which method should i chosoe


Active Member
so i moved my plant inside from outdoors cause i have no choice
whats the best and fastest way to grow my plant its only about 3 or 4 inches tall
which method is fast and cheap
and can u explain or give me a reference
how much will i most likely have to spend im trying not to spend too much


Mr I Can Do That For Half
well is this a trick question? I assume since it was outside the only method you can use right now is to grow it in soil as soil to hydro is a pain and stressful??


Active Member
so i moved my plant inside from outdoors cause i have no choice

Q. Whats the best and fastest way to grow my plant its only about 3 or 4 inches tall
A. Use the best soil you can get; use the best lighting you can get; use the best nutrients you can get; use the best ventilation you can get/build/buy/create; use proper watering techniques, i.e., don't over-water, don't under-water; use proper nutrient techniques, i.e., don't over-feed, don't under-feed; read up on proper care, things to do and not do ...

Q. Which method is fast and cheap and can u explain or give me a reference
A. Fastest is with amazing lighting; cheapest is just a pot and some tap water; you can make veg faster but you can't change bloom, not really, not by much; Fast and Cheap don't go together very well.

Q. how much will i most likely have to spend im trying not to spend too much
A. You will have to spend as much as will get you the yield you want.
Okay, so my answers are a bit tongue-in-cheek, but really, some reading might be in order 'cause the answer you're really looking for is very long.