WhoDat back at it.


Well-Known Member
Lol, Whodat. I feel you man. i have done exactly what you are doing. do you have perlite in you soil mix. It looks really thick. almost muddy, but i know you know better than that ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I kinda agree w/ T. Looks a little wet... but I'm not there seeing how fast they dry out, etc. When I've had problems with my seedlings it's always been because of too much moisture. You're a far better grower than I, though, so I'm just going to stand back and watch. For what it's worth, I've always had problems when I used party cups. I normally will use a slightly shallower pot that dries out faster. That's just me, though.

I'm sure you'll turn this thing around. Keep at it, fella.


Well-Known Member
I bet they pop back for you. If I were a plant, I'd want to pull through so I could stay in your garden.. I mean, we KNOW what's in store for them. :fire: Have a good one brosef.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty then, Im going to keep what I got going for now but Iv decided to start more seeds in a better medium. Ill be planting tonight.


What medium are you planning on going with. Im using sunshine advanced rain forest blend. Any advise on that one. Do you feel its any good.


Well-Known Member
same here, but sometimes if i have too, ill actually cut the rootball and retransplant in the same cup with more dirt, works well for me too, i use myco i'm sure they help with that.


Well-Known Member
same here, but sometimes if i have too, ill actually cut the rootball and retransplant in the same cup with more dirt, works well for me too, i use myco i'm sure they help with that.

I used the last of my greatwhite over the summer, I need some powdered myco but tea is a great micro boost by itself.


Well-Known Member
Its a blessing I have a few thousand seeds to work with.
Y'know I always knew you liked to show off but I didn't think you were "bragging" until you said that. lol j/k man

Those seedlings look a little wet, and that substrate looks a little heavy. That could have something to do with their burning. Solo cups are famous for water retention, and we have a love hate relationship in my grow room lol. My favorite seed starter is pro-mix, they love it, they LyleLovet. Kinda wish you could buy it in something other than a huge effin bale, but damn that bale lasts a long freakin' time!

Looking forward to the start of veg already, happy holidays.