What's up with Hillary Clinton's health?


Well-Known Member
Democrats never switched to being republicans except for 1 or 2. You have been fooled. Just because the south became majority republican voters, does not mean that democrat senators and congressmen became republicans.

There were civil rights bills before the bill of 64. It was opposed because it greatly expanded the role of government and republicans were for state rights. Pubs were for voting rights for blacks. Voting rights for women. Ending slavery. Ending Lynching.
That is very inaccurate.

I think I'll go F-150 some more Trump signs...assholes put them too close to the road again.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Just give them more Food Stamps but restrict them to nutritionally beneficial products.

Ain't no reason why someone should be buying 5 gal of soda and 16 cans of Red Bull on food stamps.

With that said, if I'd to choose between;
A: Preventing people buying luxuries on food stamps


B: Making sure kids don't go to bed hungry

I know what I'd choose.

If you chose to take something from one person without the explicit consent of the owner and give it to another person, you are advocating theft.

If you chose to help hungry children and enlist the help of other volunteers, you are providing a kindly and charitable service.

Could you tell me which of the two choices above you think are best ? Thanks in advance for your well thought out reply.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Pie, that's so stupid even you couldn't believe it. Try again.
Look it up. All the dem senators and dem congressman remained dem. They did not become republicans.

The populace (non government) started voting republican in the south over decades. This replaced the democrats, who remained democrat, with unrelated republicans.

With the exception of 1 or 2 dems, the racist dems who opposed voting rights remained democrat.


Well-Known Member
If you chose to take something from one person without the explicit consent of the owner and give it to another person, you are advocating theft.

If you chose to help hungry children and enlist the help of other volunteers, you are providing a kindly and charitable service.

Could you tell me which of the two choices above you think are best ? Thanks in advance for your well thought out reply.
No offense Rob, but noone cares what you think.

We know what you think, we just don't care for it, nor do 88% of the rest of society (based on Libertarian party polling).

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
What about C: Personal responsibility??
No offense Rob, but noone cares what you think.

We know what you think, we just don't care for it, nor do 88% of the rest of society (based on Libertarian party polling).

Well, there could be a grain of truth to your utterance if you were speaking for yourself, since we seem to be at opposite ends of the intelligence scale. Based on that, I forgive you for not possessing the mental acumen necessary to be able to refute something which in large part you don't comprehend.

No offense of course.


Well-Known Member
Democrats never switched to being republicans except for 1 or 2. You have been fooled. Just because the south became majority republican voters, does not mean that democrat senators and congressmen became republicans.

There were civil rights bills before the bill of 64. It was opposed because it greatly expanded the role of government and republicans were for state rights. Pubs were for voting rights for blacks. Voting rights for women. Ending slavery. Ending Lynching.
Again I completely understand why you want to run away from the present because the Republican Party has become the party of white supremacists and racism. Yet that's what is happening in the modern day south.


Nearly all white Democrats in the South lost reelection in 2010, however. In the November 2010 elections, Democrats won only one U.S House seat in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas and two out of nine House seats in Tennessee. Arkansas later lost its one seat in 2012. Following the November 2010 elections, there was only one white Democratic representative in the Deep South (John Barrow of Georgia), and he lost reelection in 2014. Democrats lost control of the North Carolina and Alabama legislatures in 2010, the Louisiana and Mississippi legislatures in 2011 and the Arkansas legislature in 2012. In 2014, the last damage occurred when Democrats lost 3 U.S. senate seats in the South (in West Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Louisiana) that they had previously held.
Look it up. All the dem senators and dem congressman remained dem. They did not become republicans.

The populace (non government) started voting republican in the south over decades. This replaced the democrats, who remained democrat, with unrelated republicans.

With the exception of 1 or 2 dems, the racist dems who opposed voting rights remained democrat.
I think you are hung up on the idea that local elections retained racist right wing Democrats for some time. Meanwhile national elections and Congressional representatives were mainly Republican. This only bolsters my point that the majority of Southern white voters were and still are racist right wing shitheads. It also bolsters my point that party affiliation is not important. What mattered was voting for racist right wing shitheads. Since 2010, it's been straight down the line Republican but still racist right wing shithead.

The only consistent trend in in the south during the past 60 years is that the majority of southern white men and many of the really stupid women (snicker) are racist right wing shitheads. Also that in today's south, African Americans and Hispanics overwhelmingly vote Democratic party tickets because they recognize the racist right wing shitheads who are stomping them down or at least trying to.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Voters no longer voting democrat because it was the Democrats that were committing the atrocities.

The democrats simply were booted from office. The democrats did not switch to the republican party in the senate and congress. They were replaced.


Well-Known Member
Voters no longer voting democrat because it was the Democrats that were committing the atrocities.

The democrats simply were booted from office. The democrats did not switch to the republican party in the senate and congress. They were replaced.
You have a learning disorder. I've been picking on a handicapped person. My bad.


Well-Known Member
Quite simple, actually.

You're forced to, because Fortune 500s pay NO taxes, so the burden is shifted on to YOU.

These programs are NOT going away..only who PAYS for them, can be changed.

Wise up already.
The fortune 500 pay plenty of taxes. You heard a lie you believe and keep repeating it.


Well-Known Member
The fortune 500 pay plenty of taxes. You heard a lie you believe and keep repeating it.
General Electric, one of the world's largest companies, regularly pays NO TAX after deductions and write offs.

Boeing went on a national treasure hunt to find the best package of tax writeoffs and kickbacks in the country for its new corporate headquarters some years ago. Tax inversions. The list is absolutely endless, a million ways to steal trillions from the people's right to tax corporations and use the money for the common good.

Perhaps you missed the recent headlines about Apple, where they're gaming the system on an international scale to the tune of BILLIONS?

You're defending the 'rights' of thieves to keep stealing from your very own pocket, moron.

Seriously, I'm beginning to believe @UncleBuck's assessment of your thinking skills.


Well-Known Member

If you believe that, then you don't get to complain about taxes. There wasn't a surge of poor people stricken with poverty since the 1950s, rich people figured out a way to shift the amount of taxes they pay onto you. Yet you cling to an obsolete political philosophy demanding they pay even less.. Simply genius
All that flag waving and public school defunding is paying off handsomely for corporate America, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
General Electric, one of the world's largest companies, regularly pays NO TAX after deductions and write offs.

Boeing went on a national treasure hunt to find the best package of tax writeoffs and kickbacks in the country for its new corporate headquarters some years ago. Tax inversions. The list is absolutely endless, a million ways to steal trillions from the people's right to tax corporations and use the money for the common good.

Perhaps you missed the recent headlines about Apple, where they're gaming the system on an international scale to the tune of BILLIONS?

You're defending the 'rights' of thieves to keep stealing from your very own pocket, moron.

Seriously, I'm beginning to believe @UncleBuck's assessment of your thinking skills.
Many massive conglomos pay next to nothing in taxes....and let's not even fuck with 'big' oil....sickening, isn't it?

It's OK, though, because senile, repugnant 'ol granpa Ronny told us that it would ALL eventually "trickle down"!


Well-Known Member
Many massive conglomos pay next to nothing in taxes....and let's not even fuck with 'big' oil....sickening, isn't it?

It's OK, though, because senile, repugnant 'ol granpa Ronny told us that it would ALL eventually "trickle down"!
He lied. Imagine that. Only the tax bills and casualties of wars for oil and profit managed to trickle down to the average American.


Well-Known Member
Many massive conglomos pay next to nothing in taxes....and let's not even fuck with 'big' oil....sickening, isn't it?

It's OK, though, because senile, repugnant 'ol granpa Ronny told us that it would ALL eventually "trickle down"!
yellow rain


Well-Known Member
General Electric, one of the world's largest companies, regularly pays NO TAX after deductions and write offs.

Boeing went on a national treasure hunt to find the best package of tax writeoffs and kickbacks in the country for its new corporate headquarters some years ago. Tax inversions. The list is absolutely endless, a million ways to steal trillions from the people's right to tax corporations and use the money for the common good.

Perhaps you missed the recent headlines about Apple, where they're gaming the system on an international scale to the tune of BILLIONS?

You're defending the 'rights' of thieves to keep stealing from your very own pocket, moron.

Seriously, I'm beginning to believe @UncleBuck's assessment of your thinking skills.
Its only just the beginning. We have the debt hangover from Bush era tax cuts to deal, shoot, we haven't even dealt with the Reagan tax cuts. Those fuckers intend for the next generation of worker bees and the one after that to pay for it.

The fortune 500 pay plenty of taxes. You heard a lie you believe and keep repeating it.
Oh sure they do and the 1% that own most of the wealth in this country or around the world for that matter, also are paying plenty of taxes in the US. (snicker)

How about posting some real data to back up your story. Not a fucking video, just some hard data that can be examined and cross checked.
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