Who monitors humidity?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Only ever had a thermometer, i broke that after a month. Never found a reason to moniter either over the past couple of years.


Rebel From The North
guess If your a person like me that never leaves a stone unturned when it come to the perfect setup then RH is important! theres is no dout
that you could grow without watching temp or RH but I feel that it would be like growing with watching PH or your PPM! so if you want to say
I did all I can! then take your RH serious!


Well-Known Member
don't moniter ppm either :D
i got a ppm meter but stopped using it cuz i already know what my ppm will be cuz im so use to it..i grow in coco so i feed every other day and when u deal with nutrient ppms that often u can pretty much guess what ur ppms are and be pretty close to ur actual ppm..same thing wit my ph..


Well-Known Member
I use a sunleave meter and the dehumidifier is digital and does tell the RH, but on top of all that the cap inviorment controll box is tripple controll.
Ive never disputed the RH being higher inside the folage! in fact ive pulled a set of fan leaves that were resting on another one and there was alot
of moisture droplets.
i like when people think out side the box like u..ive had the same issues with thick foliage and RH building up in the leaves..the meter might read 30% but if ur leafs are touching or almost touching then ur rh of ur foliage is about 20-30% higher..leaves carry and release moisture..now im a firm believer of thinning out plants and pruning before 12/12


Well-Known Member
don't moniter ppm either :D
i guess some people ae just lucky like that. id say monitoring ppm is important but not as necessary as monitoring humidity. as long as you work your way up slowly with you nutes there shouldnt be a problem. it is nice to know the ppm. sometimes i have problems with low humidity during the winter. it does slow my growth, but i dont use a humidifier. i do use a dehumidifier when it rises to far


Active Member
i like when people think out side the box like u..ive had the same issues with thick foliage and RH building up in the leaves..the meter might read 30% but if ur leafs are touching or almost touching then ur rh of ur foliage is about 20-30% higher..leaves carry and release moisture..now im a firm believer of thinning out plants and pruning before 12/12
I thought it was bad to trim plants unless the leaves are dead and then you should cut them off but other than that you shouldnt?


Rebel From The North
some do some dont, I dont but that dont mean its right or rong. what I do is I trim the lower stuff off to increase main cola production.
I your RH is high and you cant controll it, then some leaf removal might be a option to alow air movement!


New Member
Well not having a meter is not a good excuse, you can get one for as little as 1 dollar or possibly less.

Have I neglected to even look at my meter for entire grow cycles? yes indeed I have and it didn't cause me problems luckily, not humidity specifically.

but should you neglect your plants in any way it can lead to disaster! neglecting PH/TEMP/HUMIDITY is not a good practice and you should monitor at least all 3 on a daily basis and run a de-humidifier, but you can ignore all these and not have any problem, however you give the possibility of months of work for nothing by not paying attention. It is not worth it! Pay attention to your plants or you will one day face the consequence, if not this grow or the next 20 grows it will be the 21st grow.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was bad to trim plants unless the leaves are dead and then you should cut them off but other than that you shouldnt?
no its not bad at all..u just gotta know what to cut..look up PRUNING CANNABIS..i dont always prune my plants but if u have RH issues its a good idea..im growin JILLY BEAN right now and its a really bushy plant so i thinned it out pretty good.u dont want leaves layin on eachother so when i thin it out i look for the leaves that grow upward into other leaves


Well-Known Member
Well not having a meter is not a good excuse, you can get one for as little as 1 dollar or possibly less.

Have I neglected to even look at my meter for entire grow cycles? yes indeed I have and it didn't cause me problems luckily, not humidity specifically.

but should you neglect your plants in any way it can lead to disaster! neglecting PH/TEMP/HUMIDITY is not a good practice and you should monitor at least all 3 on a daily basis and run a de-humidifier, but you can ignore all these and not have any problem, however you give the possibility of months of work for nothing by not paying attention. It is not worth it! Pay attention to your plants or you will one day face the consequence, if not this grow or the next 20 grows it will be the 21st grow.
yea if growing hydroponically u should monitor it daily..soil and coco its almost impossible to monitor daily