20 plus for it id do like 5 coats of protection lol but u can always order online from homedepot it'll be cheaper, even with shipping