What's the best light to veg under?


Well-Known Member
well unless you run a controlled test using both MH/HPS systems compared to CLF and T-5's or something along those lines none of us will really ever know which is better. It's really personal opinion as to which of the three are best. Use what you like and don't worry about the next guy or in my case girl.
I did the testing myself with 3 600 mh and I switched to T-5s and was blown away on how much faster they filled out, less heat/elictricty, and over all A+ :leaf:


My favorite part is how he laughs at the POUND of pot I got from that grow. He obviously is lacking something in his life to act like such a loser piece of dogshit. Judgemental cocksucker can take a hike. Go hang with your trash you grow.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I think they are all good at individual jobs, sometimes I want fast growth other times slower compact growth between mh, cfl, T5s and hps I can get both, it's counter intuitive but I don't always want fast growth.


Well-Known Member
"Best Light" depends on your value. Do you want best growth, coolest, least expensive to run, etc...Just keep in mind there's always a trade off whichever light you use.