Whats the best yield increasing technique for my situation?


Hey guys, currently I have 2 feminized wonder woman plants currently 18 days in. They are under a 250MH and will be switched to a 400HPS for flowering. Theyre in a closet about 2x4 with a 6ft ceiling. I was thinking topping, but after reading about FIMing and getting more comfy with LST, i think im presented with too many options. any advice would be appreciated.. thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Your goal is higher yield? Crop your top for two main colas, and focus your efforts more tword fertilizers...IMO. If your growing in dirt, there are all kinds of organics you can use to increase yield... If hydro, there are some good nutes to increase yield.


Nutes arent a problem, been using FF for the past 2 grows. Just wanting to get people opinions and experiences with different methods such as topping, fimming, and lst.
I tied my plants down lst when three weeks old and five nodes. left the strings for three days then cut them off. I got eight nes stems and growth shoots and didnt stunt the plants. this was my first time doing this i allways topped but learned its not good for the plant. I dont no if it will increase the yield but i hope
hey i have a method i have not used b4 called secondry budding i read it in a book where u switch back to vegative growth once all grow points have began to bud u then wait about 2 weeks buds continue to expand and then when switching back to flowering all new growth will begin to bud this is supposed to lead to a 25% yeild increase


Active Member
Top (not FIM) at the 2nd node for 4 dominant tips, after a day or two of recovery they will have filled in.

Tie the two higher (more dominant) tips down, and wait for the lower ones to match the top ones.

Then train all four open to whatever width you so choose, during this all the side shoots will pop out the middle, supercrop (soften stem, fold without breaking/snapping, read up on it before doing it) all of those axial shoots to keep an even canopy, and your plant should look like a SCROG plant, without the retarded netting being in the way.

I have an 8" tall plant who is 25" diameter. 4 main stems and about 8-10 axial growth tips, all at an even 8" height.