Which Truth" Is Superior?

You realize that no human on earth in the christian religion believed that when you die and go to heaven you get to travel, get all the icecream you want, etc. Heaven 1800's and prior was believed to be where you go when youdie to work worshiping and you get NO gratification in heaven. Suddenly people think of the christian heaven in the last 100 years as where you go to have all your dreams come true. Its a new idea about as old as new agers...... Things people seem to take for truth when shown honestly are nothing but lies in many cases.
You can't be serious? Heaven being a place of paradise is much older than that, it goes back to Biblical times, even before Christ.
Ronald Mcdonald controls them.
Ok, so karma is a joke then? I asked a legitimate question: If you say you believe in karma, then you must believe in some sense of order and someone who makes the "karma" decisions, yes? And while I'm on the subject, why is it people believe in karma, which there is no proof of, but totally dismiss that God is in control, which technically there is no proof of? (And for the record, I believe there is a God, and he is in control, but that is not my point)
If you say you believe in karma, then you must believe in some sense of order and someone who makes the "karma" decisions, yes?
it is not necessary to believe in someone or something making decisions to believe in an ordered universe. karma need not be a matter of "decisions", but a simple matter of it being the natural way of the universe. it can be understood as like being attracted to like,the thoughts and actions you embrace will naturally attract similar reactions.
karma happens all the time.

if you do good deeds then good results will happen to you, if you do negative deeds, then you will get a negative results.

and kinda like what undertheice said "karma is attracted to your actions, and thoughts you embrace, which will evenutally attract similar reactions"
How is any talk about the truth/came from/future be boring? I actually find that people who talk about this are the only ones who are interesting left. The rest of the civilization are full of robots. Would you rather talk about some stupid sports game that when it ends means nothing to your life? or perhaps tapping into our brain and doing things unimaginable?

The evidence leads to the illuminated ones as our "slave owners" so they would be considered are god then...right?

But are they some higher power physically as in a "god" or mere man like us with that extra bit of knowledge needed to control a civilization?
lol i get where your coming from bro and full respect, however when i see a bunch of robots trying to speak on things they dont understand or comprehend it makes the discussion boring and thus pointless.

like asking about religion? higher power?
is that really relevant to the truth?

How in any way shape or form is religion tied to the truth?
if anything religion hides the truth and is the exact opposite...
My views?

watch tv, listen to the radio and everything you hear that they agree with, you should disagree with because that is them leading your mind into the gutter. Disinfo and etc
karma happens all the time.

if you do good deeds then good results will happen to you, if you do negative deeds, then you will get a negative results.

and kinda like what undertheice said "karma is attracted to your actions, and thoughts you embrace, which will evenutally attract similar reactions"
exactly, positive outward energy comes back around kinetically and gives you in return a positive outcome

whether its "karma" or "law of attraction" it works and labels destroy us anyways lets just be happy it works =]
Og gosh this is a seriously interesting thread i could give a comment on every comment.

One of my favorite saying is: "You dont need to seek revenge because karma will get the busters anyway"
Even if i dont know how exactly that karma plays out. I dont belive in punishment i think negative karma is just blocking you from developing yourself further as a concious beeing so you have to make the everfort freewillingly to overcome it in the end and learn the right lessons to move on.

I dont exactly know where the idea of karma originated but i know that the Buddha spoke a lot about it in great detail.
I know he said to understand karma fully and deeply you have to become a buddha yourself what means you need to have lots n lots n lots of life experience in different realitys.

Quote from Wiki:
"Karma is not punishment or retribution but simply an extended expression or consequence of natural acts. Karma means "deed" or "act" and more broadly names the universal principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, that governs all life. The effects experienced are also able to be mitigated by actions and are not necessarily fated. That is to say, a particular action now is not binding to some particular, pre-determined future experience or reaction; it is not a simple, one-to-one correspondence of reward or punishment.
Karma is not fate, for humans act with free will creating their own destiny. According to the Vedas, if one sows goodness, one will reap goodness; if one sows evil, one will reap evil. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which determines our future. The conquest of karma lies in intelligent action and dispassionate response."

When it comes to truth i have to say: There is no ultimate truth nowhere in the whole universe because you can see everything from different viewpoints.
hmm what a boring thread and discussion.

1st) look around you, humans are slaves *FACT*

Who controls us then in turn would define who makes us who we are, what we watch, what we read, what we see, creates who we are and if they control the evironment that creates us then who are we to ask questions if we are not logically inclined?
so what your sorry ass is saying is that us smokers are lead into this life of goodness because of what we seen in the past..... fuck off, your debate is flawed, i live in usa and i know our government are dicks but we all still have a fuckin voice......so it is you who might want to steo back and take at look through other perspectives, unless your a russian.... in that case my grandpa shoulda killed your sperm doner
Oh i noticed i´m into spiritism :peace:

From Wiki:

"In Spiritism, karma is known as "the law of cause and effect", and plays a central role in determining how one's life should be lived. Spirits are encouraged to choose how (and when) to suffer retribution for the wrong they did in previous lives. Disabilities, physical or mental impairment or even an unlucky life are due to the choices a spirit makes before reincarnating (that is, before being born to a new life).

What sets Spiritism apart from the more traditional religious views is that it understands karma as a condition inherent to the spirit, whether incarnated or not: the consequences of the crimes committed by the spirit last beyond the physical life and cause him (moral) pain in the afterlife. The choice of a life of hardships is, therefore, a way to rid oneself of the pain caused by moral guilt and to perfect qualities that are necessary for the spirit to progress to a higher form.

Because Spiritism always accepted the plurality of inhabited worlds, its concept of karma became considerably complex. There are worlds that are "primitive" (in the sense that they are home to spirits newly born and still very low on intellect and morals) and a succession of more and more advanced worlds to where spirits move as they are elevated. A spirit may choose to be born on a world inferior to his own as a penance or as a mission."
You can't be serious? Heaven being a place of paradise is much older than that, it goes back to Biblical times, even before Christ.

The word paradise did not always define "a place where you eat ice cream all day and never get fat" mentality that has been added to Christianity in the last 200 or so years. Never did they say you get to party with your family and see them again there either. These are all new notions that we are taught have always been the way it was.
Ok, so karma is a joke then? I asked a legitimate question: If you say you believe in karma, then you must believe in some sense of order and someone who makes the "karma" decisions, yes? And while I'm on the subject, why is it people believe in karma, which there is no proof of, but totally dismiss that God is in control, which technically there is no proof of? (And for the record, I believe there is a God, and he is in control, but that is not my point)

Honestly, for me personally, and I fully accept this could be totally wrong, but it is not more fanciful or silly than anything taught by a church. I believe we don't get born again on earth, i think we don't get born again until the next "big bang" outside space and time. I suspect that we repeat the same life over and over with minor tweaks which carry on to the next. I think its how the outerverse/universe pulls back and forth, like how roots grow deeper and then arms on the plant grow larger and so on. Hard to put clearly but in my beliefs we are born again in the next incarnation of our universe. I think this universe exists as both what it is, and a singularity where all is the same thing at once, so you want to ask who decides what happens, and I have to answer the singularity which we are all just tiny portions of, where everything space/time/matter/consciousness are all the exact same thing and our universe is just one expression of this infinite expression of this same singularity. For example one day Helium wont be made by the big bang when it happens and our communication here as well as what we say will happen again, just it will have to express itself differently.

All that, and if i'm wrong so be it, but thats what I suspect at this point.
lol i get where your coming from bro and full respect, however when i see a bunch of robots trying to speak on things they dont understand or comprehend it makes the discussion boring and thus pointless.

like asking about religion? higher power?
is that really relevant to the truth?

How in any way shape or form is religion tied to the truth?
if anything religion hides the truth and is the exact opposite...
My views?

watch tv, listen to the radio and everything you hear that they agree with, you should disagree with because that is them leading your mind into the gutter. Disinfo and etc

You are right except for one thing. Everybody knows nothing. Nobody is right. Everyone is equally wrong even when they know more, they are still wrong. I'm not trying to disrespect the notion of intelligence, but i am saying I believe the smartest of the smart are intelligent enough to understand how little they truly know.
karma happens all the time.

if you do good deeds then good results will happen to you, if you do negative deeds, then you will get a negative results.

and kinda like what undertheice said "karma is attracted to your actions, and thoughts you embrace, which will evenutally attract similar reactions"

Or perhaps people who do good things are a symptom of a person who designs a world which does good things for them using their superego for their ID to live in...... ? :)
You are right except for one thing. Everybody knows nothing. Nobody is right. Everyone is equally wrong even when they know more, they are still wrong. I'm not trying to disrespect the notion of intelligence, but i am saying I believe the smartest of the smart are intelligent enough to understand how little they truly know.

I like to beleive someone... or something knows.

Its almost like being born into an all white room with nothing in it...Theres no way you would know what anything was... untill someone tells you what you are. We all are programmed with the shit they wanted us to hear since birth. Basically its up to us to compile the knowledge and make are best "educated" guesses.
truth is not of perception. if you are contained within your separate individual perception, there's no way to see you truth that is not washed down with all your mental baggage.

if you seek answers, research like i did. find out about Mankinds real history. Atlantis, Lemuria, and other great civilizations tens of thousands of years ago. they found an area in India where a nuclear bomb went off MILLIONS of years ago. ok? human history is HUGE. ENORMOUS. OUR ancestors knew more than we do. Technology wise, and spirituality wise. Our "technology" is self destructive. given to us by very evil E.T's, starting around 1940-1950's. right around roswell. Oh how surprising.

people, the truth about the devil, lucifer, evil, is.......it's out there. but humans are'nt evil by nature. our planet's been infested with E.T's for god knows how long. influencing and working with the governments, mostly the U.S. listen, soo many people are unconcious. they are walking, working, thinking they are concious, but they don't know what power they have or who they really are. just research like i did...meditate out in the sun, really really love the earth. sit on her, feel her. because we're a part of her, not separate. why are so many of our brothers and sisters raping her through industrialization.

our ancestors knew of technology that worked WITH THE EARTH. PYRAMID ENERGY. sacred geometry? look this up people...as our old world crumbles, new things will arise. peace will come to the land, i swear it because i know it.
truth is not of perception. if you are contained within your separate individual perception, there's no way to see you truth that is not washed down with all your mental baggage.

if you seek answers, research like i did. find out about Mankinds real history. Atlantis, Lemuria, and other great civilizations tens of thousands of years ago. they found an area in India where a nuclear bomb went off MILLIONS of years ago. ok? human history is HUGE. ENORMOUS. OUR ancestors knew more than we do. Technology wise, and spirituality wise. Our "technology" is self destructive. given to us by very evil E.T's, starting around 1940-1950's. right around roswell. Oh how surprising.

people, the truth about the devil, lucifer, evil, is.......it's out there. but humans are'nt evil by nature. our planet's been infested with E.T's for god knows how long. influencing and working with the governments, mostly the U.S. listen, soo many people are unconcious. they are walking, working, thinking they are concious, but they don't know what power they have or who they really are. just research like i did...meditate out in the sun, really really love the earth. sit on her, feel her. because we're a part of her, not separate. why are so many of our brothers and sisters raping her through industrialization.

our ancestors knew of technology that worked WITH THE EARTH. PYRAMID ENERGY. sacred geometry? look this up people...as our old world crumbles, new things will arise. peace will come to the land, i swear it because i know it.

I love reading this. It reminds me that when nobody knows whats in the box, then whats in the box could be anything, and an equal chance that anything that can fit that shape will be in the box if nobody knows what is in it or why or how it got in.
so what your sorry ass is saying is that us smokers are lead into this life of goodness because of what we seen in the past..... fuck off, your debate is flawed, i live in usa and i know our government are dicks but we all still have a fuckin voice......so it is you who might want to steo back and take at look through other perspectives, unless your a russian.... in that case my grandpa shoulda killed your sperm doner

srsly tho dude dont put "us smokers" into your nice little label because we are all different and my viewpoint isnt flawed you just cant seem to grasp the dimensions of the conversation. Ya we have a voice and im not saying "usa" are "dicks" hahaha

wowow someone give this guy a thesaurus, neways i meant we are losing a war of the mind and we are all mostly stuck in it, ya we have free choice and woooh our mind has the ability to be able to hide some plants that "they" dont want us to grow even though "they" can charge you $250 and you can get a license to be able to grow or buy, honestly weeds not that tight up under the wraps.

i digress,
im speaking of the fact that EVERYONE IN THE WORLD is being misled by their government in our learning facilities and the shit media so who are we to know whats really going on?

and whats this russian commie hatin shit, that sounds like something that was pushed on you or "brainwashed" into by your grandpa, get your head out of your ass and smell the corruption.
truth is not of perception. if you are contained within your separate individual perception, there's no way to see you truth that is not washed down with all your mental baggage.

if you seek answers, research like i did. find out about Mankinds real history. Atlantis, Lemuria, and other great civilizations tens of thousands of years ago. they found an area in India where a nuclear bomb went off MILLIONS of years ago. ok? human history is HUGE. ENORMOUS. OUR ancestors knew more than we do. Technology wise, and spirituality wise. Our "technology" is self destructive. given to us by very evil E.T's, starting around 1940-1950's. right around roswell. Oh how surprising.

people, the truth about the devil, lucifer, evil, is.......it's out there. but humans are'nt evil by nature. our planet's been infested with E.T's for god knows how long. influencing and working with the governments, mostly the U.S. listen, soo many people are unconcious. they are walking, working, thinking they are concious, but they don't know what power they have or who they really are. just research like i did...meditate out in the sun, really really love the earth. sit on her, feel her. because we're a part of her, not separate. why are so many of our brothers and sisters raping her through industrialization.

our ancestors knew of technology that worked WITH THE EARTH. PYRAMID ENERGY. sacred geometry? look this up people...as our old world crumbles, new things will arise. peace will come to the land, i swear it because i know it.
even though one11 has no links or books to back up his argument i believe every single word he said because i have been researching for a while now too and damn it seems like you hit the platue of information that i was looking for.

I like to beleive someone... or something knows.

Its almost like being born into an all white room with nothing in it...Theres no way you would know what anything was... untill someone tells you what you are. We all are programmed with the shit they wanted us to hear since birth. Basically its up to us to compile the knowledge and make are best "educated" guesses.
exactly. +rep
You are right except for one thing. Everybody knows nothing. Nobody is right. Everyone is equally wrong even when they know more, they are still wrong. I'm not trying to disrespect the notion of intelligence, but i am saying I believe the smartest of the smart are intelligent enough to understand how little they truly know.
smart enough to know we dont know shit, its true.

but ignorance is bliss if you enjoy living your life as part of the flock instead of as the shepherd.