Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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Well-Known Member
That doesn't answer the question, nor offer any kind of solution

Money, OK, so now what? Are you advocating nationalizing all healthcare?
No, I'm advocating that we stop using man-made chemicals for every single health issue because thinking they are superior to nature is absurd. Chemotherapy is ineffective more than 95% of the time and its #1 side effect is cancer, yet it's the #1 recommended treatment for cancer. Antidepressants are for the most part useless as well and in fact make matters a hell of a lot worse on top of coming with a list of side effects. If you're depressed, start taking quality vitamin D3 (10,000 IU), omega-3 w/ DHA, astaxanthin, probiotics. Exercise, get out in the sun, enjoy nature, stop using your stomach as a trashcan. Your brain cant work properly on taco bell, BW3's, soda, candy, junk food, processed food, etc. The pharmaceutical industry does not create cures, they create customers. Most doctors don't know shit about health or nutrition and they also commit suicide at much higher rates than the average person. It's about getting you on drugs and getting you out the door.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm advocating that we stop using man-made chemicals for every single health issue because thinking they are superior to nature is absurd. Chemotherapy is ineffective more than 95% of the time and its #1 side effect is cancer, yet it's the #1 recommended treatment for cancer.
There are dozens of different kinds of cancer, are you claiming that chemo is ineffective more than 95% of the time against ALL cancer?

Antidepressants are for the most part useless as well and in fact make matters a hell of a lot worse on top of coming with a list of side effects. If you're depressed, start taking quality vitamin D3 (10,000 IU), omega-3 w/ DHA, astaxanthin, probiotics. Exercise, get out in the sun, enjoy nature, stop using your stomach as a trashcan. Your brain cant work properly on taco bell, BW3's, soda, candy, junk food, processed food, etc. The pharmaceutical industry does not create cures, they create customers. Most doctors don't know shit about health or nutrition and they also commit suicide at much higher rates than the average person. It's about getting you on drugs and getting you out the door.
Pharmaceuticals are highly over prescribed, I agree, but to say that they are essentially useless is completely false. I'm guessing you've never experienced a condition that would require antidepressants, if you did you would know it's a simple chemical imbalance inside the patients brain, confirmed by medical science.


New Member
Kinetic calm down dude your like spitting on the monitor. Besides i cant stand bob sorry... I cant really identify with reggae and am not a total poser pretending to be from jamaica . I tend to not rip highjack other cultures you just look stupid like ICP or eminem


Well-Known Member
Ur the kinda ppl who used to force me flouride when I was in elementary school...explain that....why did u bring us all to the cafateria daily by the classroom n force ur to rinse w flouride?....I wanna no....n I have a lot of other ?s too....and considering theres stem cells from aborted human fetuses in vaccinations no I dont think ill b having any of those either thank u very much.
Your orthography is bewildering. Voted for Romney?


Well-Known Member
Oh buck rustled my jimmies for sure. I never thought ide have this problem on a weed board... I mean getting banned do to political opinions.. Because of monsanto self hating whites... Im in the twilight zone. Zimmy hendrix ... Brand purple drink
Due, not do.

Seriously. Why is it so hard?


New Member
Oh shit its a grammar rodeo ! Yeah when your that lame ill just laugh... I dunno maybe samsungs auto correct thought i meant do ? Its not like they know if your writing my rents due or writing righting wrongs are you smart enough to comprehend that ... Fucking nerds are so lame y! Did someone smack your glasses off your face


Well-Known Member
All right i soundly defeated both of you sheep and anyone watching this circle jerk witnessed your childish insults backed up by nothing . Imbiciles... Sheep ... Madness !!! Gmo defenders lol dont you dare insult capitalism either on a bud board.
This statement only shows you know nothing of debate. You are incapable of spelling imbecile correctly and are terrible with grammar. The only observation I see is that you are good at throwing around childish phrases deflecting any reach at a rational conversation.


Well-Known Member
Oh shit its a grammar rodeo ! Yeah when your that lame ill just laugh... I dunno maybe samsungs auto correct thought i meant do ? Its not like they know if your writing my rents due or writing righting wrongs are you smart enough to comprehend that ... Fucking nerds are so lame y! Did someone smack your glasses off your face
Good one kid. What, mom didn't put you in summer camp this year?


Well-Known Member
He also believes he has gone over his carbon footprint limit because of how much he travels! We have a limit? :dunce:
I don't know you at all, and already can say with almost certainty you do not read. Ever. You require pictures to get you through the day.


Well-Known Member
what a fucking moron you are calling out grammar ... And when you write shit like i will run train on you. You look fucking stupid. Live by the grammar police die bi da grammar policia! Bong bong mung!
You said nothing creative or constructive in that thought. You kiddo are a failure.


Well-Known Member
What a salty fucking nerd if i ever seen it. I was never calling out grammar so .... When you do and follow it up by bad grammar ide be salty too... I guess. Debate lets go . You got your dildo dictionary and thesaurus out but do you have any point ?
If you would like to intelligently debate, I am only offering suggestion you formulate your thoughts with better grammar and spelling. That is all.

Your responses thus far have only shown you are incapable of rational thought or debate. Your parents, I take it, do not value education, and therefore, neither do you.

I don't require a thesaurus or dictionary. I read.


New Member
Ok when you correct grammar its constructive... But when your shitty grammar is pointed out im a kiddo... Also bad grammar. Fucking sheep are comedy. Wanna be intellectual substituting vocabulary for a real IQ. Your lack of substance shines. And you made yourself look dumb " i run train on you" you forgot the a genious.


New Member
Keep reading twilight its hooking you up. I bet the ladies dig you when you correct thier grammar hang on theyar gramer maybe you can read that with your coke bottle glasses.


Well-Known Member
Ok when you correct grammar its constructive... But when your shitty grammar is pointed out im a kiddo... Also bad grammar. Fucking sheep are comedy. Wanna be intellectual substituting vocabulary for a real IQ. Your lack of substance shines. And you made yourself look dumb " i run train on you" you forgot the a genious.
C'mon kiddo, you can do much better than that. Seriously, that's all you got? Really?

Let's debate. Since you have offered such reprise. I agree that conspiracy theorists, like our very own jtprin, are quite the mental midget. From what I have gathered, you disagree. Please enumerate your points to the affirmative.

*Passes microphone over


New Member
I think you got it twisted im the dude uncle buck lied about and said i came from stormfront some bullshit site that him and kenetic know about but i didnt... Wow buck really now im going to be banned for pointing out bad grammar from the dude flaming people about grammar. Im waiting to be banned by you buck you must run this place. Keep on hating yourself .


Well-Known Member
I think you got it twisted im the dude uncle buck lied about and said i came from stormfront some bullshit site that him and kenetic know about but i didnt... Wow buck really now im going to be banned for pointing out bad grammar from the dude flaming people about grammar. Im waiting to be banned by you buck you must run this place. Keep on hating yourself .
RIU, meet Amerikaner.


Amerikaner, welcome to RIU. Enjoy your stay. However short it may be.


Well-Known Member
I think you got it twisted im the dude uncle buck lied about and said i came from stormfront some bullshit site that him and kenetic know about but i didnt... Wow buck really now im going to be banned for pointing out bad grammar from the dude flaming people about grammar. Im waiting to be banned by you buck you must run this place. Keep on hating yourself .
why do you think i hate myself just because i'm white?

and why do you think whites are made to feel ashamed of themselves?


New Member
I have like twenty likes in one day and always try to help out when i can . You just hate the fact people like me are free to be on the internet and if your liberal nazi ass had your way only liberal intellectual wanna bes could cirkle jerk all day on boards. Got a wife or a husband or a life ?
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