WhoDat Sticky Trap


Well-Known Member
yea i have had similar to the buzz but not pure land race. i also had some strong ass ak in 99 had me paranoid as hell for hour every time i smoked it, and i had about a 1/3 out of an oz left i threw out the window coming around this big corner as you get to ft hood. there was like ten cops on the side of the road and it look like they had it blocked and i about shat my self grabbed the sack and tossed it. came around the corner and they had someone pulled over thought about going back but i would have looked funny stopping on the interstate and looking around with a ton of cops down the road.


Well-Known Member
Ummmmm.... Yea... Its pretty incredible. Oddly not so much paranoia for me. Racy for sure. Lol. I ingest ALOT of mmj though. The high, smell, taste, are all unlike anything ive smoked before. Love it. I want more for sure! Lol. We can do some real trading next time... Like the kind where im able to participate too! Lol.

Sorry that i will not see you tomorrow mo. Shit happens though. I wanted to see you again and meet chaka and fmily too. Maybe you all would come to a bbq at our place someday.... Lol :-).


Well-Known Member
It's not too bad on low doses. High doses and the paranoia factor kicks in :) The fresh Mulanje trim hash didn't seem to be as paranoia inducing as last years soloed Mulanje doobie. It will be interesting to see how it is received at the cup :)

Bummer! BBQ sounds great :)


Well-Known Member
Not sure Iv had 100% land race sativa, unless it was in some mexico brick weed. That shit always sucked though lol.

Plants on the way.


Well-Known Member
yea i am going to have to wait for that goodness not popping any seed for a good bit going to sort what i have and make a pile of new ones like Cp f3, BP f3, AK f2, FB f3, bp/dog bx, and more i am betting ;-)