Well-Known Member
Good post Zen!Well thats kind of true, stock went up for like Alliant and other companies that produce missile systems post 2001. Dealers of death will always profit from war, but did the government do all this for them?
What got us out of the Great Depression was for multiple reasons. For one, huge numbers of population went overseas which thus lessened the demand for jobs. Jobs were created to build tanks, airplanes, bullets, guns, ect. (Do you really see any of that now?) Ford stop making cars and went right to tanks. But most of all, it was only because United States' infrastructure and industrial capacity, that was untouched during the war, were the only one available to sell to the known world. Basically, everyone bought from the U.S. because their war-torn countries couldn't produce what they needed and that created a huge boom in our economy which propelled us to be the super power.
I hope the next administration cuts back on government power and goes more to state's rights.

I thought Cheney was the CEO of Haliburton? Hmm.. It seems like enough incentive to me.
YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc
YouTube - US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR
911 was an inside job! Time to read the rest of the thread