Who monitors humidity?


Weed Modifier
hey its not my fault u took it so seriously (this was like 6months ago get over it) it really did look like basil...i gotta good laugh out of it lol
So did allot of people...but no need to be a Dick! telling others.....vendor "like even if you know what that means"? wtf


New Member
Dang Dude!! Now thats some serious business right there! lol Do you use a dehumidifire?
i love humidity in veg i strive for 60 - 70 all the time in flowering i slowly lower keeping humidity at 60 - 70 i found problems when dropping humidity to fast in flower in first 2 weeks by week 6 i am in the 45 -50 till harvest as for your question i have a humidifier and de-humidifier and every indoor grower should

now with outside weather could be hot out , raining , snowing, or what ever your bringing fresh air in so what ever humidity is out side your bringing inside i am guesing lots of growers are bringing in air from another room which in turn will be prob 45 humidity
i my self like fresh outside air and plants love it as well



Well-Known Member
fuk rep LOL please, I HAVE A LIFE unlike u and the MODS took all my rep for cursing..plus i never come on here
Lmao yeah right it was probably taken for being an asshole as you are now I curse all the time and the mods have never bothered me actually they chime in so try a new excuse buddy stop spreading your negativity and let them get back to the humidity issue...oh opps I curse let's see if my rep drops...


Well-Known Member
Lmao yeah right it was probably taken for being an asshole as you are now I curse all the time and the mods have never bothered me actually they chime in so try a new excuse buddy stop spreading your negativity and let them get back to the humidity issue...oh opps I curse let's see if my rep drops...
im talking about calling someone a bitch FOR EXAMPLE not just random cursings


Well-Known Member
my first grow was way better then that and they call lime79 mr ganja WTF is that..he should get minus rep for cruelty to cannabis lol


Rebel From The North
cali your opion on the RH and it being higher when plants are close I believe is true! BUT this bashing of RIU members
aint cool, we all started out with less than good looking stuff. lets just call a cease fire and get back to the hum talk.


Well-Known Member
cali your opion on the RH and it being higher when plants are close I believe is true! BUT this bashing of RIU members
aint cool, we all started out with less than good looking stuff. lets just call a cease fire and get back to the hum talk.
yea but dude he attacked me first, i dont play that shit.. and he's obviously still learning but me; i've been there done that..sounds conceded but im telling u, i know my shit and posted to help not argue.


Rebel From The North
when I said this bashing on RIU members aint cool it goes for all! not just targeted at you! I like you have alot of time
and knowledge thats opion based not on paper knowledge.


Rebel From The North
I used your name to agree with the hum issue that sentence ended with the !
the rest was directed at the bashing.