What's up with President Bill Clinton?


Well-Known Member
i thought it was a great post and didn't realize you were being sarcastic..seriously.

i see it just as you posted..so tell me..after 6 homes, a plane and boat (kevin bacon quote)..what do you really need?

money on top of money on top of money..you can never spend even if you spent it all as it will just accumulate quicker than you can spend.

if the 1% gained through tax code "loopholes"?..that's the same as cheating..because loopholes are not created for the "benefit" they are in existence as a "result of"..loophole is a system fail, a bug, a virus that the wealthy use against the system that created it..to which they helped create.

only schuyaar can gift schuylaar respect points..everyone starts with 5..they are taken and given as necessary..you currently possess 6..i like the post anyway even if you didn't mean it.
Oh yeah, no doubt it gets to be a game for those folks. Why do you think Buffet is still working at 150 years old?

What you fail to understand is a loophole is letting me keep more of mines, not yours. Unless of course you feel all money belongs to the collective and should be doled out according to your wishes?

I'm just not seeing how much Bill Ford makes affects me driving a Prius?

If tax revenue is at an all time high, how do you see rich getting richer as taking money away from someone else?


Well-Known Member
i present the facts from a dot org:


James Chao, father of Mitch McConnell’s wife Elaine, has a lot of questions to answer after 40 kilograms of cocaine (about $6.7 million worth) was found on the Ping May, a ship owned by the Foremost Group, a company James Chao founded and led to a tidy fortune. But was that fortune built on honest movement of legitimate bulk trade goods, or has Mr. Chao been trading in less than legal goods?
The cocaine, found in 40 separate packages, was discovered during a routine inspection hidden among a load of coal bound for Europe from the port of Santa Marta, Columbia onboard the Ping May, one of 15 ships Foremost currently operates, with another 8 under construction. The final destination for the ship was to be the Netherlands, likely one of the port cities surrounding Amsterdam. It is known that the Ping May has been witnessed at the port of Zaanstad, one of these cities, in the past.

Foremost Group is the source of most of Senator McConnell’s fortune through gifts and inheritance from his in-laws. It is a shadowy corporation, utilizing a complex scheme of shell companies to skip out on millions in taxes annually.

They fly their ships under the flag of Liberia, a west African nation known for its lax labor protections, allowing Foremost the opportunity to exploit its ships’ workforce with little fear of recrimination. However, this status as an employer-friendly anti-labor nation also allowed western African nations, such as Liberia, to become one of the epicenters for drug smuggling through legitimate channels. By working to extract every red cent of profit at the cost of the laborers who make their fortunes possible, Foremost may have sewn the seeds of its own downfall.

It could be that some among the ships workforce, tired of being exploited, decided on being creative with their income. It could be that the drug cartels which dominate Columbia inserted the cocaine without any of the ships crew knowing. Or it could be that Mr. Chao is in league with the drug cartels, possibly for a very long time, and chose to fly under the Liberian flag for this very reason. We do not know.

It is most likely that Mr. Chao’s greed is the only crime for which he is guilty. By using this elaborate scheme to not only defraud the US government of owed taxes but to exploit his workforce, Mr. Chao may have made such a scenario a foregone conclusion. Now his company is under a microscope, the last place the very private man wanted it.

Read more: http://www.addictinginfo.org/2014/10/31/mcconnell-cocaine/#ixzz3RB7oxeJQ
I don't see any facts there, just "it could be".


Well-Known Member
3rd Term? We tried that, It was a big fail, that got a lying President re-elected.
of course, you thought that FDR got denied a third term and that was the only thing that saved our nation.

then you lied about it for months.

10/10, pretty hilarious.


Well-Known Member
Claim without supporting evidence + Pretending Democrats haven't vote for same crap = partisan propoganda. Fuck johnny jihad. No 72 virgins, no 19 smooth young boys.
do you retards spend your entire lives shitting yourselves in fear of the muslim boogeyman?

serious question though.


Well-Known Member
they should live on the same wage as their constituents.

EDIT: would you like to bet how quickly they would vote for a constituent increase in wages?
The problem and you well know, if you paid the same wage you would get the same level of education and training, as the average street sweeper.

You would NOT get a hard ball negotiator, that can take big money without blinking or spending a cent on himself. That is the key. All can be traded but money. And everyone has to spend for you. You can't spend a cent on yourself. There is a reason the Mucks run around with no dough in the pocket. A Politician with ready cash?

No, this takes an expert. And the part you see on TV, can be blamed on their Press Agents. But, that expert can be lured from Think Tank, Jr Nobody, to give up, big salary, only by the chance to wield, but not have, vast power. To Serve Man. Yummy. Corruption comes after.

You don't get rich by being elected. You have to have rich "friends" to put you there and keep you there, while your husband gets rich. Free Country. And then, if you screw it up for them, they make sure you go to jail...or worse.

Jail is nothing to being Assassinated or Disappeared.



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, no doubt it gets to be a game for those folks. Why do you think Buffet is still working at 150 years old?

What you fail to understand is a loophole is letting me keep more of mines, not yours. Unless of course you feel all money belongs to the collective and should be doled out according to your wishes?

I'm just not seeing how much Bill Ford makes affects me driving a Prius?

If tax revenue is at an all time high, how do you see rich getting richer as taking money away from someone else?
if you don't pay a fair share..it's really not "yours"..when someone is able to benefit financially from errors?

so a flat 10%? no deductions; no nothing just an even playing field..


Well-Known Member
I really work best, pro-boner.

IAC, we also know the salary is nothing compared to the perks. Bring home bacon is the big perk. That's what they will trade anything but money, for.

And of course, you can't write any of this down, so it all gets remembered as "yaoweme." It is what they call the Markers of Political Capital. That is the true trust and honor among thieves. And all yaoweme are for sale, but for anything but money, and at what cost? It is another marketplace altogether.

Now, the small salary for a new Critter, is set at $174,000. She has to go back and forth, 2 homes, etc. But, how much she can have for staff is based on the size of the State. So, already the little gal, from the little district, is behind the curve. So, she really needs to get some yaoweme, And for that her vote is for trade....hold on. Not yet.

To get elected, she is in yaoweme debt. And if her party will back her in just 2 more years, she owes her votes to the Company Store. It was already bought and sold, for her.

We see how this is a stacked deck, just like any profession in America. If you can stick through a couple of paybacks to the Party, then you get a Sub-commitee, and More Staff.

What do you do with that? That, extra staff, you will have research the art of yaoweme, and you finally can go out there and twist some arms, make some deals, get better committees and more staff and more yaoweme credit.

And then, one day, a decade later, you will look up at the Hallowed Halls you Serve, and you will shake your fist, and mutter, "You son of a Bitch, you own me. How did I let that happen?"
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Well-Known Member
You don't get rich by being elected. You have to have rich "friends" to put you there and keep you there, while your husband gets rich. Free Country. And then, if you screw it up for them, they make sure you go to jail...or worse.

I think some other Nations may disagree with that.
Zhong Guo comes to mind :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
So you want the type of people min wage jobs attract to run for Senate?

Think this one through. The founders talked about NO PAY but decided that would exclude too many people.

It's not the salary that's the problem, many of them take pay cuts to serve, it's the legalized bribery that's the problem.
Excellent points, though I think it would be constructive for the Senate's salary to be set at the national median (50th percentile) wage. Then they would have to budget and plan like the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
So basically this thread is saying that
ALL POLITICIANS are pieces of shit, regardless of what letter precedes their name D or R both are the exact same.
The only differences between the two are the idiots who vote for them because they actually believe there is a difference.
Got it.
Once the government went into debt and the welfare business, it no longer had the best interest of the people as a goal. Now the federal government works against us for it's own ends. Yes, both D & R and also I and whatever other appelation ends up at the end of the title.


Well-Known Member
Think I'll let you have this one. You've dug in and I learned a long time ago with women that it's best to pick my battles.

If it makes sense to you, that's all that matters.
Sexist pig. Try refuting it on the merits.

Oh, you can't.

For the record, I have a penis and I know how to use it.