white widow pics


Well-Known Member
Looking real good. Here's a pic at week 7 flowering of a WW I finished this spring. Looks about the same.

May 1 2013 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
Holy Crap! Those are massivo. I have 2 x White Widow at only 6 days old...how did you do this??!!
As stated I use 2ft, 4 bulb T5HO, 6" pots (1/2 gal I believe) filled with rockwool grow cubes, use GH flora series at 800+ ppm's, This grow I've been adding GH floralicious plus, 1ml per gal, but it's too expensive, will try GH floralicious bloom next time, feed only twice a day, no pumps, just hand feeding like regular house plants, filing pots then drains to a 5 gal bucket, reuse my nutes for 3 feedings then discard and mix new,
I never check my ppm's after feedings, just at mix, those pics believe it or not are just one plant, other I had was male and tossed it. temps, due to winter, range75 with lights on, 60 to 65 lights off, as you can see I have a makeshift trellis to lst them.