Whats growing out of this bud?


Well-Known Member
Al, Im going to take your advice, but I got to build up to it. Remember the way you felt when you first started cutting all those branches for single cola plants? Thats how I feel about this plant. Its the first one in my second attempt to grow. I know your right, I just need a day or two.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Be mindful that those male florets can form quickly and pop before you notice. If you see them, now's the time to take the plant out, rather than regretting it later.

You will eventually grow more plants! Don't sweat taking this one down earlier than planned.


Well-Known Member
Al --When your right your right. My last grow (first) I didnt get the males out fast enough and the 4 other fems got pollenated and I grew some nice seeds.LOL (not) He who waits gsts screwed. Isnt that how it goes. First thing in the AM I will harvest. Thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
if you end up with seeds do what i do
put them in balloons full of helium and send them up. they will land and grow somewhere with luck and we can overgrow the planet!
or plant them in planters owned by the city or along rivers.


Well-Known Member
Al- Didnt know that, Thanks. While I got you, Are you still cloning in rockwool or have you switched to Fytoclone, and if you have not switched , why not? Im going to switch to that stuff for my next plants.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Fytoclone is just Fytocell 'flake' (more like crumbs) in a plastic tray. It has no mechanical integrity like a RW cube does. It won't fit snugly on a stem, keeping the damp medium in contact with the stem. I've had a look at it and passed it up.


Well-Known Member
No way you will be able to mind every male floret on a plant. Hermies should be removed from the grow ASAP.
Ya I guess you are right but if you look at my grow , I am growing dutch passion blueberry and they all hermed on me so I cannot just wipe out my whole grow as I will get some bud off of these and some bud is better than none right ?? Check it out would like your input ??
