Whats up whats up ran into a problem need help


Active Member
IMG_0184.jpg The top of my cola leafs are SUPER yellow i noticed this when i didnt give my plant nutrients for about a week so i started giving it nutrients and no change were made they are still yellow. Other then that the rest of my plant looks pretty healthy nice color green to it there is another colas that is kinda yellow but not is worst then this.


Active Member
So how can i fix it? any suggestions? also if it could be the cheapest way possible the better cuz i don't get paid until the following week


Well-Known Member
To be honest your nutes should contain enough Fe.

I don't understand why you've got this.

Its not a commonly seen deficiency these days.

That nectar of the gods nute mix you're using must be missing some micro's.

You could try upping your nute strength but that's a pretty severe def.

Other than buying a trace mix bottle of nutes I don't know of any "home" remedies.



Active Member
Temps get around 78-84 degrees my ph im not too sure to be honnest ive been using test droplets, ph kit w/e the hell its called ive been getting them in the 6.0-7.0 range cuz i don't own a ph pen the hydro store by me sells them for 100 dollars nd im not paying that shit when i could go online and pay cheaper


Active Member
Yea the top of the plant is severe. Id hate to cutt it off but if i have to then so be it cuz i want a nice yeild this is my second grow and my frist grow didn't give me that great of a yeild lol. Should i use my foilar spray on them?


Active Member
Where are you at with your cycle ?
I see some pistils in the background, is it the beginning of the flower ?
During the first weeks of flower your plants are likely desiring more nutes and should be stretching quite a bit too.

And if you are in the beginning of flowering, I would hold of foliar sprays unless absolute necesary.


Well-Known Member
Yea the top of the plant is severe. Id hate to cutt it off but if i have to then so be it cuz i want a nice yeild this is my second grow and my frist grow didn't give me that great of a yeild lol. Should i use my foilar spray on them?
Cut it off?

If you cut it off the iron (Fe) deficiency will show up in the next new growth.



Active Member
Yea i believe im a week into flower my bottom buds are started to get bigger but my cola are alot smaller then my bottom buds


Well-Known Member
You can raise your lights and wait it out if you want.

Just watch for any new growth doing the same thing.

If it spreads, you need iron.

From what I'm presented with in your pic it looks pretty similar to the pic attached.
If that were my plant I would be looking to see if there is an iron product you can use.

While you're looking. You mentioned that your pH is between 6-7. What medium are you using? Soil? Soiless? Hydro? I can't remember.

I think you might have mentioned coco before?




Active Member
Yup I'm growing in coca choir. I got 2 nutrients that have potassium (K) for foilar/soil use And i think ur right i think it has something to do with iron but im gonna try raising my lights just to see if it helps. So should i just use the potassium nutes instead? their 0-0-0.5


Well-Known Member
Coco coir can have problems if you don't adjust your pH to around 5.8.

Anything from 5.2-6.2 will work but outside of this range causes other elements to not be taken up by the plant.

Can you list or take a pic of your nutrients so I can see what you have.

I'm beginning to think you don't have the right bottles of nutes.

IMO if you have the correct nutes, which we'll see if you list them etc, then the only 2 things that could be causing this are your feeding strength and pH.
