White Rhino under CFLs


Well-Known Member
Hey stelth. Looks like some nice nugs. Mate my plants are shedding leaves at a rapid rate and i have no idea why. Nirvana suggested between 9-11weeks flower. I figured because i was using cfls it would take the longer time. The way the leaves are dying i dont know if they will make it even 9 weeks. My mrs took the good camera and i am a bit stoned to go looking for the other one. Mate also looking forward to seeing your cupboard full off massive bats.


Well-Known Member
Looks killer man, how long did you veg?? I grew WR last season, was killer kill. Growing another 4 right now, well germing at least. Im tuned for this one, cant wait to see harvest

also, WR drops large fans like crazy its totally NORMAL though so dont let it freak you out. And certainly please dont think you need to correct it with nutes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thanks for the tip. I dont think its normal for this amount though. Its most certainly burn. Anyway here are the latest. Its day 47 from the light switch. I am pretty happy with the bud size already. The first few are of both and the 3rd is Bethany and 4th is Gertrude.



Well-Known Member
Looking top notch Rock 'S I have a question how are you going to water them whilst your away? You dont want them to dry up. The buds are looking good so far nice colour etc, are they sticky? - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
Jim Nah never figured it out. I think nute burn. Stelth I am getting my next door neighbour to water them while I am away. Thank god he doesn't smoke anymore.


Active Member
Looking great RS, real nice buds on those :-) I wouldnt worry about the overall colour, nothings going to slow them down at this stage!!


Well-Known Member
Jim Nah never figured it out. I think nute burn. Stelth I am getting my next door neighbour to water them while I am away. Thank god he doesn't smoke anymore.

there aint nothing to figure out bud, thats totally normal right there. dont worry about it, no nute burn you did good. its in the genetics. nutes dont genetically re engineer plants, they only aid in the process in wich those genes were intended to carry out.

Good luck man, hope u didnt hack em feeling salty.


Well-Known Member
Guys and girls i always appreciate the comments. Thanks for following along. I cant figure out how to do the multiple quote reply to your comments so if anyone can quickly explain that i will give you some rep and thanks. Its a long weekend here so i have a bit of time to post some pics up. They have just finished their week of pk13/14 and i am now just giving them some plain water with no nutes or additives. I will be going back to canna terra flores feed tomorrow or Tuesday for about a week and then flushing for 2 weeks. Today is exactly 3 weeks to the planned chop date. That will mean chop down date will be 10 weeks 4 days since i switched the lights to 12/12. I have given up caring about the leaves dropping off. Some have said its natural so i will run with that for now. I am not sure but think that the buds are probably as big as they are going to get. Anyway here are a few pics. First is both plants. 2nd is Bethany, 3rd is Gertrude. 4th is Bethanys main cola. 5th is a little side bud trying to get up to the light and the last one is the whole setup as it stands.



Well-Known Member
nice work rock thats some nice frost you got going on
also i think that you will find that the buds will really pack it on in the last two weeks
i just finished chopping and trimming and im fucking over it
did 4 big girls (well i think they were big) and got a good amount of wet weight ,but the numbers look too good atm to say any thing so ill wait till they are dry
but buds dont look as icy as yours bro


Well-Known Member
Looking great RS

When you reply to multiple post starting with the first one click the Quotes symbol to the right of the reply with quote and do this for all but the last one. On the last one you want to reply to just click the reply to quote and all of them pop up in the box now you can answer one by one. I'm very high so this makes sense to me if it don't let me know and I'll try again when I come down.


Active Member
Looking good, iv just got a few white rhino cuttings and a similar set up hope they turn out as good as yours :)


Well-Known Member
Looking great RS

When you reply to multiple post starting with the first one click the Quotes symbol to the right of the reply with quote and do this for all but the last one. On the last one you want to reply to just click the reply to quote and all of them pop up in the box now you can answer one by one. I'm very high so this makes sense to me if it don't let me know and I'll try again when I come down.
This is my first go at it. Thanks CS
Looking good, iv just got a few white rhino cuttings and a similar set up hope they turn out as good as yours :)
Thanks mate. I am sure your will look great. I am going to come and have a look at your journal and look at your setup.


Active Member
Hey RS, amazing pics mate, those ladies look excellent. But looking closely I can see they're still shooting out white pistils all over, they're going to get bigger yet for sure! Last 2 weeks is always when you see the most weight gain so you just watch them go. Thats a great set up, clean and tidy and obviously very efficient.

I'll rep you if it lets me RS :-)